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Remilia Scarlet

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Everything posted by Remilia Scarlet

  1. Earlier I had a dream where my mom asked me to teach her how to use a new pistol she got "on clearance" since I've shot guns before. She was planning to shoot a tornado that was likely coming for our house. The pistol had a removable backside that, when removed, revealed a slide-out tray like on staplers that you loaded bullets onto. It also had a socket set hidden in it for some reason. I found this more strange than shooting a tornado with a pistol for some reason.
  2. I'm alive!  I had a bit of a break from Doom.  Everything is fine, I just needed time off from mapping and being social around here.

    1. Biodegradable


      Praise Satan, The Dark Mother of Spooky Doom Aesthetics lives!

    2. LadyMistDragon


      Hah, I knew the delay with the latest version of k8 could not have helped matters!

    3. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      It has not, no ^_^;  Still waiting on ticket 51480cab21.  If I have time (and energy), I may try to patch it myself and then just submit a patch.  It wouldn't be the first time I've submitted to K8, and it'd honestly be rather fun.  Otherwise I'm in no rush, really.  I have plenty of other stuff to work on for the time being.

  3. When I was a kid I had scrolling credits at the end of a dream once. I woke up once the credits finished. I think some Muppet-like things were chatting in the background as the credits rolled.
  4. Me? Mapping in vanilla format? Doing oldschool-feeling limit-removing stuff? It's more likely than you think. (Screenshot taken in K8 just because).
  5. Updated to v1.1! This is a small update that lets you skip quickly through the intro story text, and has just very small tweaks to the map. OP has the new link. Eschatology 2 ended up being slightly delayed, but it's essentially finished now. I am, however, waiting for a new K8Vavoom release before I release part 2, as it relies on some pending bug fixes. So please be patient ^_^ Ahahaha thank you! I think I missed this edit the first time around. I've grown fond of using them not just as a "big scary monster, shoot it", but as something more. I think my time in Quake and Doom 64 has been the influence for the mainly.
  6. I've been holding off on releasing Eschatology 2 (which is finished) due to a bug in the current K8Vavoom build that impacts it.  The bug is minor - certain sound sequences aren't triggering, so some door-like things are silent - but it's important enough to me that I'm just going to wait.  I think Ketmar mentioned something about going back to K8Vavoom in August or September, so it shouldn't be much longer anyway.


    In the meantime, I'm just tinkering with some texture packs, programming, and attempting to not overheat.

  7. Unless you're using PXE to boot (which uses TFTP, a derivative of FTP), I don't think there's any reason to make new FTP services in this day. But it's still a perfectly cromulent network protocol for transferring files if security isn't a concern. If some site has FTP for downloading files and it works fine for that site... "if it ain't broke don't fix it." When it comes to uploading, though, I hope to see things continue to move away from FTP, just based on experience. If you're starting a new service, then I don't think there's any real reason to use FTP. If you need security, I'd use SFTP or SCP instead (or rsync over SSH if you need to actually sync stuff). It'll probably go the way Gopher has gone and just become a protocol used by enthusiasts. Which I guess means I should set up an FTP server since I use Gopher and Gemini.
  8. The Thing Godzilla (1954 Japanese version) Psycho
  9. I desperately need to color my hair back to black.
  10. My first was an Atari 7800, though I mostly had 2600 games. Then came a Genesis, my favorite <3
  11. I think the character introductions work better if you watch Breaking Bad first.
  12. I really like it for the most part. The last season feels a bit drag-on-y, but otherwise I love it. Better Call Saul is fucking awesome as well. Relevant:
  13. Hmm, it's a three-way tie between stegosaurus, the common raven, and penguins for me.
  14. 1. Quake 2. Doom 3. Doom 64 4. Touhou Project 5. Robotron 2084 6. Metroid Prime 7. Satisfactory 8. Ranger-X 9. Mass Effect 2 10. Tempest 2000
  15. Eschatology 2 will be delayed just a few days, probably like Sunday or so. I have mental health stuff going on, among other things ^_^;



  16. Huh, til backquotes are obsolete. Also, I now batch convert things to WAV with my midi123 synth I wrote. Just `midi123 -s soundfont.sf2 *.[mM][iI][dD]` and it renders everything in parallel without excessive memory usage. I converted the entire ROTT soundtrack in 13 seconds this way on my machine, heh.
  17. Sweet!! I'm not someone who usually listens to podcasts, but I am definitely going to make an exception for this one.
  18. ngl, Pong is still a damn fun game to play with another person. I also still have fun with various 2600 titles, like Jungle Hunt (I actually prefer the 2600 version, even), Centipede, Yar's Revenge, Demon Attack, Mouse Trap, and Beamrider. My first console was a 7800, and I was given a TON of 2600 games for it, so I started my video game adventures with these. Also, Tombstone City on TI-99/4a (my first computer). That game is still a badass. I love old games lol
  19. Change the compatibility settings to Windows 8. That worked on my wife's laptop.
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