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About baronofheck82

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  1. As some of you may or may not know this coming Monday morning North America (which is where I'm located, not to put too fine a point on it) will be treated to a lunar eclipse. I've never seen one with my own two eyes before; I would love to. I have seen two lunar halos and they were awesome and, to me, awe-inspiring. Have any of you fine folks here witnessed any celestial happenings such as this? Another thing I've yet to witness is a meteor shower - that would also be badass.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GreyGhost


      No lunar eclipse for me this year, though there should be a decent solar eclipse on the 29th.

    3. Coopersville


      I'll try to check it out.

    4. Grazza


      I was thinking of staying up to watch/photograph it, but with about an hour to go, the sky was looking rather cloudy, so I didn't bother. Lunar eclipses are not uncommon, after all.

      GreyGhost said:

      there should be a decent solar eclipse on the 29th.

      Only an annular one. Interesting, but not so visually spectacular. Edit: and that's only for a brief period over Antarctica. In Australia, the dimming of the sky may not even be obvious to the naked eye.

      baronofheck82 said:

      Have any of you fine folks here witnessed any celestial happenings such as this?

      Total solar eclipse in 2008. In the path of totality (in arctic Canada), but, alas, there were clouds for the relevant few minutes. They parted soon afterwards, for the second partial phase.

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