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About Clonehunter

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  1. I brought this up a little while ago during some bad threads as a joke, but I've been sitting on this since 2009. If you want to help breath a little life into a place you probably won't care about in the future, try out this:


    It has nothing to do with anything really, but if you know someone, or f they know someone, check it out, shitpost a bit, make it look active. That's about it, really.

    Thanks, or something.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaxxoon R

      Jaxxoon R

      Well, hey there guy. I suppose, does that make you silly, too?

    3. Clonehunter


      Actually I've tried to angle it towards lit, as I sort of enjoy that. It's not supposed to be a place of Memes, really.

    4. Clonehunter


      I have to give credit to my only other mod actually trying to start a book club on a mostly dead site, heh.

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