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Lila Feuer

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About Lila Feuer

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  1. The entirety of Chapter IV from Eviternity II.
  2. "Hello? Operator? I'm being stalked by Sunder." "Hold on while we patch you through another line." "NO NO NO NO NO"
  3. @Blzut3 Yes I know your credentials, I use ECWolf too which on a more positive note for what it's worth is a good port, not that there's a lot of competition in that particular field when it comes to that game however. Also I have no problem with the mission statement in and of itself and I'm all for mappers being able to do what they want with their shit, modders do the same thing already, the issue is how inconvenient this is and how the proposed solution is actually still a non-solution and it's just a PITA now whichever way you slice it. It makes me want to downgrade GZDoom and if it means I miss out on some stuff then so be it, I barely use the port these days anyway outside of gameplay mods since the mapping scene for it is so niche to begin with. But yeah I'm more than well aware that some people have total reading comprehension inability, doesn't mean one should simply assume they're all like that and that this proposed solution is what'll remove it or the vast majority of it anyway. It'll certainly bring it down to an extent, but you'll always have someone asking about something or getting confused or annoyed with why something isn't working correctly, as a longtime programmer I'm sure you're more than accustomed to that never-ending sea of complaining. But once again, I think that's a secondary issue here and was only partially the mission statement, it's apparently so bad now that even I didn't know there were these mappers griping about their levels getting messed up in GZDoom, which also proceeds to...mess up brightness or have high gamma by default resulting in a washed out scene, texture filtering, sprites that default to clipping through the floor, the baboon-ass ugly default automap colors, I didn't know that the correct lighting modes were apparently a lot more important than those and I'm sure I missed something else that sucks ass by default. My aim is not to harass, I don't have time for that and that's beyond petty and anyone who engages in that is effectively doing the "instead of aiming your anger at the institution you take it out on the people" and while they obviously played a major role in this decision I would personally prefer to decide if I even liked their works enough in the first place to consider letting a bygone be a bygone despite the inconvenience it caused me, or else if I just don't recognize/don't care i.e not a major name, then it'll be my choice in deciding if I even want to play their stuff now at all if I now view them in a different light. Of course, the internet's terrible and there's going to be salty retards that won't listen to reason and will probably try to make the mappers' lives hell anyway so w.e I get your concern there at least. I was not trying to be vindictive, simply just being informed. I suppose ignorance is bliss!
  4. Well that's convoluted as shit, how is this a solution to the problem then? Can't even just have the benefit of the doubt with the crap advice that's being given in this thread, believe me I'd love for this first world problem to just cease to exist, but it appears that me and mega minority of complainers apparently cannot stack up the might of the combinative Oompa Loompas that is this dev team. Speaking on behalf of others again, how greasy! Did you really think there would be zero resistance to this change and that there'd be no possible outcry whatsoever as a result of a very late change made well after the fact when this port has been around for nearly twenty years? I'd still like to know who the "many mappers" are that pushed for this change.
  5. It will instead lead to incredible bias! My personal favorites tbh for w.e it's worth ig (keep in mind I have not played everything and some of these I have to go off memory as it's been a while): Alien Vendetta Operation: BIOWAR Community Chest 3 and 4 Epic 2 (rapidly rising to the top of all-time favorites still need to finish it) Eviternity II (first one's OK but sequel is crazy good) Icarus: Alien Vanguard Kama Sutra Memento Mori 1 and 2 NOVA: The Birth and its sequels especially New Dawn Obituary Osiris Plutonia 2 Plutonia Revisited Community Project (the first one) Phobos: Relive the Nightmare Requiem Realm of Chaos 25th Anniversary Edition Scythe II STRAIN Sunlust TNT: Revilution There's a lot more than that but these are the ones that come to mind in recent memory as having enjoyed the most overall.
  6. I suppose this wasn't thought out very well huh, that's what happens when you cater to a minority. So since we or at least I know that the "casual users" was the smokescreen for the change, who are the mappers I should be holding accountable for forcing the devs to make this change in order for me to avoid playing their works? It's really petty yes, but I'm petty that you're petty! Yes, I can use a third party mod to put things back in, at least I'm fortunate enough to be able to do that, GZDoom is not a paid product but its user base dwarfs any other source port for the game by far. There's programs or apps that remove basic functionalities and don't even have a third party solution because they block them or else there's no way to access the guts of the service to even implement changes, or they may paywall arbitrary functionality, because that's the kinda world we live in now. We can still work around this if nothing's done to make a compromise. The problem still stands however that this one little change is having big unforeseen consequences and it's not being taken seriously at all. Speaking on behalf of other people and making up bizarre percentages and being out of touch with modern instant messaging services like Discord to make it sound like me and others like me don't exist is incredibly insulting and you sound extremely haughty for doing so. I cannot take you seriously whatsoever and refuse to engage you at all. You know who you are, you dismissed my points eight months ago and continue to parade around in here despite the fact I don't think you're even a programmer, so what are you getting out of this other than to be a pompous contrarian? Anyway I told one mapper/modder about the changes that've been implemented (00_Zombie_00) so that they know to update their package to force dark mode, even though it was, y'know, player side before and they wrote incredibly simple instructions to inform users what light mode worked best with their project, only now that mode is removed and now it messes things up for them. Who knows how many other instances there are of this now that need to be addressed, all because some mappers got incredibly offended that their works were not being represented correctly and feel the need to enforce a huge change on the player base. You took one problem and split it into two, congratulations!
