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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Opening fight is pretty good, I did get cheesed by a collective Revenant super death missile as they have a LOT of agency in the first area to keep following you. The second fight is actually pretty damn hard, it was nice to see the heat get turned up with Arch-Viles that tried to undo your hard work, as well as the Cyberdemons. I didn't know about the invul actually so I ended up doing it the hard way but perhaps that was more rewarding. The third battle is a little easier due to abundance of power ups but those Cybies really got the advantage with higher ground, making ascending stairs quite perilous, I copped a couple of hits even though I was able to undo them. It does promote you to play more reckless/messy which isn't necessarily always a bad thing, as long as the pressure is constant I feel with a lot of monsters attacking from a lot of places you can get away with extra goodies to keep you in the fight. It should only feel bad if you use them all up and you still got a ways to go before you actually finish the area. Liked the Pain Elemental spam right before the final area, they did cause me to become immobilized which gave the Cybie a free hit on me. Honestly there's quite a few things to get hung up and snagged on in some areas to cause movement restriction, be it intentional or by accident, I can sometimes find it annoying, but I'm sure players who have better spatial awareness and movement won't struggle with those aspects as much as I do. It feels like monsters and solid static objects' hitboxes are larger than they're suppose to be at times. The last fight is easier (to me at least) but there's still room for error if you're not careful, all in all this map killed me the most out of all of your releases, so whether or not that's seen as an accomplishment or indicative of my skills, congratulations regardless! I had a good time with this one.
  2. @DNSKILL5 That sudden onset SS machine gun firing sound induces a certain PTSD in avid Wolf players.
  3. @Stabbey echoes my sentiments, I like to preserve challenge but gd wasted time is still wasted time, though I'd rather lose 20 minutes than lose an hour or more as not all maps are designed by their authors without savegames in mind, otherwise how else are you gonna implement those dickheaded traps that require foreknowledge to overcome?
  4. No it's corpses clipping halfway thru the floor with """"smart"""" sprite clipping (filter your textures/sprites and use washed out gamma all you want but that's my biggest pet-peeve.)
  5. I wasn't able to crash MAP01-04 of doom2.wad during some quick stress tests (repeatedly loading and using ten times in a row), but I did just crash MAP05 on my second try of the exit. Interesting. I crashed it again too on a new session but it took the third attempt to do so. It appears to be easily replicable. OK I just tried MAP05 exit twenty times in a row because now I can't get it to crash on third try at all, if it helps I started a new game. I can't tell if there's like "bad data" being cached that could potentially spring on any map on a fresh game start or not (excuse my grotesque lack of programming lingo.) I'll report more as I continue tests using doom2.wad, assuming the wad in question does not really matter. Though due to format differences I should probably try doom.wad too. E: Could not crash the entirety of that D2 session, no idea what changed.
  6. 🎵 Oompa loompa doompa de do, please forget about Dark Mode too! 🎵

  7. Not with an entire generation in the player base they won't. Especially now since it can be modded back into the game, effectively futureproofing it. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?style=12&p=1251783#p1251783 Anyway I'd like to know what mappers were responsible for this decision since it has nothing to do with casuals getting lost in options menus that were already given a simplified treatment by default so I can not so much hold them accountable for the overwhelmingly majority vote but to simply avoid their works since they messed with a popular source port that is anything but "authentic" to the Doom experience. It's more like a game engine nowadays that just so happens to run id Tech 1 games. E: Fixed post, forum software's kind of ass.
  8. Dark. I like the reliance of dynamic lights in GZDoom, it's one of its biggest gimmick/selling points for me. I don't play GZDoom to have an authentic experience, it's a modding playground.
  9. plops disembodied tit on top of head I am the fuckin' queen of France! wiggles arms

