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About yellowmadness54

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  1. I've been trying rather hard to draw or/and sketch lately, and its actually just getting to be just irritating.
    I can't think of anything to draw, and when I do its something I can't do at all. I have an understanding of what I want to do, but no clue how to really do it. And when I do start,I screw it up somewhere and quit or its just over all totally shitty.

    I want to do stuff like this:

    Like this guy: http://vectroave.com/2009/12/john-dyer-baizley-illustrations/

    Or just stoner metal art in general like:

    But I don't know where to begin, how to do it, nor can I get an interesting image in my head of what to do.

    Heres my most recent little thing I just jotted down in about an hour or two, maybe more:

    Its meh.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. yellowmadness54


      Technician said:

      Dude, he's giving you practice advice. What do you want?

      Hes giving me advice on a topic I did not originally ask for.
      I'm not saying this in like.. a disgruntled way at all, mind you.

      Just as I want advice on the topic at hand, which would be how/ where to get ideas for such things during blocks, and how to piece them together.

      EDIT: HOWEVER I did say that sharply towards him, as I had already stated that it was not what I desired advice on, as it was a minor sketch of the basic pace I'm going in. Sorry for that.

    3. Vordakk


      John Dyer Baizley! I stayed at his house when my old band was on tour in Savannah, Georgia. Great dude, and one hell of an artist.

    4. Liam


      yellowmadness54 said:

      Hes giving me advice on a topic I did not originally ask for.

      turning away critique in any form is the worst thing an aspiring artist can do. to put what ggmork was touching on in a more general and less gingerly way: baizley has a very solid understanding of the construction of the figure, the properties of light, and the way line and value denote form. you simply don't. no concept or style can save poor technique and the inability to "see as an artist". you need to do many, many studies of the figure and of forms both organic and inorganic, from life whenever possible.

      to answer your "actual" questions. every artist employs their own ideation processes but research in some form is usually involved. baizley seems to be strongly influenced by art nouveau so i suggest you start there. doing many rapid thumbnail sketches will also help you develop ideas and find interesting compositions. if you have a block then improvise a still life with the objects nearest you. motivation is there or it isn't and it's up to you how badly you want you to improve.

      but none of that will matter if you do not learn fundamentals.

  2. A while ago, I got a virus on my PC that, as some of you may know, took everything off of my PC.

    I was bummed out entirely because a lot of my older maps were deleted. But I found a flash drive a day ago, and was looking on it today (through the doom files that were, of course, littered everywhere on it)
    and found this


    Its one of the first maps I've ever made. I was shocked to see this, and decided to try and play it. It worked. Its not a very good map, but proud I found it. It kinda made me happy, and made me feel some nostalgia from middle school.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GreyGhost


      yellowmadness54 said:

      But I found a flash drive a day ago, and was looking on it today

      I suppose you scanned for viruses before uploading from it.

    3. yellowmadness54


      GreyGhost said:

      I suppose you scanned for viruses before uploading from it.

      Of course. This flash drive, however, was used before the virus. The virus came way after I had made and saved these maps.

      I wouldn't upload a virus on to here.

    4. eargosedown


      Was an interesting play

  3. Its taken me long enough to do this, but its never actually crossed my mind. I finally downloaded this source port in order to play a few quake mods for the first time.

    Upon opening it up, I loved it. I was bombarded by plenty of bugs, though, but I have everything in order now.

    I never really thought I'd find myself this into quake, but I'm actually very much enjoying it. So I decided to make a long boring lets play of it:

    1. Technician


      Jesus, you running this game on your wristwatch?

    2. yellowmadness54


      Technician said:

      Jesus, you running this game on your wristwatch?

      Might as well have been. From what I've seen of this source port so far was either working, or some major collosal fuck up, and it fucks up more than working.

      I wish I could've taken the resolution down more for less lag, but, as I said in the video, it breaks the entire program or makes my monitor go out of frequency. Maybe I'm running it wrong, idk.

      But now its literally unplayable, with textures missing, 1 FPS, some weird creeping shadows all over the place. Its a glitched up mess as of now.

      I'm still tampering with it to get it to the right settings.

    3. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      yellowmadness54 said:

      I wish I could've taken the resolution down more for less lag, but, as I said in the video, it breaks the entire program or makes my monitor go out of frequency. Maybe I'm running it wrong, idk.

      But now its literally unplayable, with textures missing, 1 FPS, some weird creeping shadows all over the place. Its a glitched up mess as of now.

