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About DeathevokatioN

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  1. Got the results from my final exams and apparently I've finished my degree... I'm calling bullshit tbh. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShoDemo


      Congratulations!  :)

    3. DeathevokatioN


      Thanks bro... I still don't know how I passed though, haha.. I barely finished more than half the paper and had a "resistance is futile" feeling echoing through my head the entire time, haha.

    4. ShoDemo


      Well, now you can't do anything else about it, but all that matters in the first place is that you got the degree.

      My advise for you is to celebrate!!! At least that's what I would do after getting my degree (4-5 years later for that to happen though).   :D

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