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About DeathevokatioN

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  1. Had to put down my yorkie today, named him after Doomguy, put this status up to say I love him so much and I hope he's in a better place.. he was happy right up until the end, even with affliction after affliction.. he passed 10 years before his time but I'm still grateful I got to know such a sweet and naughty dog.. pets have the loveliest and biggest hearts there is, thought I'd dedicate a status to him on the quintessential doom site. 


    RIP Taggy, I'll never forget you.

    1. DuckReconMajor


      I'm sorry to hear that

    2. DeathevokatioN


      I appreciate it, I hope you're ok <3


      Still cry everyday though, never thought it'd get harder losing animals..

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