  10. @Lippeth Oh that's just cruel of my faulty memory, I can't believe I'd forget Diablo!
  11. @Xaser Knew I was forgetting something, yeah Dead Space is the shit.
  12. Quake, Quake II, Quake III, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Doom 3, Heretic and Hexen series, Half-Life 1, Unreal/Unreal Tournament, F.E.A.R. (the first one), Fallout 3/New Vegas, Manhunt, Carmageddon series (especially those ped collisions in the first one!) Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 1-4, Devil May Cry series, Hotline Miami 1-2, and Fromsoft games. Honorable mention to Aubrey Hodges for his sound design for PS1/N64 Doom.
  13. That's awesome I'm glad you beat it finally, it's a genuinely good wad and I think its reputation as this Dark Souls-esque terror in the Doom scene is misrepresenting it, it's just very good arena combat and it never feels truly unfair.
  14. Apparently Phil Spencer's a Hexen fanboy, but given Raven's banishment (device) to the CoD mines it seems unlikely we'll ever revisit the world of Cronos or Thyrion...
  15. Lmao there's way more than three buddy, just because they won't voice their discontent on Doomworld does not mean they don't exist. What is going on in here? There's no further complaints because the complaints aren't being addressed or rather taken seriously and it's all just half-ass compromises because nobody on the dev team wants to actually take the L for this decision. It's halfway up there already, so just sit on it. I'm done, I'll let other users like NeoWorm waste their time arguing with a wall.
  16. This is lowkey amazing, I'm a huge fan of the first game and enjoy the sequel too.
  17. @Jimmy How'd you go about it? I played all of Sunlust on HMP and it's harder than most thing on UV so I think that was the right call for a first-time playthrough. I never save during fights (unless I can break line-of-sight and get into cover for a guaranteed breather) so needless to say that was probably the craziest battle I've had since MAP30 of Scythe II, which I totally had to savescum because that wad's difficulty went off the rails in the last five or so maps, at least on UV. Doing the final battle with the barons and arch-viles in the last room one by one in one go after like six or seven tries felt legit good but I was almost beginning to wonder if I'd met my match regarding skill ceiling lol.
  18. Just to show how random it is, I exited MAP10 of 1killtng and no crash (my session lasted from the same map) on first attempt. Reloaded my game and exited a second time, no crash again. Reloaded a third time and exited, crashed.
  19. I've launched WADs and not had MAP01 crash on exit, not that it can't but it's not 100% for me like it is for CacoKnight. But I've had other maps crash during the same play session.
  20. This might be my favorite one so far outside of Shotgun Symphony and Fourth State of Matter. I like the music too. The first fight has a sense of urgency of needing to clear through the imps so as to not be overwhelmed by the revenant hordes, I actually think there could've been more than two arch-viles as reinforcements as they can be easily exploited when they're in a sea of corpses trying to resurrect one by one, although it's a very viable strategy. The second fight lowering you into a weaker horde with an arch-vile that tries to throw you off was also quite fun, again I think there could've been two in this case. The pool fight is probably the easiest area fight-wise as there's a lot of resources, but don't be like me and go into the secret early until after you get the yellow key or you'll be teleported into an unwinnable blockade of cacos and pain elementals lol. Also there's a big HOM here and I'm not sure if it's Nugget Doom or what, I used MBF21 compatibility as well as Boom compatibility (shame they don't use complevel #'s to make this easier to setup in-game.) Still, two arch-viles at a minimum did add some pressure once the flood of red and brown started to pour out after getting said key, though I was fortunate in my case to not get zapped. The finale can be cheesed with bottlenecking enemies but it's extremely tedious and the steep stairs and door constantly slamming in your face makes it not worth it in my opinion, so just go in there and fight, some decent maneuverability needed for throwing off revenant homing missiles in a space that isn't too narrow nor too big. Kinda creepy how it just keeps going into the darkness before finally exiting! All in all a pretty solid little venture and it's always fun to blow shit up.
  21. I've had game crashes at random on map exit, currently still on 3.0.0 as I thought this was a problem that affected the latest update. Doesn't matter if it's the first level or the second to last, it runs on chaos logic. For example MAP06: Open Season of TNT crashed on exit, the first five never did. I would hate to be the one who is trying to pinpoint exactly why this is happening. It's enforced a practice for me to save my game before I leave a level.
  22. You can argue with them until you're blue in the face. Unfortunately bullshitters do not have a stamina bar.

  23. @NeoWorm The fact you even have to waste your time with this at all speaks volumes to the tone-deafness of this decision-making.
  24. Play information is kinda super vital to write, probably takes like thirty seconds to do, likely less. It worked for years. This is a problem that's also not native to Doom but games on PC in general: no matter how exhaustive your mod installation instructions are, there's always someone that that has no idea what they're doing. You can't help everyone. This is the most popular source port for probably any game come to think of it, the versatility of its platform is extremely attractive for those who don't really care about authenticity. I should never have to go into something that highly moddable and ask the question "where's a basic function like setting the lighting mode?" Making a preflight check every time I want to launch the game for something so innocuous is an obvious downgrade and inconvenience to the end-user and whoever says otherwise is drinking the GZDoom dev kool-aid. E: Well that was a fucking lie. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?style=12&p=1251783#p1251783
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