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Walter confetti

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About Walter confetti

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    most certainly i made a map for the community project you playin
    Why don't I have a custom title by now?!

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  1. Played some Maps a little last night, really impressive stuff guys!
  2. If more IWADS are aviable to be used, it could be better imo. But for not messing up too much the things, the way it was done it's good. Oh well, i could always trying to do my own take! A way to better understand what slot use for their mashups is to create a list of what maps are free to use here on OP or in the levels sheet, it's a good idea? I played yesterday the E4MAP01 mashup, cool map and both levels are recognizable somehow, i didn't understand what the secret Blue key does, as well as the broken BIGDOOR2 in the E4M1 outdoor area, are the things connected? While i'm pretty tempted to join this, i'm not sure i'll do It... Maybe in the future? I was thinking of a good pair to join as well... Also, talking about maps with in-game special assets (ExM8, MAP07, MAP32 keen special), they follow the same rules you gave for MAP30 (remove the main fight/gimmick from the chosen map)? Or they can be mashed up in a new way, with the main gimmick modified for the occasion?
  3. Deviled by MysteriousHaruko - GZDoom, Doom 2, 1 map, SP, 2018, played with GZDoom 4.11.3 on UV Didn't i have already played a cruder versions of this map as two different speedmaps? Some layout parts reminds me something i already played in a Abyssal session or some other place. Otherwise, this is very nifty map made for the popular Vinesauce Mapping Contest held back by Joel in 2017/8 with a new awesome palette (it's from... Stardate i think?) where a hub of 3 different worlds with new music from TNT and by Mark Klem. Difficulty is stimulating but overall pretty fun and not that grindy. Very fun map overall. DOOM Music Editor by Bill Nelsius - Sound Editor, DOS, 1994 A ancient command line for replacing and extracting the music files made by the same guy who made Dehacked, this software works only with the Doom main wad or PWAD files, i remember to have found this long ago in some Shovelware disk i own and to have used this during the make of this, then abandoned because i found it too clunky to use. BCDM2 by BC Clan - Skulltag, Doom 2, 10 maps, DM and CTF, 2008, played with Zandronum 3.1 and bots + skulltag-content beta 3.pk3 Another thing i played years ago and well, this is something unusual. A 10 map DM jokewad with a concept i wanted to do once in my life, a good layout maps with crazy texturing and this thing is that and even more stuff to annoy and destroy you emotionally, visually and physically. Weird effects on each sectors? Yes. Annoying blinking lights all around same looking hallways? Check. Weird progressions and game breaking bugs? Absolutely. Insane texturing and music choices? You Betcha! But overall it is... a interesting experience, like playing UDM and The Sky May Be together at once. It's crazy but sometimes fun, some maps are REALLY annoying to the level you want to give up in life. The Hexen Lighthouse by Your name here - Vanilla Hexen, 1 map, DM, 1996, played with zandronum 3.1 and bots Last map of the day, it's a medium sized DM map that looks to have nothing to do with decent DM play but the SP experience was kinda of cool. The level is set in the titlar lighthouse that uses a interesting sector lighting effect, search the different areas with the "bots" here interpreted by the miniboss monsters that replaces the different players in their different stages (the mage in a Stonehenge like arena, the cleric in a church and the barbarian fighter in a kitchen. Oooook....), beath them to get key, throw down the lighthouse and exit the map. A ok map overall.
  4. Skipped a pair of maps that have 200+ monsters, didn't want to do them now, sorry. bcs01 by Brian and Craig Sparks - Vanilla Doom 2, SP, 1 map, 1995, played with DSDA-Doom on UV difficulty A small level made by two brothers with some cute small sector art and detailing, pretty squarish looking layout but the level is clean and nicely realized and with balanced fights. Unluckily, this map misses of pretty important things like the yellow skull key for the exit door and inescapable pits. How charming. Days of Xornox The Earth Place by Frank Laing - Vanilla Doom 2, SP, 4 maps, 1998, played with DSDA-Doom on UV difficulty The second "Xornox" mapset I've encountered in these series, this time sets in the fabulous lands of Cheese Phobos where mountainous areas that tries to be the outdoor lands of Roger Ritenour "Earth", but failing on it. The levels are kinda easy despite big amount of monsters but the heavy usage of megaspheres and invuln spheres with big cell packs made me think of a older version of Junkfood,but more easier and less fun. I don't get the shooting walls gimmick of final MAP04.
  5. Oh boy, this will be so cursed! E1M9fm.zip Title: The cemetery Author: Walter Build time: A pair of hours
  6. Title of your work: Monaster Brawl Author: Walter Game: Hexen - Beyond Heretic (1995) Description: A deathmatch map for Hexen sets in a small outpost over a sea of lava,the thing placement it really shows that i'm the Jon Snow of Hexen imo. Jumping and crouching required! Download link: boc-hdm.zip Source port: Zdoom (tested with GZDoom 4.11.3 and zandronum 3.1) Level slot(s): MAP01 New assets: New graphic sky from mechadon box of skies, new music taken from VAMUS1.WAD (Batman movie theme), MAPINFO for combining all Screenshot:
  7. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/s-u/shovl11 A final release for idgames. Didn't found a way to fix the node mess of MAP02, unlickily.
  8. It's on the archives, hooray! https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/megawads/30ydumed
  9. Looks pretty cool from the screenshots! Especially the second one!
  10. Thanks for the review! And yes, MAP01 it's by Joe but i don't remember now who made MAP04....
  11. Boy, compiling all these random texture packs must be a nightmare!
  12. Actually, i was thinking about a PSX Community project more than a speedmap excersize too...
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