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About ptoing

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  1. Hey Ptoing you do have Discord right?

  2. Heya, I am the one who did the art for the EE hud. I would be fine with a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license being applied to it.
  3. Calling me a mapper is very generous, lol :D
  4. I like Doom Eternal, but let's see how things look in say like 5 years or so. We will still be here, but most people who have played it wont go back to it repeatedly, like people do with stuff like the OG Dooms and Quake, because modding and all that.
  5. So nice to see stuff for EE. Keep up the good work. Played up to mid of map03 so far. Great stuff, even though I am getting my ass kicked even on HNTR.
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