      I'm not sure how it handles with mods, but with almost-vanilla Quake (just high-def textures and a translucent water mod), Darkplaces runs almost perfectly on my system at 40-60fps. That's with dynamic lights turned on, too.

  4. Yeah, I bought it.

    And I'm not even going to lie, its great.

    The single player was actually good. Unlike the previous crap that was released within these passed few years, the SP is memerable, long, and fun.

    Feels like a classic Xbox game, like Halo 2 or far cry instincts, rather than the avg. CoD clone that comes out.

    Its fun, its not extra mega linear.

    The online, however, shows more of EAs trying to be CoD IE
    class system, KILLSTREAKS (ARGH), Percs, attacthments, etc.

    Really, I miss days where you came across your weapons and rank was nothing.

    All in all, its worth a $60.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      I couldn't wait for my copy to come so downloaded it and had a good play of the campaign.

      • In general terms it plays a lot like Crysis Warhead. Even a lot of the suit "puzzles" are similar. That's not necessarily bad and it is fun IMO but don't expect Crysis 1 in a city.

      • The new suit is OK. I like all the parkour stuff, but wish that armor mode was still default. It's lame getting owned even when you have 100 energy just from forgetting to tap Q.

      • Removing regular saving was a bad, bad idea. A lot of the fun in Crysis came from approaching a situation in different ways, here it's kind of risky unless you like getting kicked back to the last checkpoint all the time. Sigh.

      • The graphics are really, REALLY good. I've never seen a city that feels so "real". It's insane what they've done with lighting, particles, etc. The "consolized" textures are definitely noticable on vehicles, etc. though. Lots of jaggies.

      I think they really pulled off the feeling of being in a city. The game kinda feels like a less irritating and more believable HL2. On balance, the best FPS this year (or even the last few years)? Sure.

      But a worthy sequel to Crysis? Nah. But any non-delusional person with a brain could've deduced that the moment EA said "multi-platform."

    3. Mr. T

      Mr. T

      In their attempts to streamline the gameplay, they took a lot of the quirky stuff from the original. You can't run at 999km/h in speed mode, grab a chicken and throw it through a wall anymore. The "fists" aren't even a weapon anymore. And it's a lot harder to throw soldiers into each other now. It's not a dealbreaker but made me kinda sad.

      Oh yeah, that reminds me. Maybe it was from playing at the highest difficulty, but the AI is pretty good. It can see you while you are cloaked now (uh oh.)

      Oh, and the first part of the game, until you enter the city proper, sucks a huge cock. You can't even use your suit powers until Prophet tells you how to. Lame. And I wish it was possible to turn that retarded tactical overlay off. It just gets in the way.

    4. 40oz


      Mike.Reiner said:

      I'm pretty sure attempting a pacifist nightmare run of doom without even so much as running is going to be a little bit harder.

      Even on UV the shotgun guys on E1M1 will turn you into swiss cheese.

  5. Both my PC's some how managed to get a virus.

    How the first one got it, i have no idea, but EVERYTHING is lost. All my first doom wads, videos I have made, everything.

    The other one, the one with the Community chest 4 map, is totally dead.

    What is the point of viruses? Is this some sort of funny joke to some no-life fat ass living in his mom's basement?

    Better yet, why has the government not cracked down on this yet?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ReFracture


      This thread is amusing.

    3. Maes


      yellowmadness54 said:

      Dude the gov needs to crack down on this already.

      As much as they need to crack down on other forms of crime, but in all recorded human history there was never an instance of a kind of crime that has been completely eliminated in all of its forms. There have been virus author prosecutions too, but they are few and far between. Most usually there's no way to tell who made them originally, and there are so many variants and (today) so many chinese sweatshop programmers creating them for powers such as Russia, China and NK (and some are even commisioned by US gov't), that there is no end to it.

      However you really didn't post many details or symptoms here (e.g. does it boot at all, do you get a chkdisk, do you get a "missing SYSTEM32/CONFIG/SYSTEM" error, does it boot in safe moder etc.
      so what you call a "virus" could just as well be a disk crash, bad driver or data corruption.

    4. darkreaver


      yellowmadness54 said:

      Dude the gov needs to crack down on this already.

      God they chase around teens for smoking weed (which is just harming those kids ANYWAYS) while my $600 PC's plus all my files and work files get deleted.

      How is this funny at all?

      God, if I ever see some one who has given me a virus, oh so help me...

      This entire post is funny on so many levels

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