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  1. I’ve played Dynamite Deathmatch so many times online I’ve lost count and highly recommend checking it out, but I know most people here only play single player so I’ll go with Epic 2. That one is truly EPIC.
  2. Have you tried playing with adjusted FOV?
  3. And here I thought shitposting was not allowed on Doomworld’s invisible list of rules.
  4. I’ve never been a fan of rescale remaster sort of things. I do like custom sprites that fit within the vanilla assets though, that’s always cool.
  5. We’ll all be dead before we can ask is this all really 3D or not.
  6. All the guns in Wolf 3D use the same ammo and do the same damage. Tapping fire for the smg is the same as firing the pistol. Tapping fire with the chaingun gives a 2 round burst attack. Unless you are tight on ammo it is usually not necessary to switch between the guns other than switching to the knife to conserve ammo. It's not like Doom where each weapon has a purpose, all the weapons in Wolf 3D share the same purpose just with different firing rates.
  7. “Sch-sch-sch-Schutzstaffel!” *ratatatat* You’ve died on your last life and now welcome to the high score screen.
  8. dhewm3 may be the sort of thing you’re looking for.
  9. Even with your rewording of my question, he knew I was referring to GEORGE.TXT. Really glad he went into detail with that one. His responses in general were great here! Good work!
  10. I loved my job, then I was promoted to manager. Now I'm not so sure.
  11. The gloves help him keep better control of the weapons while on the lunar surface, but the brass knuckles don’t fit with the gloves on, so he takes the gloves off to use the brass knuckles. He’s so use to it he just keeps it up in hell and on earth.
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