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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. I'm guessing this means a maintained Heretic and Hexen, previously Russian Heretic/Hexen and then International Heretic/Hexen before the latter ended support. I was using the latter to replay those games and learned about the aforementioned Russian port of Hexen because of Civvie 11's review.
  2. The Chasm. I'm sure that pushes my alignment towards Neutral Evil but eh what's new.
  3. Well they're both in their 50s now so whatever was going on between them in their twenties is water under the bridge at this point.
  4. Naturally I try to stay away from things that require me to get constant blood transfusions so I don't pass out.
  5. Magical feline creature that only comes out at night, will raid unsecured cheese.
  6. Nothing that exciting, just cringy writings, MS paint art and sloppy poorman's photoshop edits. 💀
  7. Your mileage may vary. I beat the Marauder on the first try with a gamepad. The master levels can be pretty intense even on HMP but usually only require me an extra try or two for the later ones. I haven't actually finished the game yet but I get the feeling I'm pretty late, as your batcave in space eventually gets raided.
  8. Takes me back to seeing what was on old floppy disks I wrote things to 11 years ago (the floppies themselves went back as early as 2003.) Best of luck!
  9. Is it a gaming peripheral or a fucking Turok weapon.
  10. Hm, that's one doomed space marine.
  11. I liked SIGIL but didn't love it and I could see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea but I do praise the distinct visual design and for Romero doing something different. I played it when it was new so I'm gonna need to give it another go by the time its sequel drops to better compare them.
  12. I had no idea Lee was onboard for composing, that's some of the wildest news I've read all year. I do hope he feels better soon. @leejacksonaudio Thank you for all the great music in Duke 3D and ROTT by the way!
  13. The best tracks to me in original PC Doom are pretty much all the ones that are ambient and eerie or otherwise on the quieter and chill side, the volume of which seems to dwarf the thirteen or so heavy tracks between Doom and Doom II. Mark Klem on the other hand, that's who I want for bangers and unlike Bobby are all original pieces.
  14. IDQUITTER - Enables naughty exit messages with foul language. "Get the fuck out pussy!"
  15. I thought this was referring to the Swedish made School Doom partial conversion and its upgraded School Doom II version from '96, which in all fairness had a wacky Postal 2 flavor to it seven years before that game, and predating Postal 1 by a year. Well have fun for anyone who doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about, it was a very different time pre-Columbine.
  16. Spoilers don't ruin my enjoyment, still have to experience it myself in-game, watching a game and playing it are like night and day, also I very rarely jump into things I see spoilers for right away so a lot of time can pass and I usually end up forgetting everything anyway.
  17. I like using the alpha shotgun which I didn't know for the longest time is what the old sprited Doom 3 shotgun is based on. https://www.moddb.com/mods/alpha-shotgun-mod It would be cool to see the pistol and machine gun as well as the old HUD as add-ons. The Reznor sounds are also great.
  18. GoldenEye, which was amazing, it does not look or feel like a movie from 1995, more like 1999 or even early 2000s, just incredible production value.
  19. Yep, although at one point something even like the old Hellstorm (pre-Demon Eclipse) webpage made 12 y/o me think "How is this going to be possible? There's way more monsters here than actually replaceable in Doom!" And now we live in a post-DECORATE, zscript compatible world where the sky is the limit.
  20. Waiting For Romero To Play With Himself
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