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About AirRaid

  • Rank
    Graphics Zealot
    Forum Staple

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  1. I have curiosity, do you still owning that wad you made in 2001?

  2. It would be nice if you came by to visit, but, you know how these IRL situations work. So no hurry.

  3. Fwoot. 4 tickets to Maiden's only UK show on their Somewhere Back in Time tour. The one where they're recreating the Powerslave tour stage set and effects. Fucking £55 a ticket, but hell, I can live with that to see them play Aces High live.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BoldEnglishman


      Danarchy said:

      For a metal band, they aren't bad. Run to the Hills and Number of the Beast are pretty sweet.

      Especially considering that this band is incredibly influential in metal. I hear traces of their music in LOADS of other bands material, particularly Power Metal.

    3. Coopersville


      On the topic of buying concert tickets, I bought King Diamond tickets a few months back, and they just cancelled on me =/

    4. AirRaid


      exp(x) said:

      What the hell was that crap they dubbed over a maiden video?

  4. So I was driving back from the supermarket, and some girl on her pushbike on the pavement chooses the exact moment when im going past her to fall off. Into the road. I dont think it was her fault, looked like her front wheel hit something and she just fucked over. But I had about 10 feet to swerve and avoid her, while also avoiding oncoming traffic. At 40 MPH. I didnt hit her or the other car though, so I'm quite proud. I think the only reason my reactions were so quick is because I play so many games. So this is conclusive proof that video games save lives, instead of causing deaths.

    Fuck you, Mr Thompson.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sharessa


      Heh, I sometimes perform maneuvers in my car that I learned in GTA3. I think GTA3 kind of trained me in driving because I was playing a lot of it while learning how to drive.

    3. AirRaid


      Bloodshedder said:

      40 mph = 58.67 fps = 1/3 second to cover 20 feet.

      Sounds about right. A second is a long time in a situation like that.

    4. Ichor
  5. ...Yep. I'm going to the GB leg of the WRC in wales next week! Meeeting up with a bunch og guys I've never met before to go stand in a field watching crazy people drive crazily. Sounds like fun to me!

    Anyone else going?

    P.S. Pritch look at your damn phone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lupinx-Kassman


      lol, I think pritch disintegrated a long time ago along with Doomboy, Shadowrunner, and cyb :D

    3. Bucket


      They're all busy working on their megawads. Obviously.
      Which is what I should be doing, actually.

      Well, good night.

    4. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      Pritch hasn't disappeared, he's just migrated to Facebook.

  6. <danarchy> [img-pbfbirthday.jpg]

    Ok, got that out of the way.

    I'm having a LAN party today. Mostly HL DM and Coop, UT and probably some Doom Coop. Should be fun.

    1. Bucket


      If you're talking Sven Co-op, count me in.

    2. AirRaid


      Of course I'm talking Sven Co-op. :P There is no other way worth mentioning.

    3. Fredrik


      Happy birthday!

  7. Hooray! My first major injury. I accidentally lopped a chunk off my left index finger while chopping carrots. It hurt like hell and I lost like half a pint of blood. Then I had to go wait 2 and a half hours in a hospital before I could get seen. Bleh.

    I knew I shouldn't have kept those knives so sharp. :P

    Edit: I took off about this much. Not too much but I'll end up with a funny lookin' finger. :/

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Kenny McCormick

      Kenny McCormick

      I work fast food, which by the way you should never work if you can help it, bad for the back and exhausting. Anyways, I keep thinking I'm gonna lose a finger whenever I have to chop lettuce.
      Just my luck it'll happen today....

      ....accidentaly you guys, duh.

    3. Bucket


      Janderson said:

      You might think I'm a freak, but now that I'm afraid of cutting my fingers off I don't stick my fingers through the hinge part of the door anymore, kinda wierd I know :(

      I know from experience that your everyday door isn't heavy enough to pinch off even a pile of cartilage, such as your nose-- even on the hinge side.
      But it can sting like a bitch.

    4. Sharessa


      My mom and dad and their friends were into motorcycles when they were in high school. They had one friend that I met before who decided he was going to save time when cleaning his bike chain. His idea would be that if the chain was moving he could just hold a cloth to it and it would clean it. Well...he did so and th chain tore his thumb right off. The funny thing is that the first thing he said was "hey, now I have a draft deferrment!"

      And now he only has half a thumb.

  8. I just got a call from my local supermarket, offering me a job. I now get to work from 9pm to 7am stacking shelves and stuff.

    Well at least I don't have to deal with customers..

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Quast


      AirRaid said:

      I think you'll find he is a lawyer.

