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Andrea Rovenski

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About Andrea Rovenski

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  1. dear grungo, art is the most valuable experience a human can have other than meaningful relationships with others. While pointless in the grand scheme, try to enjoy what time you have where you can lounge and experience art, because these moments can be rare in one's lifetime so it's worth trying to enjoy them as much as you can. I wish you luck on your goals of getting government papers sorted out, that can be a real bummer to deal with.
  2. I LOVED wolf3d on gba when I was a kid, because it was so fun killin nazis when I was at school. Such an excellent port, but the saving made it so challenging honestly.
  3. map25 max 3:13 https://youtu.be/fgbBqd75qio z425-313.zip map26 max 4:22 https://youtu.be/-MDFRCkMfDY z426-422.zip map28 max 2:32 https://youtu.be/S89bj5DPIR4 z428-232.zip map29 max 3:40 https://youtu.be/l2o4zIIX1Gk z429-340.zip
  4. map01 tyson 1:28 https://youtu.be/myyTr_4fLnw mdnt01t128.zip
  5. map01 max 54 https://youtu.be/pP4u_CeIBC4 mdnt01-54.zip
  6. really good runs! 15 is particularly luck heavy, too
  7. METLDRGN.WAD (2024) https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/metldrgn d2all uv 4:41 https://youtu.be/syl4bQ0lBb0 metldalluv441.zip d2all max 20:31 https://youtu.be/xZvTa8jxhSY metldall-2031.zip map04 tyson 20:34 https://youtu.be/fQcV79AmiU0 metld04t2034.zip
  8. The genocide in Gaza could absolutely be a precursor for a major war, but I would argue that "WWIII" is too nebulous of a term to mean anything. By standards of The Great War or World War II, a third world war could technically have already happened or is already happening, but it doesn't really mean much because there's no real definition. With the middle east becoming uninhabitable within the next 3 or 4 decades due to climate change and the holy wars currently going on there, it could be really bad, especially if fascist dictatorships like Israel remain in power and continue to be funded by europe and the united states. That's far more concerning than anything in eastern europe to me, although that is another big deal, it is a tad euro-centric to imply a third world war needs to be involving european powers.
  9. doom 2 being the first game to be sold in stores kind of makes a lot of this argument moot. a ton of people started with doom 2 instead of doom 1 (myself included) for that major reason
  10. awesome !! I tried this map about a year ago and the closest I got with missed monsters was around 8:40-something. routing it in a way that is both quick and doesnt result in one or two fuckers hanging out somewhere far away is a really difficult balance
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