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About ClumsyCryptid

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  1. Oh no, the thread dormant message. I hope you're still working on this, oddly enough I've been slowly piecing together a Dark Souls demake on my end. This looks fantastic.
  2. Large swaths of levels that require traversal over damaging floors with no radiation suit in sight.
  3. What you can do is make a map with no exit after you have 10 levels that serves as a 'credits map'. IIRC there's a way to have a script that prevents progression beyond Map 10 as well. There's no need to delete the other 22. I'll edit this post once I've checked your map. Edit: After playing the level.. that is a lot of secrets, are they tied to item pickups? As for the skies now that I've seen it, make sure to only have the ceiling set as a sky texture and leave any walls that you want to be the sky with no texture. It's very rock n roll Doomy, but you could easily go much more creative in the detailing. The flashing on the second level is very difficult to play with since none of the flashing sectors were in sync when I played through it. Honestly? It's a promising start. I remember when I was faced with the same issues that you have currently when I started my foray into mapping. You're best directing your questions related to level editing to the appropriate forum.
  4. I don't know if it's on /idgames or not, but I'm looking at the moment. I have this vivid memory of when I was 2-3, and my father just discovered a usenet that was related to Doom and got a wad that changed one of the zombies into the Energizer Bunny. Given my age at the time, I'd say it is at least 1994 is when I formed this memory.
  5. Shadows of Cronos is one that comes to mind too. Suggested to me to suggest by someone else.
  6. I spy a topic that's up my alley! There's not many atmospheric wads that come to mind as a bunch of them are either near-impossible switch hunts for switches hidden in the most painful of places and that experience muddies the rest of the wad. Plenty of the good ones play akin to a small adventure you'd experience like in a TTRPG group, Serpent RPG comes to mind, and the maps in that are gorgeous for the tech. Of more recent selection, Demon's Souls Map Pack by @schkorpio comes to mind. I'll dig through my trove of Hexen maps to see if I can fish up any other atmospheric suggestions.
  7. Trial and error are the best teaching mechanisms.
  8. It's late for me, I thought the topic was 'GZDoom twerking'. Make sure your map is named MAP01, or if you've done the thing that I don't doubt that many of us have done in the past; put your map name in the map slot in doombuilder. So whichever you named it is how you access it. If you need to change this without starting from scratch navigate to Edit > Map Options. You can change the Level Name in the dialogue box that has popped up. F2 is the shortcut if you don't want to navigate menus.
  9. Crossposting from Discord, but with more context. Category: Prepared (*) Died on E4M3 to a Baron. (*) Notes: I suffered total system failure two days ago while doing my Cat 1 run. Motherboard threw a faulty PROCHOT Ext error, crashed my CPU down to 0.050mhz then blue screened, failed to boot to my drive and then refused to turn on. Discovered that my GPU also fried from the Mobo's failure. CPU is fine and healthy, strangely the only component that my old motherboard didn't take down with it. Lots of stress trying to cobble the computer back together.. New parts installed and nothing was working, figured out that I forgot to plug the PCI-E cable into the PSU thinking it was already connected. Computer runs smoothly now, but I need to reinstall/hook-up the drives that are not connected at the moment. Hopefully my computer is stable going forward. I hope next month I don't run into the same sudden system failure crash and have to redo the above all over. IMClumsydtpack-PREP.zip
  10. I am ready for pcorf and Nebula maps. Their techniques are very inspiring. Edit: Launch line has Doom2.wad and not Doom.wad
  11. Yay, these should be fun. Always wanted to play Suspended in Dark.
  12. Cross post from the Discord, in no way is this a dual submission. Result: Dead on MAP13 (0/800 Kills) Category: Prepared Port: DSDA-Doom CLUMSYPREPdwidvii.zip
  13. I expected a better boss level to the episode, and not a beefed up Spider Mastermind with double the amount of health, but I did like the Gotcha! style setup for it. It's passable as a wad, but is overhyped because of Romero.
  14. On websites where I don't care about the account get assigned my most pwned password.
  15. DoomRL and DoomRL Arsenal come to mind for Doom 2 centric. If that wasn't the restriction I'd offer another doom engine game's mod that has diverse classes, and a level up system with RPG stats.
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