  7. I found out about Grezzo 2 from Vinesauce's video back in 2015 and laughed so hard I nearly puked.
  8. @baja blast rd. Slime Girls eh? Vinny "Vinesauce" Pepperoni will like that one!
  9. Frankly games and music is what got me through the years living in a broken home, when there's literally no other options present what are you suppose to do? Eventually life decided to make huge changes for me, by getting my home foreclosed lol. Either way, if you just keep going and stay kicking, you'll eventually end up where you want to be. You can't just always make the change you want yourself. Hopefully your life situation never gets that crazy though.
  10. Yeah, you can also be your own barrier as well, and at that rate you're living in a bubble, of pain.
  11. Aaand just like that I went to go exit D2 MAP09 and as soon as I hit the switch the game immediately closed. Here's the log: Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (built on Jun 18 2024) M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults. default file: D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.cfg IWAD found: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\doom 2\base\doom2.wad DOOM II version Savegame directory: D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\savegames\doom2.wad Screenshot directory: . W_Init: Init WADfiles. adding D:\Steam\steamapps\common\doom 2\base\doom2.wad adding D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\autoload\all-all\woofhud.lmp adding D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\autoload\doom-all\brghtmps.lmp M_Init: Init miscellaneous info. R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - [ ]........................ P_Init: Init Playloop state. I_Init: Setting up machine state. I_InitController: Initialize game controller. I_InitSound: Using 'OpenAL Soft on Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio)' @ 48000 Hz. Using 'Linear' resampler. Precaching all sound effects... done. MIDI Init: Using 'CoolSoft MIDIMapper'. NET_Init: Init network subsystem. D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status. startskill 3 deathmatch: 0 startmap: 1 startepisode: 1 player 1 of 1 (1 nodes) S_Init: Setting up sound. HU_Init: Setting up heads up display. ST_Init: Init status bar. VX_Init: Voxels not found. SDL render driver: direct3d ResetResolution: 320x200 S_ChangeMusic: D_RUNNIN (doom2.wad) P_SetupLevel: MAP01 (doom2.wad), Skill 4, Doom, Doom 1.9 S_ChangeMusic: D_IN_CIT (doom2.wad) P_SetupLevel: MAP09 (doom2.wad), Skill 4, Doom, Doom 1.9 G_DoLoadGame: Slot 00, Time (1:09) 0:00.69 ================================================================= ==3756==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: access-violation on unknown address 0x000000000000 (pc 0x7ffb9d09ca07 bp 0x000000000000 sp 0x00b54dcff160 T0) ==3756==The signal is caused by a READ memory access. ==3756==Hint: address points to the zero page. #0 0x7ffb9d09ca06 in add_string_to_line C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\hu_lib.c:189 #1 0x7ffb9d09ac16 in HUlib_add_strings_to_cur_line C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\hu_lib.c:215 #2 0x7ffb9d09a96e in HUlib_add_string_to_cur_line C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\hu_lib.c:222 #3 0x7ffb9d0aab4e in HU_widget_build_sttime C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\hu_stuff.c:1487 #4 0x7ffb9d0a16b8 in HU_widget_rebuild_sttime C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\hu_stuff.c:1492 #5 0x7ffb9d0929dd in G_DoCompleted C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\g_game.c:1756 #6 0x7ffb9d086e3e in G_Ticker C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\g_game.c:3106 #7 0x7ffb9d07a231 in RunTic C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\d_net.c:91 #8 0x7ffb9d06d6e3 in TryRunTics C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\d_loop.c:878 #9 0x7ffb9d079be9 in D_DoomMain C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\d_main.c:3035 #10 0x7ffb9d0b877e in NuggetDoom_Main C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\i_main.c:70 #11 0x7ff72d66283c (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x14000283c) #12 0x7ff72d66a12b (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x14000a12b) #13 0x7ff72d66a1d2 (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x14000a1d2) #14 0x7ff72d663e78 (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x140003e78) #15 0x7ff72d663d61 (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x140003d61) #16 0x7ff72d663c1d (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x140003c1d) #17 0x7ff72d663f0d (D:\Source Ports\idTech1\nugget-doom-debug\nugget-doom.com+0x140003f0d) #18 0x7ffc0ba07343 in BaseThreadInitThunk+0x13 (C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0x180017343) #19 0x7ffc0bfbcc90 in RtlUserThreadStart+0x20 (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+0x18004cc90) AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info. SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: access-violation C:\msvc\Nugget-Doom\src\hu_lib.c:189 in add_string_to_line ==3756==ABORTING E: Can't crash it now no matter how hard I try. If anything it seems like it will crash one time during a session on any MAP upon game start/load.
  12. Someone with longer experience who's been there versus someone who may not of been there as long or is as good at holding it together can be better at counseling.
  13. Seeing as the entire world's militaries were annihilated and there's no such thing as one man armies (such notable real life instances are extremely rare and on much smaller scales) and my general cynicism I'd say fat chance fancy pants.
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