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About Snakes

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  1. That's the one - thank you! I remembered Green being in the name, but was never able to piece the whole title together. Much appreciated!
  2. Might be a question for some of the older guard - I've been trying to locate and old Doom comic. If memory serves correctly, it was kind of a Beetle Bailey-style comic with an imp and revenant going through a bootcamp with other forces of Hell. Can't remember many of the specifics, but it got a couple of good laughs out of me back when I was a college drunkard. Does anyone else remember this? You are also welcome to dismiss as the ramblings of an old man. My mind may be slipping, but I swear this was a thing...
  3. Oh my God, I'm back again! Congrats to all 2021 Cacowards winners! I will continue to open Doombuilder and cry between sessions of enjoying your magnificent work
  4. Five is tricky, but I'll do my best (but am counting two-parters as one): The Drumhead (TNG) Chain of Command (TNG) Tapestry (TNG) All Good Things... (TNG) In the Pale Moonlight (DS9) Wow... this is super-TNG heavy, but I like DS9 more as a whole. In the Pale Moonlight is one of my favorite episodes of TV ever, though, so there's that, I suppose. OS and VOY both had some really good episodes, but I'm not sure I'd put any of them in my top 10, let alone 5.
  5. Only one pwad is needed to no longer be considered to be a poseur, and that is end1.wad
  6. When I was in the early stages of discovering new wads, HR13's blue key trap murdered me a few dozen times for sure. That's my first memory I have of really feeling stuck
  7. Snakes

    Doom Streams

    Very self-indulgent (and likely short) stream for Doom's birthday as I try and put a mental hurdle to rest. Playing Unholy Realms and talking about influences, ideas, and a shitton of self-criticism: https://www.twitch.tv/snakesyafilthyanimal
  8. Yeah man, I tell ya what man. That dang ol' Doom, man. You just go on there and point and click. Talk about I-D-K-F-A. An' lotsa demons on there man. Click. Click. Click. It's real easy, man. Congrats to all and to the game of Doom for being 27 and still kickin!
  9. Awful news - hurts that much worse when it's someone so young. My condolences to all his loved ones.
  10. Snakes


    No sufficient words to describe awe
  11. Seriously, i've spent 5 years of my life as a member of this godforesaken toilet? Damn...

    To recap shit that's happened:
    -Released first wad
    -Graduated college
    -Started getting noticed for some pretty okay maps
    -Got first 'real' job
    -Got second 'real' job
    -Won Cacoward
    -Got a new comp, car, and even lazier than before
    -Turned 27, starting to realize I'm losing touch with the young'ns

    It's kind of mind-blowing to think that I've been hovering around these boards for 5 years without any truly long breaks. I guess I don't hate some of you guys as much as I thought I did!

    In all seriousness, you're some cool dudes and I've never lasted more than like... 6 months on a forum without unceremoniously leaving the community. Good work, everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Snakes


      It is and I'm glad it didn't go unnoticed :)

      That's my favorite Bowie song.

    3. SyntherAugustus


      Heh you just reminded me what this place was like 12 years ago (and hell, what I was like).

    4. Catpho


      And then snakes leaves unceremoniously,what a vicious cycle :P

  12. Yo Doomworld. Been while since I did one of these blog thingamajigs, but there's been a few fun events going on in my life of late... Well, mostly just small-scale stuff, but whatever. Activities a'happening:

    -Firstly, I've been partaking in a podcast known as In the Name of Game, which is basically a couple of gamers getting together and shooting the shit about the latest 'n greatest of videogame news. I've become something of a 'substitute host' for whenever one of the normal 4 aren't available, and it's a good time. Feel free to listen if you want. If not, that's cool too.

    -I'll be taking a vacation to my hometown of St. Louis, MO from May 25th to June 2nd. I'll be hitting up all of the craft-breweries that have sprouted up in that area that weren't there way back when (Civil Life, Perennial, Urban Chestnut, etc.). Should be fun.

    -Progress is happening on UR, but it's happening at the pace of a snail in molasses. Hope it's done around mid-October. I'll make it happen.

    -Started playing System Shock 2. I've never played this whole way through before. Very promising start though, to say the least. Looking forward to getting through this game and finally having the experience I should have had years ago.

    -Editing my screenplay draft for the final time. I don't have unrealistic expectations about making money from this, but it's something I've always wanted to do and am satisfied to finally done so. If anything were to come from it, it'd be the whipped cream on my morning coffee.

    Soooo yeah, that's my life of late. Last I checked, there were no STL Doomers, but I do know there are System Shock fans out there and I'd like to politely request you don't post any spoilers.

    Like I said lots of little, but for me personally, interesting things going on. Feel free to comment on anything. I'm sure I'll have plenty to babble about during/after my trip to STL.

  13. Woke up this morning to the realization that is my quarter-centennial. Yippie. This also mean I'm nearing 3 years on this site (INB4 "get back to me when you've been here 10").

    Spent the weekend chilling with the family and took a day off of work today. Good times abound.

    UR isn't done yet. Goddamn it.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. exp(x)


      Hooray! I'll drink some beer for you.

    3. Mechadon


      Happy 25th Snakes! I'm right there with ya for now :P

    4. Snakes


      Thanks, everyone! Except maybe you, Joshy :P

      DoomUK said:

      What's UR btw?

      Just some dumb wad I've been working on for the last 30 mont- 30 months?! Holy fuck.

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