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Everything posted by Halfblind

  1. Listening to music was and always will be my first love. Before enjoying video games and learning about science and heath listening to music was my preferred pastime. Before life got too hard and fast music was sweet nectar to my hungry ears. I'm not a music listening master, unlike the 'Professor of Rock' YouTube channel, but I know a crap ton of music artists and songs. That's one of the reasons why my username is Halfblind. Most people that I've met don't know what music artists and songs that are available, but they pretend to. They are posers and poster children for the Dunning-Kruger effect music edition, and they are very restrictive to what they listen to. Here are some examples. When I ask them what their favorite Pink Floyd song is, they say, "Another Brick in the Wall", but they cannot name another song by the band. When I ask them what their favorite Def Leppard song is, they say, "Pour Some Sugar on Me"', but they have never heard any of their other songs. When I ask them what their favorite Pat Benetar song is, they say, "Isn't she the one who sings 'I Love Rock and Roll'?", but that song is performed by Joan Jett. They also confuse Alanis Morrisette with both Meredith Brooks and PJ Harvey and vice versa. They say that they are big fans of the band to make themselves feel better. As if they know more about the band than I. When someone names an artist's most popular song as their favorite song this could or could not be the legitimate truth. For example, I know a woman who has listened to more Def Leppard but her favorite is legitimately "Pour Some Sugar on Me." Infact she is the one who taught me that the drummer lost his arm prior to recording that song. After learning the truth that people here where I live just don't know much about music, but pretend to, I devised this test to determine if they are really fans of that artist or not. Let's take the test here. Here are the rules: Because this is a HalfblindChaos devised quiz I will not ask about any artist that I consider a triple-A band. These bands are triple-A by world popularity standards not mine. This way it makes it more challenging. I will ask what your favorite song by a known artist is. One that isn't super popular. It is okay to mention their most popular song. I will be including that info when asking. Don't include any YouTube videos when mentioning their song. Just quote the artist's name and give your answer. You can also quote their song name if someone has already mentioned it. If you want to look up the song later elsewhere you can. You can include personal information about your favorite song by any of the artists that I ask about. That is perfectly fine too. Lets start the quiz: On your marks, the first artist starts with the letter A. A few triple-A artists that start with the letter A include: ACDC, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains and Audioslave. Get ready, what is your favorite song by the band April Wine? 3...2...1... their most popular song is "I Like to Rock." 1...2...3... My favorite song is "Sign of a Gypsy Queen." Go! Now, what is yours?
  2. I really want to play the original Shadowgun. It is only available via IPad, the GameStick (which includes the Amazon Fire Stick) and the Ouya. I also think the Dreamcast was extremely underrated.
  3. Randi Heit she is so underrated! I still prefer Zdoom to this day. First Mala Petaka has some really bad pacing. It gives you most of the weapons early on, so you don't have to earn them or work to get them. Because the graphics all look the same it is hard to know what weapon needs what ammo type. I ended up using the 2 rapid fire weapons most of the way through the demo. The Steam demo is light years ahead of the old demo at Itch though. There isn't much height variations with monster placement either. Most enemies are placed at eye level which give the player no reason to strategize. There are also passable grate textures that they forgot to flag. I feel that because this is a GZdoom game they could afford to put some 3D floors and give the maps more verticality. So that's why people can't use normal ZDoom to create sellable games, because of licensing FMOD? As a game developer can't you purchase a license to use FMOD anyway and use whatever port that supports it? I really like FMOD, because it has very good sound quality. Isn't the original Doom engines source code released under the GNU General Public License, so couldn't people make games with that engine too?
  4. Thanks for that resource. I saw it once, but I totally forgot about it. I also added The Age of Hell because it is also listed at Steam as coming soon. That spreadsheet didn't have the Steam link though. I didn't know that someone could release a Standalone game using another engine other than GZDoom and market it on Steam. I thought GZDoom engine was the only one that allowed for selling and marketing. I'll add it to the bottom of the list, in its own category, later. I will be adding my custom user tags to these games later, so that I can find them easier in Steam. I only wish GZDoom game developers would tag these games with that tag too.
  5. I didn't know that Brutal Fate was made with GZDoom. I thought that it was made using a modified version of the Build engine. I also forgot to add Hands of Necromancy too.
