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About mattjoes

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  1. I signed in just to like this post. I rarely sign in.
  2. Lee, just wanted to wish you well and say that over the last few months, I've completely fallen in love with your version of Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary from Rise of the Triad. I know it's not your composition, but the arrangement is absolutely brilliant: how the slow-paced first half leads to the uptempo second half, the brass, the percussion and especially that exquisite bass line... the track both respects and complements Purcell's work. Remarkable stuff.
  3. I played the first couple of levels of this many years ago, but didn't care for it very much. I remember thinking it was okay, but the layouts were fairly basic. I wouldn't mind giving it another try, especially to see that pit (illusio-pit?) with the Cyberdemons that was mentioned before, and which sounds like it reaches Machiavellian levels of trollishness. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost my copy (lol).
  4. I wanted to give you people the exact quotes from Romero regarding Hellion and Quake. From PC Gamer UK, issue 391 (January 2024), page 43: He doesn't outright say it, but it sounds like perhaps he wants to get Hellion out by next year. That's a hell(ion) of a lot of levels to make though. From this interview featured on Bethesda's Slayers Club:
  5. He recently said Hellion will be followed by a Quake episode.
  6. I'm going to bump this thread, as it's the latest discussion I could find on this subject (forgive me if I missed a more recent one). I'm halfway through a recent megawad in Hurt Me Plenty, and at this point, every map appears to have at least 300 monsters in it. Now, each level goes on and on and on... endless traps, endless Revenant shrieks, endless Arch-Vile flames on my face. Endless armies to battle. Some maps begin in a small hallway and turn out to be these huge places. Other begin in an already giant courtyard. I find it so tiresome. A few (only a few) of my favorite WADs I've played over the years feature some really large maps. That isn't why I enjoy them, but I don't mind too much, as I find their other qualities more than compensate for that fact. Also, I've grown accustomed to them, so I can happily play them again and let a sense of familiarity, along with their other good qualities, carry me through. However, I now feel I can't really enjoy any new WADs that are epic in size. They're nicely made, for sure, and good-looking, but they're just exhausting. I don't have the inclination to put in the time and effort in exploring them to the extent they demand from me. For me, the ideal Doom map isn't a sprawling epic. It's a 20 or 30-minute action scene that stops when you press exit, and then I can imagine the Doom guy traversing the base, or whatever, for a couple of hours without incident, until the next level, another 20 or 30-minute action scene. I'm not rigid about this; I can certainly tolerate longer maps, but not too long, and not too many in a row. I recently played SIGIL II, which I loved, and the maps were very pleasant in length. The longest one, Descent into Terror, was still like a hundred monsters, and while longer than previous maps, it was not excessively so for my taste. Also, I could roll along with its length knowing that it was the last map before the boss level. Furthermore, while occurring in a large, open area, it was not confusing to navigate, and was linear to play. I find that large, non-linear maps make me anxious. All of this ties into my preference for Doom 1 maps over Doom 2 maps. I prefer shorter maps. I don't need massive, epic battles that never end, and in fact, I don't need no ear-raping armies of Revenants, and Arch-Viles reviving monsters all over the place. I just want a sustained, moderately-sized "action scene" in a moderately-sized area, for half an hour, and I'm good.
  7. "Doom the Way id Did the Way Hellbent, Ellmo, Xaser, Kracov, Alfonzo, Captain Toenail, Daimon, Esselfortium, Hobomaster, Icytux, Iori, Lutz, Marcaek, Megalyth, PCorf, Phobus, ProcessingControl, Stewboy, Use3D and Marnetmar Did"
  8. There are no refined toxins in Toxin Refinery.
  9. Great news! I guess One Humanity will be part of that project. It's like Romero is climbing the Mortal Kombat ladder with his mapping projects: First Doom, next Doom II, one day Quake (hopefully)...
  10. Hello,

    I randomly remembered your Lost Alpha project and came to see if you still log in here. Glad to see you do. I hope you get to finish that WAD someday. The demo is really cool, as are the pics and videos you've shown of other levels.

    1. _Mud


      Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it. Yeah, I also hope that one day I will release a finished release.

    2. mattjoes


      Great, take care!

  11. One of the reasons why I love Sigil is that it feels like something outside of the typical styles found in community maps. It's like an itch nobody was scratching.
  12. "Pero qué chucha este hilo", alcanzó a escribir antes de que lo cerraran.
  13. This is the main Doom release I've looking forward to this year. From Twitter, I gather the non-MIDI music won't be by Buckethead, but Thorr?
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