      I may have to disagree here.

    3. Job


      AirRaid said:

      I think you'll find he is a lawyer.

      I wouldn't want him to defend me. I bet he's the type that's state-furnished. I'll represent myself, thanks.

    4. Sharessa


      AirRaid said:

      I think you'll find he is a lawyer.

      If I ever got him as a lawyer, I'd think I'd try to call for a mistrial.

  9. I bought some Ant poison the other day and the bottle has a picture of ants on it.


    1. DOOM Anomaly

      DOOM Anomaly

      Just for the less-informed. :D

    2. Shaviro


      Ants + ants + ants....wouldn't that make some kind of super-ant?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. zark


      Mug of Doom? First thing I thought of when I saw that title was this:

    3. insertwackynamehere
    4. Infinite Ammunition

      Infinite Ammunition

      this beats my shower gel by a million years, i hate you :(

  10. This happened last saturday, but reading Dans last blog reminded me. The only real mentionable thbing was the 7 and a half hours straight of Worms World Party we played. Out of which I lost like 4 rounds. :P

    ...Yay. Or something. You decide.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      goodness me, 'es all grown up.

    3. Xenaero


      Already said happy bday in the channel, here i'll say one year closer to death. ;D

    4. gatewatcher
  11. So today I signed the tenancy agreement on a house I'll be renting with my girlfriend... First time I've ever had my own place. :D It's only a small 1 bedroom house, but it's still awesome. And since I'll no longer have a stupidly firewalled internet connection I can go back to idling in IRC all the time. Well. In April, which is when we move in. Booya!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Amaster


      Im still trying to find an apartment :/

    3. Kid Airbag

      Kid Airbag

      I'm still trying to get out of high school :/

    4. AirRaid


      Lüt said:

      Depends if the rent:satisfaction ratio is better than your previous location.

      I currently don't pay any rent. :P But it'll definitely be better than where I am, and cetainly better than where I was before this.

      Numbermind said:

      Having the girlfriend there would certainly help to balance the ratio.

      Yes. Yes it will. Even if I already live with her.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bucket


      In School 2?

      Well, smack my ass and call me Willy.

    3. pritch



    4. AirRaid


      Numbermind said:

      In School 2?

      Well, smack my ass and call me Willy.

      No, VB. Venice Beach.

  12. Yeah prepare for thy doom in a few days, cos I went and rashly spent £300 tonight on a 6800 GT. :D Yay for University grants. ¬_¬

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AirRaid


      What manufacturer did you buy? Mine's PNY... and they put the Molex power socket in a really dumb place, which means it almost doesnt fit in my case, with the power plug in.

    3. insertwackynamehere


      It's gonna be weird in like 3 years everyone will be able to play DoomIII on ultra resolution with no problem, and have 32 player FFAs without any lag, on a good server.

    4. Bloodshedder

  13. New Personal best for me, and I believe a new world record for the level. Raaaawwwwwwrrrrrr.

    Shut up ralphis.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Bucket


      You and everyone else on the planet. You go online and it's the only fucking level anyone plays. Everybody does pretty much the same damn line, over and over. But you seem to be proud, so congratulations.

      Reminds me of a conversation I had while I was hosting a game with my Baja maps:

      XXXX: hey put on russia
      ME: no
      XXXX: why not
      ME: because i'm hosting my maps
      XXXX: yeah, let's take a vote then
      ME: no... no vote, because the name of the room is called "BAJA MAPS"
      ME: and that's what the maps are going to be
      XXXX: so? u can change the room name from the menu
      ME: perhaps i'm not making myself clear

      *XXXX has been removed from the game.*

    3. Ralphis


      Numbermind said:

      You and everyone else on the planet. You go online and it's the only fucking level anyone plays. Everybody does pretty much the same damn line, over and over. But you seem to be proud, so congratulations.

      Reminds me of a conversation I had while I was hosting a game with my Baja maps:

      XXXX: hey put on russia
      ME: no
      XXXX: why not
      ME: because i'm hosting my maps
      XXXX: yeah, let's take a vote then
      ME: no... no vote, because the name of the room is called "BAJA MAPS"
      ME: and that's what the maps are going to be
      XXXX: so? u can change the room name from the menu
      ME: perhaps i'm not making myself clear

      *XXXX has been removed from the game.*


    4. Fredrik


      AirRaid said:

      You've spent years playing Doom have you not? (so have we all I'd hope) Don't try and take theliteral route of "years of playtime" because you know that's not what I meant. :P

      I was thinking Pluto years.

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