  6. Let's make a comprehensive list of every game sold on Steam that is made with GZDoom. Please be a trooper and help me create this valuable reference for everyone. Also, if you are a GZDoom game developer releasing a game on Steam please don't forget to tag your game with the following tags. This would help us find your game super easy. I would appreciate it so very much, super-duper thank you. What other tags would you suggest for GZDoom engine games also? Tags: "GZDoom" - Please use this format without the quotations, because (G)ZDoom can refer to both ZDoom and GZDoom respectively. First Person Shooters: Supplice Hedon Bloodrite Disdain Mala Petaka Selaco Vomitoreum Shrine Shrine II Lycanthorn II: Rain of Beasts Hands of Necromancy Relentless Frontier Box Party Beyond Sunset Apocalyptic Vibes Stellar Valkyrie Hellslinger Project Absentia I Am Sakuya: Touhou FPS Game Brutal Fate The Age of Hell Unhinged 2 Multi-Port: REKKR: Sunken Land 2D Platformers: The Forestale Space Shooters: Fury's Sky NSFW: Dismantled - (link redacted, need Steam account to view page) After replies are made, I will update the list, thank you.
  7. There is an old flash game that was re-released years ago on Steam called FoxyLand. It is a challenging 2D platformer with some interesting ideas. It spawned a bunch of spin-off web games which reused its art assets. Also, on Steam there is another spin-off game called Foxy's Adventure. I think that the art assets would translate well to the ZDoom engine, and the game idea would work well in a Doom Mod. Foxy Land Doom should play like a third person action-platformer similar to Sonic Robo Blast 2 but have smaller tighter and more detailed levels. Because the gameplay would be translated into a Doom mod the perma-death feature would be completely removed. This would enable the levels to have greater exploration and flexibility. This would also allow the player to have more reckless abandonment when it comes to the platforming segments and finding all the collectables. Because this is Foxy Land, the mod still won't be easy. The player will die a lot when encountering enemies and falling into pits and spikes. The only difference is the player would have a blast doing so.
  8. What version of Most Wanted did you play, the 2005 or the 2012 version? If you played them both, which one did you like best? What did you like about Burnout: Revenge so much? Did you ever play Burnout: Takedown and Paradice? If so, what did you think about those games too?
  9. I asked this question or Reddit and I want to ask it here too. Last Christmas I received some used Xbox 360 games as a gift, and I've been enjoying a couple of great racing games. First, I am not a fan of simulation racing games, so my racing interest lean closer to the arcade side of the spectrum. I've just never been interested in sim racers, because I don't have the patience for playing the same race track a thousand times to perfect every turn. I am also not a fan of most mobile racing games either, because their track length is too short. Even though I am not perfect at arcade racing games I really do enjoy them. Here are some that I have played so far. Most Favorites: Need For Speed: Hot Persuit - Made by the same people who developed the Burnout Series. This game is like the love child between burnout and NFS. This game feels more refined gameplay wise and looks more refined visually. Even though the graphics look a little pixelated and dated by today's standards the environments still look beautiful to look at. I always prefer graphical aesthetics over fidelity. Multiple shortcuts and alternative routes make the environments feel more believable and make then more replayable. Various tools like EMP and spikes give the gameplay more depth. This turns a standard racetrack into a playground. Preview tracks and vehicles lets you try them out before you race them. Great if you want to learn where all the shortcuts are and learn the tracks really well. There is an open world mode where you can just drive and explore. Great to help you relax and listen to your favorite music after a stressful day. There are no penalties for crashing and driving reckless! Split/Second - This game is just reckless abandonment embodied and the most fun that I've had in a racing game in a very long time. I just can't believe that Disney even published it. Graphics and environments still look great to this day. It's exciting to see them explode and crumble before your eyes. Earning powerplays by drifting is a very thoughtful gameplay mechanic. The driving also feels very smooth and intuitive. I don't have to think about it. Using the powerplays to change the routes gives the races replayability and makes the courses feel more fluidic and dynamic. There are no penalties for crashing and driving reckless! Least Favorites: Need For Speed: The Run - There is just something about this game that I just don't like. It leans too close to a simulation racing game for my tastes. Trying to balance the gameplay and perfect my cornering is difficult for me. I also don't like how the game gives you a finite number of retries per stage. It feels like the game penalizes you for making mistakes. Some of the rock textures in the wilderness areas also look really bad in my opinion. It lookes like they used bump mapping, gloss and bloom effects when they should have left them eternally lit with a matte finish instead. Crackdown 1&2 - Crackdown is a really fun game, but its racing segments are really, really bad. Let's just leave it at that. You can download both games for free from the Xbox 360 marketplace. Wanted Games: Outrun 2006 - You can't go wrong with Outrun 2006 for the Original Xbox. Running the game on the 360 these days is the most premiere way of playing it. You can go wrong with how much it cost these days. For a game that was originally under $50 new it is often priced at over $200 used. I'm not paying that much for a game that I would play rarely anyways. Need For Speed: Rivals - This NFS game looks like the love child between Hot Persuit and Most Wanted (2012). As much as I like Hot Persuit, this game would definitely be up my alley. I've borrowed Most Wanted a years ago, so I might want that game as well. ---- What were and still are your favorite racing games for the Xbox 360? Please also tell me why. Thank you!
