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About mammajamma

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  1. You could easily justify Doom 6 as Doomguy dying from exhaustion fighting Davoth (not unlike the legend of the battle of Marathon where the dude dropped dead after announcing a Greek victory), and just respawning somewhere else. Considering what happens at the end of Knee-Deep in the Dead and various lore items in Eternal implying that he has some Lovecraftian "can never truly die" curse going on, it's pretty simple to assume that the Makyrs threw a damn corpse into that sarcophagus.
  2. Do you have plans for a UDB config for RAMP that organizes the OTEX and 32in24 textures into their respective categories?
  3. I mentioned 6'3" because MachineGames modeled BJ Blazkowicz in nuWolf partially after Brock Lesnar (same height). Assuming Doomguy is a canon descendant of BJ, I figure it's the same.
  4. About 6'3", 6'8" is when he's wearing the suit (accounting for helmet padding and the jump jet boots under his feet)
  5. More wads that are balanced for keyboard/gamepad play, particularly in the vein of the classic 90's megawads and NRTFL.
  6. Have you ever played Resident Evil 4? The reason the sprites are the way they are is because it gives the illusion that it's third-person.
  7. There's a very simple way to keep the Slayer arc going while still addressing the criticisms of modern Doomguy being too OP: You know how he went back into the Divinity Machine at the end of TAG2? Just make up some shit about how he intentionally debuffed himself because he's sick of being treated as a god.
  8. Frankly, before id does anything, Microsoft should get them away from the Zenimax corporate structure as soon as humanly possible. id Software as a developer is on the same level of prestige, influence, and consistent critical/commercial success as Nintendo EAD and Rockstar North, and they don't deserve to be a subsidiary of a subsidiary. Shit, Zenimax as a corporation only survived past 2017 based solely on id properties/engines and Doom hype.
  9. Have you considered adding Doom Retro's random pitch system where each thing/monster has their own seperate pitch instead of just having it happen with every sound effect?
  10. I'd also like to know the current actor limits too, last I checked it was around 100.
  11. Not necessarily a joke, just insult to injury. He was out stationed somewhere, and after the events of Doom 1, the demons invaded earth from his own hometown, killed his family, and stuck the family pet's head on a spike outside city limits to taunt him.
  12. I mean, it's only one of the greatest games of all time. I'd expect nothing less.
  13. Davoth is basically "not-Satan" and Satan is known traditionally as the "Prince of Lies". The fact that the Slayer killed Davoth yet didn't die proved that he was full of shit. This shit is confusing because id had to contractually rush out a full season pass while the entire world was fucked by a pandemic at the same time. Honestly I'd rather let Microsoft have id take their time and release some later "Ancient Gods: Directors Cut" that touches up some of the art and expands on the story.
  14. It's probably whatever the fuck Doomguy's probably dreaming up while in stasis in the Divinity Machine until he gets out the next Doom game (or guest appearance, a "Hey, I feel like competing in a Tekashi's Challenge show with a bunch of blobs, probably go beat the shit out of Sephiroth too but I'm not sure yet" kind of thing) You don't kill thousands of monsters without it burning into your psyche in some fashion.
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