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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Twin chainguns and a BFG, so the Spider Demolisher on the Realm.
  2. I came for awesome drama and I got feels instead.
  3. Apex CHUD makes good point about D&D and the-then interests/hobbies of that generation which was based primarily in the 80s and 70s (assuming these mappers were 30+ in age like I am now,) that certainly influenced their mapping habits. It should also be stated that despite Carmack's wanton disregard for storytelling a lot of mappers loved weaving sometimes elaborate lore for scenarios to take place in. Sverre André Kvernmo is especially notable for his Cabal series where you (technically) play a Cyberdemon who was transformed into a vengeful human due to mutiny IIRC. Although unorthodox, there was instances where the author would hide important information on the automap, utilizing it like a treasure map, further adding to the adventure game feel.
  4. It did also feel like mappers were trying to do things that the game couldn't actually do but they tried their hardest to convey what their idea was via sector architecture or specific sequences with switches or even just new sprites. Some mappers also desired a more adventure-y game feel to a level with its progression than typical Doom formula. Something not mentioned that I think is a 90s stable is an emphasis on gradient lighting, this looked very dramatic and it stuck out to me just as much as the other things mentioned in this thread.
  5. Aww, I didn't know he stopped. Yeah I love his blog, I bookmarked it as a nice resource reference for anything I haven't played or just want to see what he thought of something I did. It's a real treasure trove.
  6. It has my attention so I'm interested as a fan of NV and FO3, seems to be doing well, maybe helps it's not Netflix or Paramount being tone-deaf morons with source material.
  7. Shitty month, so here's some matching pictures. My hair is actually clean believe it or not, I need an industrial strength dandruff shampoo or something.
  8. CC1 MAP29 is the only time I've ever skipped a map in any megawad after trying in vain for 30 minutes and hating it, then myself.
  9. 1993. The second proper FPS to follow Wolf3D. Yeah, there were no standards. Even masters of their craft still make mistakes.
  10. Get the justice you damn well deserve and then some. Even then it will never give you back the time or the personal things you've lost and I can't begin to comprehend the PTSD you've developed from what you've incurred, but justice is justice and there will be fucking karma coming for every person that has wronged you.
  11. Yeah I don't necessarily agree with every Nightdive release when it comes to certain changes made (and maybe a hot take but I would not call them game preservationists even though I do find the majority of their versions of the respective games to be well worth the money and a playthrough on multiple systems if you own any), but if you're going to be critical at least be constructive about it as opposed to writing the whole thing off as just some "lazy cash grab." That would be Konami when they re-release anything these days.
  12. Yeah those still subscribed to GManLives but will get insecure when their shit's pushed in by a modern John Romero.
  13. I declare myself be stuck in place with the sharpest of pins for all eternity for my crimes committed since 1989.
  14. Anyone else notice/report this already or is it just me? I can't see any posts I made after Dec 24 and for example Doomkid "hasn't" posted since Dec 22. Is something fucky going on with the forum software?
  15. Oh fucking no that's awful. RIP to a literal legend, his works will forever live on and continue to inspire.
  16. And they wonder why people want the police to be defunded. I know exactly what you mean from painful experience, you are made to feel like enemy a-number one when you're already trapped and have nothing, when all you want to do is to be left alone. You don't want to be homeless anywhere, but I would rather be homeless anywhere else other than California.
  17. I was waiting for someone to hopefully say it, she's an unparalleled badass in the FPS world and to the best of my knowledge the very first in terms of a lead role and not a player choice like ROTT. I know there's a male model but Gina was the default and is established as canon for Unreal 1.
  18. She is literally perfect, first crush in a video game and of all things my-then favorite series of games so it was like a match made in heaven lol. As for my modern favorite...
  19. Everything that's happened to you is more than worthy of a MrBallen video, more people need to know about this; for the lack of a better word, horrific injustice to you and the complete and total systematic failure of our country's legal and justice laws. I just checked this thread now to make sure you were okay/still kicking. I hope you find your way out of this nightmare, I really do.
  20. I think it should go without saying but for those new to the first Dark Souls (I didn't make this mistake I just read up on what was next in Kiln of the First Flame) that if you don't want to do the DLC on NG+ don't fight the final boss, because you will be locked into picking an ending. So I'm taking care of loose ends, like the optional boss fight in Anor Londo and ofc the DLC which is tucked away (you have to activate it in Darkroot Basin.)
  21. Alright I last took care of Gravelord Nito and thankfully was right on the money to return to New Londo Ruins because a merchant there will give you a key to drain the place when he detects you have the Lordvessel, I could've gone as soon as I got it after Ornstein and Smough but it's fine. My order was Duke's Archives/Crystal Cave, Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith, Catacombs/Tomb of the Giants and then New Londo Ruins. I actually forgot I acquired the Rite of Kindling from killing Pinwheel so my dumb ass was still running around with 10 Estus flasks when I could've had 20! I got my Greatsword (which is technically an ultra greatsword) to +15 which made short work of the Four Kings and have unlocked the way to Kiln of the First Flame, I'm guessing this is the endgame, so wish me luck! Apparently the final boss is easy as cake if you parry them, but I'm using the Tower Shield still. Not sure where you opt into the DLC down the line but I'll be sure to do it last. This was an amazing playthrough and I'm super eager to play again as well as the other Souls games.
  22. Congratulations to all involved, I'm sorry I wasn't able to finish in time, this was my first attempt at contributing to a project so naturally I didn't prep myself in the event something happened or I have days where my motivation is at zero, but no big deal, there's always next time!
  23. Couple days left, I should get that map out soon eh. Also a reminder for anyone else who may've participated in the project. Worst case scenario I'm somehow not able to contribute the level I'll just do a solo release as an extra "bonus" for anyone interested. I wasn't able to finish my Doom mod project this month either, so that's TBA until further notice and I just haven't felt that great lately to begin with, but besides I look forward to playing this project when it's finished!
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