  10. The "Maximum" amount of people! I don't know. I don't have any reference to judge, because I've never played any of those levels. There might be some good maps in there, but I probably will never know. There are most likely worse levels in the archive. If this package is indeed 'shovelware', how much people care about D!Zone, D!Zone 2, H!Zone and Magic and Mayhem then. The last of which has some deplorable levels, but there were still worse maps uploaded to /idgames. M&M claimed to have over 1500 levels, but many of the wads included were carbon copies of one another and/or had many, many reused levels. H!Zone had a couple of good maps in a wad called "Destiny's Children" though. I've never attempted to play D!Zone nor Maximum Doom, So I can't judge.
  11. Every once in a while, I like to look for free games on Steam. Many games that interest me are student projects from art institutes. These screenshots come from a game called Mirlo Above the Sun which I finished today. It's an action-adventure platformer at heart I just wish it was longer.
  12. Personally, I prefer runner shoes over normal sneakers because they are more comfortable and versatile. Converse AKA deck shoes are just too flat and are a little harder to walk in and get up to speed. I also have a genetic disorder that give me loose joints and boney ankles, so any amount of support and comfort goes a long way. Pictured below is my personal favorite, in recent years, when it comes to ease, comfort and ones that keeps me up and moving. Edit: The Converse would be cheaper than the Nike's unless you are buying them from Ross or something like that. Thamas the Tank Engine says wheels.
  13. Give my brother a break, things like this happen to most people from time to time. Plus, he is the one who had to teach me how to use a smartphone. When it comes to PC's, music, science and video games I know more than anyone else in my family. For me it does help to watch Austin Evans and Linus Tech Tips to keep up with current trends. I also possess a more 'sensitive' gut instinct than both my brothers. I also don't just act before I think either. I wish that they would remember to come to me before purchase anything tech related too. That being said I need some help. What do I do with the scam drive? I really want him to get his money back, but I am afraid of what will happen to the drive if we send it back. Does Amazon reimburse you if you don't send it back? I feel that if the seller is smart enough to hack the firmware on the drive wouldn't they be smart enough to retrieve my data even after the drive has been formatted? Please help, what is your advice?
  14. I'll just place this here :) Welcome to the 2023 Cacoawards My House Edition hosted by Doomworld. This year's trophy has been redesigned and specially crafted to feature a cacodemon descending upon a house. Let's get cozy and visit My House to celebrate the awards this year.
  15. @Edward850 @Murdoch Rumor has it that Microsoft does indeed want to kill off support for HDDs as boot drives in favor of SSD's though. https://www.techradar.com/news/is-microsoft-about-to-kill-off-the-hdd-once-and-for-all https://www.techspot.com/news/94882-microsoft-calls-oems-kill-off-hdd-boot-drives.html Also, another Windows 10 update in 2021 BSOD'd both the non-profit PC and my home PC with the same update. I was able to get both back up, thank God. Most people ended up getting the patched update that didn't get BSOD'd hot-fixed just in time. The non-profit PC updates automatically without me able to do anything about it, but I stupidly updated my home PC as soon as I got that update, so my bad. Because of that I wait at least a day before I hit that update button.
  16. An 8TB Samsung internal SSD is like $400+ on Amazon while an Inland NVMe is like over $800. This also sounds like a plot for a Linus Tech Tips video.
  17. Just a reminder, my brother bought the flash drive not me. If I would have bought the drive, I would have chosen a brand that I know and trust. I wish that he would have bought a SanDisk. That is currently the drive that I have installed on my laptop right now. Other 'reputable' brands include, Samsung, Kingston, Lexar and PNY.
  18. In 2021 I was using a PC at a non-profit that had an HDD installed and it was running rather well. Microsoft released an update that year and afterwards the PC ran like trash. After that update Microsoft expects you to move away from using mechanical drives. After replacing the old drive with a newer SSD, the laptop ran as good as it did before the update. True that you can still run windows 10/11 on an old HDD but it will run like trash. I still have an old offline laptop that has an HDD that I keep running because it still has a DVD drive, and it is able to run windows 10. One of the reasons why it can't go online is because it still uses an old HDD and not a newer SSD.
  19. Also, Windows 10 no longer supports the older platter HDDs anymore. You can only install it on any number of non-mechanical flash or SSDs. If you even, try to have Windows 10 installed on an older mechanical drive it will run slower than molasses.
  20. Thanks for the heads up. By habit I am used to copying and pasting the share link and not the actual link. Please also read the updated text at the bottom of the OP.
