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Everything posted by Foodles

  1. Damn I like hell keep, thought it had some cool bits in it particularly when you run across that bridge to get the shotgun and it collapses behind you. Now Nirvana I'll agree is pretty poor...
  2. I've been meaning to ask this and this thread seems a good enough place to do so... where does the music for map29 come from? I always liked that track.
  3. falling into a damaging pit from which there is no escape
  4. I think you have to ask what the reason for calling this Hell Revealed III is. If it's because the maps have been designed, from the start, to pay homage to the original HR and to try to take that style of gameplay and maybe update it a bit for the modern era then it's commendable. If however it's simply a cheap way to try to drum up attention with brand recognition with the maps bearing little resemblance stylistically or combat-wise to the original then it's a bit disappointing to see. As a big fan of HR1 and perhaps as a bit of a cynic by nature I have to say I feel that this project falls more into the second category. That's not to say that these aren't good maps or that there wasn't a lot of work and thought put into them but I feel that if you'd called it something else I don't think anyone would have been saying "Oh, this feels like I'm playing hell revealed!"
  5. How do I do this? I tried clicking on my wad first then on otex and dragging them onto gzdoom. Then I tried clicking on otex first then my own wad, however both resulted in the same thing. Is it some kind of command line thing? I'm afraid I'm a bit clueless when it comes to this sort of thing.
  6. Hello So I'm trying to boot up my wad in GZdoom and since I haven't compiled in the new textures yet I also need to load it up with the OTEX texture pack. The problem is when I do this it seems to overwrite the settings in my wad file, for instance DBRAIN, which I replaced with waterfall textures in my wad goes back to being the default and the sky also goes back to default. How do I set my wad to have priority over the texture pack?
  7. It would be very interesting to see what 20 years of experience as a level designer for a top games studio would yield in terms of doom mapping. Also I have to say I'm enjoying watching you play through Plutonia 2.
  8. I think this was released today. I played through it, took about 10 minutes and had a few spooky moments, would recommend. Broken Whispers
  9. Nice! It does indeed look spooky from the screenshots, I'll be giving this a whirl tonight.
  10. Those two projects look very interesting. Hopefully there's something similar next year so I have time to make a map.
  11. Well I think most of it has been done at this point however some themes that I, personally haven't seen much of/would like more of: Underwater bases Nepalese style Himalayan village Greek/Roman style (I've seen plenty of Egyptian but not so much Roman) Techbase (just kidding)
  12. I just finished this up and I was really impressed - I thought the screenshots looked good so I decided to give it a whirl, not really reading any of the comments here so I didn't have high expectations as such. It wasn't long however before I was totally won over by the very impressive visuals and texture usage, I think in that respect the maps only get better as they go on and the micro-episodic structure means that the themes stay fresh and don't overstay their welcome. I'm by no means an expert on what makes good gameplay in a map but I found myself having fun playing through this. I enjoyed the relaxed nature of many of the fights - I found that if I played smart I could get through the levels without dying for the most part and I don't consider myself an especially good player (played on UV). I thought that ammo and health were plentiful, which is something that you could maybe tighten if you were looking to make it a bit harder. That said there were a couple of instances where I died, mostly from getting blasted by a spawning in arch-vile while having to dodge revenant rockets. Also great job with the soundtrack!
  13. Hey Dario great to see you on Doomworld. I actually just finished Memento Mori and thought your map (map24) on that was one of the highlights, if you can remember that one.
  14. So you're saying it like Cake-o-demon? This reminds me when I realised people said "zee-doom" instead of "zed-doom"
  15. Yeah I think that after Dark Dome (which was great) the wad ends on a slump. My least favourite map by far was stench of evil (Map27 I think) which was just very unfun to play. Overall though the project still holds up very well 20 (?!) years or so later
  16. Yes I haven't been able to download anything these past few days and I use chrome. Luckily my friends at Microsoft saw fit to install this neat little browser called Microsoft Edge on my PC and I'm here to tell you that I was able to download all sorts of stuff from that, including doomworld files. So I'm thinking it's an issue with chrome. Edit: I tried to download Mayan Mishap on Edge and it instead gave me a file called IoComplex. So I went onto the legacy idgames page for it and got the right file that time so maybe there's an issue with the doomworld database?
  17. This looks amazing, really impressive based on the screenshots. I realise that this is still being worked on, how complete is it at this point?
  18. Is Doomsday the one where everything is in 3D, also known as JDoom? Or are those two separate entities?
  19. Yep I played it and liked it. Was having a great time until the pain elementals and chaingunners showed up at which point I promptly died. Then I, uh, came back to life and proceeded to finish the level. I think it would have been easier if I'd found some of the secrets and other weapons before the PE part, if you take your time then this level isn't so bad. Verdict: Fun little jaunt - 6 thumbs up out 10
  20. Foodles


    Let me start by saying I have a strong affection for this wad, I played it for the first time around 10 years ago and loved it, although at the time I wasn't good enough to beat it without cheating. Recently I thought I'd give it another spin and see if it stood the test of time and I'm pleased to say that it does, mostly. Firstly the visuals aren't as impressive as I remember; now allowance has to be made here considering that the wad was released in 2001 and so had likely been in development for some time before that and I believe that, at the time of release, this mapset would have looked amazing. Nevertheless by today's standards the detailing is a bit lackluster, some of the textures are a little too cartoony or garish. That said I think that there are some really cool areas and ideas in this wad for example the giant crate "city" in map 7 or the hangar of map 9 with the alien ship slowly rising up at the end and map 10 still manages to be very atmospheric and tense. I found the gameplay to be enjoyable but you quickly need to realise that you're not supposed to kill everything and many fights require you to use infighting. There are perhaps, an overabundance of hitscan enemies, particularly in the early levels but I think overall the wad does a really good job of slowly building tension and danger throughout the larger levels, as you slowly run low on ammo and health supplies and the resistance slow ramps up, you'll probably need to save often so bear that in mind. Overall the author conveys a sense of place throughout and manages to tell a story without any text, dialogue, cutscenes etc. that left me wanting to know more about what was going on after I'd finished the 13 maps (I wish there were more!). One can easily imagine taking the premise, location, themes and atmosphere of this wad and remaking it as a modern masterpiece with fresh visuals and some tweaks to the gameplay.
  21. Foodles



    Estranged is a 32 level megawad that uses stock Doom & Doom2 textures, I would describe the levels as cleanly detailed with a variety of environments. Levels are playable from pistol start. Story: You are a marine stationed on a UAC mining facility on a desolate world on the edge of the known galaxy. Whilst performing routine operations you lose communication with the main base, upon your return you find that demons have overrun the facilities. You send a distress signal but are faced with little choice but to venture inside and do battle with the hellspawn.
  22. Foodles

    Deus Ex Wasabi

    An average effort by todays standards, good if you want to kill 15 minutes but there's nothing noteworthy
  23. Foodles

    Rogue Elements

    complete trash, in every way. I don't want to be nasty to the author but I suspect he knew that what he was uploading was garbage.
  24. Foodles


    Pretty good for a 97 wad
    Pretty fun map that's not too hard although its not long enough to leave a lasting impression.
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