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About ipaqmaster

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  1. That was awesome loved piecing all the bits together. The double shotgun hallway in map08 was sick
  2. Great map. I don't think I've heard that song since Invasion UAC which was the late 2000s
  3. Any time - No, sorry to leave you hanging. I picked this up in a marathon of wads to check out. In standard evening procedure I dragged them into the favorite. Though - even in my initial borked run the enjoyment was enough to compliment. Most of the maps were perfectly fine. I went back through the ones I had trouble with in DSDA and complevel 9 immediately after that comment rather than moving onto the next wad for the evening. I probably should have edited that in sooner or waited to comment in the first place. Oh well. Anyway... The effort in this is outstanding and I loved it a lot. Thanks!
  4. Funny, creative and high effort maps in one wad with great music. The email segment got me good lmao. Title game was strong. There were a few maps and areas where I got stuck or couldn't get them to start properly in RC1.3. map23 gave me a bit of a headache but powered through it. Computer didn't seem to like map33 - doom pinned a a single core to 100% with <1fps trying to handle everything. Freezing monsters seemed to resolve it so I imagine there was a lot of things thinking. Great use of an evening.
  5. Glad I finally got around to playing this one it was great fun and well made. I was walking around map04 trying to figure out where to begin before checking tab and realizing it was an ending level lol
  6. Love the pistol sound was and was tapping it for a beat wasting all my ammo. I had a lot of trouble on map01's 4th switch but with enough loads and strafestrafing at it I made it up there. The map was a good opportunity to introduce the damaging aqua floor texture which made appearances in the following maps either from the beginning or as the map changed. Early map02 I had issues managing ammo despite best efforts. I feel this wouldn't feel so tough if the melee (Axe) did a bit more damage for the sprite. I found myself jumping into dangerous new areas just for the next gun. I can appreciate the map being designed to introduce a challenge only as you enter a new area and activate it. Backtracking the other direction into the was a major improvement but I ultimately had to treat ammo pretty special. Despite the map seeming dead quiet for about 10 minutes, I was unable to find the final trick to open the level exit columns before running out of time tonight.
  7. Awesome. That kind of meta game ending did cross my mind but I wanted to be sure. I opened it in Slade wondering what the empty E1M8 file was about and that was the only conclusion
  8. That was quite the ride. Is it supposed to error and end with `no player 1 start` for E1M8?
  9. Looked through this too with Slade. I can see the skybox you're talking about but was unable to find any references to that SP_FACE1 cylinder skybox. I can only imagine it's a secret which gets activated through gameplay or may just be dereferenced.
  10. 10/10, I hope it gets a Cacoward because this experience is surreal. An outstanding tribute to Tom. I heard about this wad recently through Vinny (Vinesauce)'s video on it (A fellow doom enjoyer) and after hearing the backstory behind this one I paused to experience the single map wad myself blind and I'm glad I did. I'm on a decent PC and even my which gave hint to the adventure I was walking into. I've been playing doom and keeping a tab on community wads since I were a kid over 20 years ago and this is the kind of awesome work I still stick check in for. A masterclass map design experience oozing with high attention to detail and subtle behavior. Phenomenally well done with an outstanding use of modern mapping trickery too. I got a minor spook at one point and died noticing even more detail (And maybe a hint to bioshock infinite) as I went along. An outstanding tribute and experience which happens to be in the doom engine. I loved the audio work and especially the later ambience I'd love to officially support the OST somehow. Also loved the custom messages in response to various cheat code toggles but also the undeniable 10/10 comedy if you try to
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