  21. Not my favorite TV show, but I did finish The Cosby Show spinoff A Different World today on my Amazon firestick. Tomorrow, I think I want to start watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show next, then maybe I will start a random Sci-Fi show after I finish that one.
  22. I think that I found a fake flash drive buyer beware. My brother bought the flash drive linked below from Amazon. I was thinking, "sweet I have more storage for my Steam/GOG games." Unfortunately, I was dead wrong. Upon installing a few larger games from both Steam and GOG the drive is unable to install anything more after around 60GB. When installing a game from GOG the files were corrupt resulting in the game not working properly. When installing another game from Steam the game appeared to install correctly but there was no data on the drive. After installing the game directly to my SDD and then moving it to the flash drive in question the files became corrupted. Today I was able to install the Steam game to another flash drive without issues. Does anyone else have this issue with these drives? I think the truth is in the pudding, my brother bought a scam drive. If you have ever bought a fake flash drive from Amazon or eBay can you please post the link to the fake drive. I am fully aware of these scams, but many like my brother are not. If we can save just 1 person together, we have done enough. Please, I warn you, do not buy these drives thank you. The Amazon link doesn't let me paste the actual link which is a red flag. Below is what the link pastes for your information. I also still posted the share link just in case anyone wanted to see the product in question. "Amazon.com: USB C Memory Stick 1TB Phone External Storage, USB 3.1 Flash Drive with USB C/Micro USB Compatible MacBook iPad pro(2019/2020) iPad mini6 and PC (Black 1000GB) : Electronics" https://a.co/d/fw1VfBZ
  23. I read about that, but in my honest opinion I think that it's about control. The big tech companies like Apple, Microsoft and Google are trying to control internet usage and what you can view and download online. The did it with ending flash support and when Google introduced the webp image format. Also, if you market a game through Steam as a NFT product, Steam will recognize that as a red flag and might issue a cease-and-desist order. Did you also know that Steam is being sued by the makers of Humble Bundle to where people might be entitled to compensation if they bought games through their service? I wouldn't sign the petition though, because I don't want my account terminated.
  24. I might be overexaggerating a bit but I'm just giving them a bad time, because to them Star Trek is a religion. Plus, they make fun of me for my weird quirks, I'm just getting a little revenge. Thats the biggest reason he is very annoying. After Kes left the show, he actually became a better character. He also was willing to pull his own weight when it came to his duties abord the ship. Just his relationship with Kes was a bit cringey. She is actually quite attractive too. While playing Elite Force holomatch she was my go-to character skin. Better to play as the hottest skin in the game than the main character. Here are 12 more personal facts, quotes and questions about Star Trek. 1. My older brother cried during Star Trek: Nemesis when the Enterprize rammed into Shinzon's ship. He also became angry, because that shouldn't happen to the Enterprise or even in Star Trek. 2. My older brother, who is a bigger Trekkie than I am, gets very angry and upset when I correct him on character info, story lines and the science of Star Trek. 3. My brother and I do agree that they should have made a miniseries based upon the "Star Trek: New Frontier" book series by Peter David. If you read ST books, you should read those, they are actually really good. 4. I think Star Trek: Enterprise was a good show. The Rod Stewart theme song was a little cringy, but otherwise it had some great production value. If it continued to have 7 seasons, I think it would have been great to see the introduction of the Romulan war. 5. What do you think about the fan film "Star Trek: Renegade"? I think that the story was great, but the acting was a little cringy at times. Especially the main villain and the students/grandchildren of Chekov's character. 6. Will the fan series "Star Trek: Axenar" ever get completed? CBS surely messed that up for everyone. 7. What do you think about "Squadron: A Star Trek Fan Production"? I don't speak Czech but if I did, I would think that the acting would be well done for a fan production. I am also partial about the actresses in the film too. 8. Did you know the movie "Galaxy Quest" was voted on by fans as an honorary Star Trek film and it is considered canon in the Star Trek extended universe. 9. My heart gets really heavy when I hear that talented women pass away too young. I was saddened when I heard that Marie Fredriksson from Roxette and Dolores O'Riordan from The Cranberries had passed away. I also was sad to hear that Stephanie Niznik who played Perim from Star Trek: Insurrection had also passed away. 10. What are your favorite space/star ships from Star Trek? I'll post some of mine later. 11. Remember that when there is a will there is a Weyoun. 12. Finally, when I watch other people lists on YouTube of whom the hottest ladies on Star Trek are they always leave out Kira Nerys, my favorite. If I were to make a list here are some ladies who I would add (In no particular order). A. Kira B. Lexxa C. Ensign Ro D. K'ehleyr
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