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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. I like cats but I really like that velvet worm!
  2. They could call it...Base Ganymede. windows 95 startup sound
  3. I feel your pain, I've had nothing but resistance trying to get my mod finished in time for Dec 10. Hope you're well!
  4. Well will you look at that, they didn't melt off! Can't say the same for some other things however.
  5. I'll steal his hat, which means he'll be hatless, therefore I will have the hat power!
  6. Knee-deep in the Dead is honestly kinda boring nowadays, the game picks up for me personally at episode 2.
  7. Narrative can totally affect the feeling of a game, the structure more or less depends on its storytelling, if it isn't an overarching narrative then it's environmental storytelling, but they usually go hand in hand, so if the story is for instance flat out annoying it can make the gameplay annoying also, in the case of Doom Eternal the gameplay is strong enough to hold its own (the combat at least) but the story has a huge emphasis on why you're there and what you're doing at any given time and the cutscenes constantly support it so I find some parts of the game to be not that fun or just kinda boring. If the story was really good then I would be constantly immersed and it would actually make the gameplay a little better, or even allow the gameplay to be serviceable at best if the world building is great.
  8. Yeah I hope no one ever feels disrespected when I entertain the idea of modding mods and using them as a base for additional modification, it's just when you know how things work and you know it can be altered easily it's hard to go back and take things as what they are lol. Ever since I figured out how to change stuff in DECORATE back in 2010 no one's mod has been safe since hahaha. Ofc I wouldn't re-release someone else's work without the author's express permission if I didn't just want it to be for personal entertainment only.
  9. I thought the gas they put you under y'know, knocks you out, why are you posting?
  10. Yeah I was also increasing the capacity to 99 while slowing the rate of fire down and increasing the power so it was closer to an assault rifle. Ngl it's nice when everything's in English as I like to put it, I was surprised how moddable D3 was out of the box with the abundance of plain text documents explaining what did what.
  11. Absolutely. I respect mods that know what D3 is, the moment you're speeding everything up because muh Doom 1-2 it's no longer D3 to me. Yeah, you look real cool flying through the narrow spaces at top speed killing the 30 or so monsters on that level in a little under a minute. What?
  12. I was doing something with my chaingun once with a capacity of 99 but significantly reduced backup capacity. It's a support weapon, not a main arm. E: Also reducing capacity of shotgun to 4 shots but keeping reload time the same despite loading one shell at time. Ain't no way in hell that tube supports eight.
  13. A great edit of an Advance Wars unit.
  14. I feel like maybe less people have even played episodes 2 and 3 because back in the day the concept of a game's length or continuation under the same title and not as a sequel wasn't clearly defined, so they most likely beat the shareware and thus beat Doom.
  15. @Wadmodder Shalton Gives me Postal 1 loading screen vibes.
  16. Oh, well if you meant in one sitting then I've beaten UAC Ultra in one sitting once because I couldn't stop playing until I finished it and it's a dozen or so maps long, but that's like a longer episode. I did however beat Doom II in one sitting once and my runtimes are typically 3 hours so doing that all at once just because I thought well I can didn't pay off so great at the end because my ass hurt after I got up.
  17. @Gmg Or demons. But I imagine as a two hundred thousand(?) strong community we'd probably stand a decent chance for the first wave.
  18. What is this? Some kinda freaky time warp acid trip?
  19. Yeah in Doom 3 I think it was implied it was Sarge's weapon brought with him as he used it to hunt back on Earth. I like how D3 tried to ground almost everything despite still playing like a video game.
  20. It's true, in the lore Doomguy doesn't have a waifu he has a raifu.
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