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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. For once I'm with you, I would be infuriated if the last game I played before I diedeaded was TAG2.
  2. If we can get this thread to 100k views and the new Doom Eternal II: Eternal Doom isn't out yet in the next six minutes months I will game end myself live and shoutout Midnight before I do it.
  3. My brother in christ, you are literally on Doomworld.
  4. Back in the day no. Nowadays yes. Huge contrast between the Doom2.wad style of mapping versus some "realistic" reinterpretation like Doom 2 Reloaded. Back then I really liked that wad, but now I think it plays things way too safe and loses a lot of style points that makes Doom II's levels more memorable. Doom was always better at abstract representations of real world places (even with doomcute things to support the notion of realism) than trying to be Duke Nukem.
  5. Oh how lovely, I'll update my copy after my playthru of Eviternity II!
  6. Korax is such a massive pushover compared to D'Sparil that it's rather upsetting.
  7. One-quintillionth of the first world problems has been solved on the fourteen subforums.
  8. This is my finest creation yet I worked very hard on this pls be nice to me. 🥺
  9. If this doesn't replace the health bonuses with basic bitch hotdogs I'm gonna be feeling some second hand disappointment for BP.
  10. Can agree that Seven Portals was a really shitty thing to front-load the game with.
  11. The literal back and forth map navigation, it's not the objectives themselves, it's all the same-y looking grey facilities and sewers that are filled with dead ends.
  12. @Gez Yeah, if anything the community favorite that is Strife actually made me more lost than I ever was in any other id Tech 1 engine game, so imagine my head scratching when I was going through it proper when Veteran Edition released.
  13. Loved it when I was younger, nowadays I think it's okay. Decay echoes the majority of my sentiments. I generally prefer Heretic these days from a gameplay perspective, even though that game has its own problems too.
  14. No screenshots? Well in that case:
  15. Next they'll think of zero sector, colloquially known as "No Doom."
  16. Eviternity II is so good wtf I just hit the first secret level. This wad makes me want to find all the secrets, a rarity in megawads.
  17. We sincerely hope from the bottom our hearts that Grungo feels better soon! Take all the time you need to make a full recovery, you will need your strength in order to continue being the best Grungo can be.
  18. It completely lost all the tension and atmosphere, as well as exploration. The combat of 2016 was distilled to its purest form with Eternal, and some levels genuinely looked nice, but progression was annoying with all the start and stop thanks to tentacles, puzzles and trial and error with the climbing/platforming. Not even going to get into the nonsense that is the lore. They need to seriously scale things back with the next installment if they're to hold my interest. I was insinuated to get Doom 2016 2 or Doom 2019 and ended up getting w.e Doom is suppose to be now, a borderline parody of the source material? As for Quake there's something there with the first game, they could take it to all sorts of interesting places, it could be straight up survival horror or a slower, more methodical action game. Hopefully both, since not everything needs to be OTT and cartoonish. And personally, MachineGames shot themselves in the foot with a minigun ad infinitum with the last Wolf, which was almost seven years ago now. Youngblood/Cyberpilot doesn't even count. That series frankly needs a reset too. Every other company got a shot at the IP, and MG has been hogging it for a decade.
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