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About Bozzy

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    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. im dumb sorry i thought it was yellow. also i could have sworn i got a secret when i entered it i must have misremembered
  2. i didnt expect progression to be hidden in a secret area. I now have the yellow key but its not working on the yellow door it says i need the yellow key
  3. Starting to think im too dumb for your WAD lmao on map 12 i've explored everywhere thats accessible on the secret computer area map i picked up and cant go anywhere. there is 3 key locked doors and the only key i found is the yellow one shown here though i dont know how to reach it either. what do? (playing the WAD from idgames now)
  4. yeah im playing on an rog ally and im not so great with controllers so i set this one to HMP lol ill cheat the blue key and then start from the map after with the idgames version thanks :)
  5. Another possible bug? map 9 or E2M1 im stuck behind the blue skull key door with the 2 archviles i got the secret BFG but cant find a blue key or any other way to go. am i blind or is it a bug and something else should have happened? i killed the enemies that teleported/came in from opening walls after the soulsphere pickup but nowhere new to go and no visible switches
  6. Thank You and sorry for asking something that had already been asked. im not a pistol starter so im glad that if it had to happen on any level its one that forces me to pistol start anyway so i don't mind having to start the level from scratch lol
  7. I can't for the life of me figure out map 7 and also can't find any videos of anyone who's played it so can anyone help me? Done the first fight but can't get across the water where you can see the mega armor on the other side how do I progress??
  8. Is this Stimpack in Map 13 a troll/bait? i cant find a way up there i've even noclipped and i already have all secrets kills and items and can exit. Is this to troll players to look for a secret in this area for ages? If so Kudos it worked on me lol
  9. Finally finished my HNTR playthrough and really good and fair for noobs like me :) really enjoyed it so anyone scared of something a little harder, play this on HNTR you will be fine :)
  10. Oh Okay good to know thanks :) cheated past it anyway but for future playthroughs its good to know
  11. Found what i assume is a bug, watched someone do this puzzle so i know how it works but i press the switch but before the pattern even finishes showing some of the tiles turn purple and the archviles release. Though i suspect it might be cause i went on them previously before even pressing the switch maybe its registering them later on after i press the switch, maybe make an invisible wall for this area so you cant enter it before pressing the switch? if this is an/the issue.
  12. Im doing my HNTR playthrough like the coward i am, loving it so far but not sure if im being dumb or if this is already reported but in map 6 i dropped down to this row of chaingunners to get their ammo and this switch cant be pressed again so i cant get through the door in the 2nd picture to carry on progressing. am i missing something or is this an issue that needs fixing? or maybe even im on an older version where this is already fixed in a newer version?
  13. Man im in the minority but why are all the lovely purple map sets i find really hard and/or slaughter (I know theres some that arent like Violence but not many), might suck it up and play this but on HNTR like a coward lmao
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