There's a line between tastefully done retro graphics like Shovel Knight or Ion Fury, which try to make the best out of their self-imposed limitations, and stuff with no effort, like most indies with a retro aesthetic, most just go to the conclusion that low res/poly = retro without understanding how to properly do art under those limitations, thus making games that just look incorrect, like all the indies that use texture warping to simulate PS1 graphics, yet they tend to have even more warping than those games, while some PS1 devs of the era tried to reduce texture warping as much as possible by adding more triangles to a wall as you got closer to it.
Games like Dusk or STRAFE just look ugly to me, not retro, HROT and Ion Fury look properly retro.
That would be the case if indie devs didn't used modern engines with a ton of overhead.