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About killer2

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  1. Hello. I've always been intrigued by the music in one of your contributions to DMP2013L (Doomworld Mega Project 2013, limit removing), specifically the music in map12. Could you please tell me where it came from and what it is called? 

    1. dobu gabu maru

      dobu gabu maru

      The track is "Paradox" by Matt Podd. Can't remember where I got it from, but it was a composition written by a highschooler IIRC. Looking for eerie midis can lead you to weird places :P

    2. killer2


      Thanks a lot for replying :D

      Unfortunately I can't seem to find this track anywhere, however. It's like it vanished without a trace or something. I'd be really grateful if you could send me an MP3 version via PM.


      As for it being written by a highschooler, I find that really interesting. I thought it was from some epic boss battle scene in some videogame or something. It sounds amazing, like it has great production value and a lot of time went into it, and you're telling me it was made by ONE guy?! And noone knows about it? Really sad considering the kind of vapid songs making no1's these days. At least I know why it resonates to me so much now, though. I've had a really rough high-school (and especially pre-highschool life), so it kind of makes sense. Still really sad his talent will probably never make it anywhere near the mainstream :(     

      If you know any other songs by this guy I'd also be really interested.

    3. dobu gabu maru

      dobu gabu maru

      The only version that I know exists is in midi format. Dunno what happened to Podd either; I was only able to grab the song from an old highschool website.

  2. killer2

    Return to Hadron

    Great mapset. Original Doom feel with greater difficulty and detail.
    Great level set. Also, the music on map05 through MIDI is simply phenomenally atmospheric.
  3. killer2

    Magnum Opus V1.0

    Fun old level.
  4. killer2

    Garden Of Delight

    Great level for it's time. Still had fun with it in 2015. And to the guy who said "needs moar detail", LOL!
  5. killer2

    Doomed Space Wars

    Astonishing mapset! Wonderful detail, wonderful gameplay, great new enemies, great easter-eggs, awesome secret levels to break the monotony of gray. Everything about this mapset is beautiful! Except the "don't do drugs, kids" message...that feels corny and unnecesary and stupid. Ohwell. 100000 stars-1 star=9999 stars, well done sir!
    Very good WAD. Finally played it in 2015. Still no sequel. Bummer.
    Very good mappack. Feels like playing Plutonia all over again, only harder.
  6. killer2


    Neat maps. Not as detailed as Whitemare 2 but more fun overall, and less frustrating elements. I didn't finish the last map since it was basically the same as WM2's map30's ending, and I didn't play map32 because killing a 10000 health monster without a BFG would be stupidly long and boring. Anyways, good stuff, mostly. 5/5
  7. killer2

    Whitemare 2

    Some really good fun and detailed maps but Gloominarch's Shit drags it down a star for me. That map is so utterly frustrating, stupid and idiotic and LONG that it felt more like a chore to play.I couldn't even finish it!How the heck are you supposed to stay on the platform for 2-3 minutes it takes for the shitty pillars to rise with monsters teleporting from FUCKING EVERYWHERE?!The only good things about it were the music and the starting area before the fight with Shittynarch/RANT Anyways, solid set 4/5
    These maps are great. I don't get what all the people are complaining about. Most of the levels look great, have nice ideas and play well enough to not be frustrating. Surprising how no-one is complaining on the Whitemare 2 page. Gloominarch's Realm is 200 times more confusing than any level in this wad.
    Beautiful WAD. The atmosphere was perfect, the gameplay great and the detailing top-notch. 5 stars from me
  8. killer2

    Fuel Devourer

    Magnificent map! The music fits perfectly and the map is really fun. It's really non-linear and has tons of interesting and diverse areas. The secrets were cool too! A blast to play! The difficulty could have been higher though, I had no problem finishing it on UV with no saves once I knew the first half of the map.
  9. killer2

    Simplistic Evil

    A pretty decent WAD. Gameplay is pretty fun and challenging. The new monsters are good for a bit of variety but not necessarely used very well. You can break map04 and map05 by walking across ledges to barred pathways. Pretty short. It's pretty average, not very good nor very bad.
  10. killer2


    Very nice map! Very well detailed, with nice (if slightly frustrating) encounters and really low health supplies to keep you on your toes. Most secrets were very well made, well hidden with nice bonuses to help you but nothing to make the gameplay too easy. Well done, shitbag!
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