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About Matthias

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  1. Ok, I think I am done.. I though I remember the map well, but not really. I don't remember a goddam thing :D https://liquiddoom.net/upload/files/E3M3.wad I checked how much I got well and...
  2. Oops, I totally overlooked the 72 hours rule :) But hey, I'm totally working on it :D
  3. I love how map 24 uses Ristar music. Also I love the map 30 as an end credits:)
  4. https://liquiddoom.net/upload/files/CT_v9.7.3.zip CT_v9.7.3 - Map 08 removed as it was moved to RAMP and mapper Impboy wanted it be removed. - I created a new map 08 called "Temple of Phallus" and I have added it. CWIL for map 08 added. Music for map 08 also replaced with FreeDoom v0.12 Phase 2 - Map 05 OST. Map name changed in DEHACKED and UMAPINFO. - Map 33 moved to Map 17 spot, including its CWIL and music. Data in DEHACKED and UMAPINFO changed for map 17. Sky texture changed to SKY1 for Map17. Also Map 17 was lil buggfixed. - I have fixed a ton of textures with width that is not power of two. Some remain, tho. - Map 34 moved to map 31 slot, including its music. Info edited in DEHACKED and UNMAPINFO. CWIL for this map added. Player starts 2, 3 and 4 added + some multiplayer starts. Also, a new secret ending added. - Pcorf maps removed as he wants. - A new map 09 by Andrea Rovenski added. Map named "Imp Gambling Den" in DEHACKED and UMAPINFO. CWIL for map 09 replaced with new one. Music for Map 09 kept the same, because it's ok. - Stop reading this changelist, lol.
  5. Well, actually, a new version because Andrea sent me her map CT_v9.7.2 - Map 01 and Map 07 updated with pcoft edits. Both edits approved by their map owners. (At least I hope) - Map 28 by Andrea added, including music track D_TENSE, one floor texture (GATE_10) and one wall texture (MAX8). The map 28 renamed to "A Place To Be Concerned About" and CWIL27 added. - UMAPINFO map12 RSKY1 changed to RSKY2 because of my OCD. - The lump OPTIONS deleted - I have added DEHACKED - Why am I stil doing this lol https://liquiddoom.net/upload/files/CT_v9.7.2.zip
  6. Fortunately they are not :) Well, Lina told me, quote "maps 33 and 34 would work perfectly fine as secret maps. they're ideal for it, actually, since they reference specific parts of CC 1/2 more directly than any others. i don't recall what the thought process was for keeping them in slots 33/34" Anyway, I personally would probably cancel maps 33 and 34 and move them to empy slots (which is something you suggested previously).
  7. Sure, here: https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/view/J58YTK9aOYYBawPYYwk4J1K9ETQMBQViKortP6ZuWho/ Well, after I posted my frustration, some of the mappers contacted me and started talking again. Anyway, @Kain D. - there is the idea to move some maps. Could we move yours? Because your maps uses some very complex black magic, I am not sure if I wouldn't break anything moving it... do you use some commander keens?:) Do you mind in general if we move it?
  8. Dear Doom Community, So regarding to this community project - Community trunk. In my opinion, it's pretty much dead. People already mostly forgot about Community Trunk. Our Discord is mostly dead and I check it less and less if anything happens there. Many people keep telling me they want to remove their maps from the project and use them for their own projects, or they already did relese their maps stand-alone or promised them for other community projects. Dusty started this project and got busy. I decided to took it from him. I put a ton of my free time into the project. I created the excel tracker to track what is done and what it not. I kept contacting all people around the project, asking about progress and status. I fixed a ton of bugs and issues. I did also some other work. Also other people did a lot of work. All mappers... Not only creating maps, but bugfixing it later based on my feedback, discussing things around and such. And also people who did other tasks, like graphics and other things. However I am not really sure what else am I suppose to do? When I ask someone who promised a map "what is the status" and he/she is ghosting me, not replying me at all, last time online 3 years ago, what should I do? What if someone keeps promising, it's gonna be "soon" but then nothing happens? What if people starts arguing about this and that and I have to deal with some sort of drama? Simply put - I have no idea what to do with the project anymore... Dusty - the original creator gave up on the project. Pcorf wanted to take over it, but gave up as well. If anyone wants to take this dead corpse and be the leader of the project, I'll be happy to give it to him/her/(some other pronouns). Anyway, sorry I totally failed as a project leader, but it was kinda predicteable considering that I am an autistic weirdo with zero social skills. Also I am ugly and gay. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Perhaps we all should abolish it completely and simply release the maps stand-alone. At the same time, it's kinda pity it ended like this, because 24 of 35 maps are completely done, then 4 need only minor fixes. So I would say that 75 % of the project is done actually. What a dire situation, huh? Thanks, everyone!
  9. A new version is here: https://liquiddoom.net/upload/files/CT_v9.7.1.zip CT_v9.7.1 - Map31 added. - Map 31's name changed to "Griefmeister" - Music for map31 added. - Duplicit Player 3 start in Map01 fixed. - Player 2, 3 and 4 (coop) added for map03, map10, map11, map15, map18, map20, map23, map24, map27 and map33. - Deathmatch player starts added to map03, map 10, map11, map12, map14, map15, map18, map20, map23, map24, map25, map26, map27, map32, map33 and map34 (they are probably pointless tho, lmao) - I added some vines into map10 and map18 because I saw them in map31 and I like it.
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