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About DeathevokatioN

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  1. Had to put down my yorkie today, named him after Doomguy, put this status up to say I love him so much and I hope he's in a better place.. he was happy right up until the end, even with affliction after affliction.. he passed 10 years before his time but I'm still grateful I got to know such a sweet and naughty dog.. pets have the loveliest and biggest hearts there is, thought I'd dedicate a status to him on the quintessential doom site. 


    RIP Taggy, I'll never forget you.

    1. DuckReconMajor


      I'm sorry to hear that

    2. DeathevokatioN


      I appreciate it, I hope you're ok <3


      Still cry everyday though, never thought it'd get harder losing animals..

  2. Those lit windows are beautiful, would love to see them in a Heretic city map.. also your newer additions are quite helpful.
  3. I'll start with the one I like the most, the very first theme under your first spoiler is beautiful imo and I can see them blending into the universe to create maybe a forgotten keep or something that Corvus would stumble onto after he gets cursed by D'sparil to wonder hostile unknown lands for a very long time! It keeps with Heretic's way of something that's middling between high fantasy and dark fantasy, I can imagine using all the weapons and seeing the death animations against such colors almost seemlessly... the onyx bricks on the other hand is something I'm not a fan of, maybe I played too many dark Heretic cathedrals that used a similar texture theme (15 years ago when there wasn't much quality heh), but it's a strong dark color that mutes some of the brighter colors and themes if it were to be tiled horizontally.. I can see it working if it were to be used as a border against a sky box in a tall outdoor area though for what it's worth, though.
  4. A lot of these textures while decent, look like they were made for a limit removing gothic boom megawad, and not for a Heretic mapset.. also keep in mind that gargoyles and weapons exist in Heretic that clash violently with some of these stock color schemes.
  5. I uh.. would love to help if you can forgive me for spreading myself too thin, getting burned out. >////< There's still a map I wanna complete since it was gonna be my best map to date but it's probably dated now, lmao.. been wanting to try complete RoD since it feels like a major part of me, I loved collabing with you and our conversations were great and it'd be proof that i once lived and had a Norwegian friend, unless i survive lockdown ofc. 😅
  6. hello, best character in the show

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeathevokatioN


      Yeah.. a few people told me.. the manga does carry on further anyway, if I can just recommend something; don't try research Re:Zero, there's a big plot spoiler that gets ruined in the first few results and the top comments of almost every video. haha

    3. Memfis


      Heh, thanks. Yeah, I'm always very careful with this stuff. Spoilers are the main reason why I pretty much stopped reading the news and forums, hate hate hate them! There are quite a few classics and popular series that I'm still avoiding because I feel like I know too much...

    4. gaspe


      Fun fact, I didn't even watched the show but it was so popular when it was airing that I eventually came to know stuff about the show.

  7. that feeling when you find out that one of your favorite anime series is actually Hentai but with the sex scenes cut out.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Memfis


      Oh. I'm not familiar with Fate/stay night, but I know there are some visual novels that incorporate sex scenes quite tastefully, to the point that I wouldn't really call them hentai since sex is not necessarily the main attraction there.

    3. DeathevokatioN


      Yeah you're, I read into it and the people defending the novel said it's actually a masterpiece (with all the different alternative paths and each one warranting it's own season I can't argue tbh)... I guess it all goes down to where they inserted the scenes, there was this one really cheesy gap where I imagined them placing one and my brain melts everytime I think about it haha. I hope they didn't place one there, but at the same time I'm not sure if I want to find out about the other scenes that might have come between characters that I really enjoy. 

    4. DeathevokatioN


      meant to say "yeah, you're right". :p

  8. Got the results from my final exams and apparently I've finished my degree... I'm calling bullshit tbh. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShoDemo


      Congratulations!  :)

    3. DeathevokatioN


      Thanks bro... I still don't know how I passed though, haha.. I barely finished more than half the paper and had a "resistance is futile" feeling echoing through my head the entire time, haha.

    4. ShoDemo


      Well, now you can't do anything else about it, but all that matters in the first place is that you got the degree.

      My advise for you is to celebrate!!! At least that's what I would do after getting my degree (4-5 years later for that to happen though).   :D

  9. I came across this video in my history and thought you might like it. Have a good weekend dude.

    Hailz :)



    1. Doomkid


      This rules! Hit that perfect heroic 80's metal spot. I also now have the perfect number of followers thanks to you!

  10. If anyone clicks on this link and gets this song stuck in their head for the rest of the day, I'm sorry.



  11. murderer: any last words?

    me: thanks

    murderer: Damn, u ok?

    1. Fonze


      This status made me think of this comic :)



    2. Nevander


      Are you Sad Larry?

  12. That feeling of not wanting to design a final boss arena...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ichor


      How about this then?


      You walk into a giant arena with the exit portal in the center and a massive door in the back. The door opens and out comes...2 zombiemen. Shoot them and the exit opens. You step into the exit and you immediately get telefragged by the boss.


      "Sorry, I'm late."

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      Why would you want a final boss arena dear god that's just stupid who told you that you need one

      Make a boss fight in a crate maze!

    4. DeathevokatioN


      And the sky will be a hellish sky with fiery crates.

    A fantastic Heretic map that's a must play for all Heretic fans. The sense of exploration, texturing, and the atmosphere are all very impressive, the layout is cleverly interconnected and the outdoor areas are beautiful and fun to run around in, contrasted nicely by the evil indoor setpieces! The crushers were genius, IMO! Recommended!
    Great Heretic episode, total play for every Heretic fan... fun layouts, monsters placed according to their traits, combined with the atmosphere, everything comes together to create something that feel like a reskinned Doom map. :P
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