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  1. So, I'm a bit of a Toy Collector, and I usually invest in things like Star Wars and Jurassic Park, while keeping out an eye out for Kenner's Aliens and Congo toylines. I've always held a bit of a curiosity for the Quake II figures by ReSaurus, and so I bought a loose sample, which seems to be a hard find (As eBay is otherwise loaded with MOC figures, but hardly any loose ones, much less complete loose figures).

    First thing I noticed was that the figure was heavy, and six inches tall. I had figured that the figure would be about 4 inchs or so, but I didn't really know. He also featured a lot more articulation than I had imagined. Anyways, I think I'm gonna buy the whole line. Shouldn't be hard, minus finding Complete Loose versions and the Psycho figure, which was a Previews exclusive.

    Here's a gallery I made of the figure.

    I guess I'm just excited by the prospect of this figure, because the jam packed detailing and scale. I mean, even the guns are really detailed and nice looking.

    If I'm not mistaken, ReSaurus also did a Duke Nukem line, and some other Video Game lines. I haven't encountered any of those yet, but I wonder if they're at all decent. I've seen images and a video of the Duke himself, but he seems to be poorly balanced to his Super Hero proportions (Something this Quake figure doesn't suffer from).

    Also, I'd love to find the five (Six including the Hellknight variant, but I'd be happy with just the four main figures, too) figures and the BFG replica released for the Doom film as promo items, but those seem to be rather elusive. At least, I've found it hard to track them since Dr. Doom manages to seep into every search by the gallon.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Cupboard


      omfg. I have never seen a better representation of the Parasite enemy from Quake 2 than this.

    3. SavageCorona


      Who's that xeno looking cunt in the background?

    4. Clonehunter


      Some kilned clay Predalien. My parents picked up for me as a souvenir from a trip to Mexico. It may have been a shitty movie, but it's a pretty neat and detailed sculpt, and it stands on a big sundial thingy-ma-bob.

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