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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Lmao how is VAT even legal, my condolences to Australians.
  2. Helluva way to give the birds and the bees talk.
  3. I actually like the GBA Doom green blood, I call it R.L. Stine Mode, I don't recall any recreation mod since it would also require modifying textures, but I always liked the new impaled severed head in that port because they redid the art to make a skull.
  4. Forgot one, I play in 320x200 unless it's GZDoom and thus it's imperative there's proper aspect correction and scaling so there isn't uneven pixels or that blurred look when going below a certain resolution threshold (that's a dead giveaway that it doesn't support low resolutions without turning into a smudgy mess.) Unfortunately last I checked Eternity Engine pretty much needs to be at least 800x600 for things to not look weird on my end, so a classic look is a no-go on this port.
  5. No gamma control, for example I set Doom to 0.75 gamma where applicable, so only having the default brightness settings and the lowest still being too washed out on our modern displays annoys me. No blood color support, it's such a cosmetic concern but I love when it's natively supported like in Crispy Doom, Woof!, Nugget Doom, Doom Retro and International Doom. No respect for original behavior, I wanted to love Doom Retro and maybe it was addressed since because I played an older version from like four years back but infinite height being on so flying monsters won't stack cluster and I can abuse z-axis with rocket splash damage shouldn't now cause static objects like decor and gore to become solid and stop projectiles like in ZDoom, and similarly turning it off to avoid that now allows lost souls to fly over items instead of stopping in front of them. This indecisiveness irks me so much that I cannot play this port and I have reported this behavior before to the author and maybe it was addressed eventually maybe it wasn't, but there's my little tangent and it doesn't really matter now because I have other port options since. No compatibility modes, especially for vanilla, since I find in my experience with limit-removing Boom compatibility settings monsters that are placed on platforms tend to break and get pushed off or they'll hit the edge and become stuck, trivializing them heavily like a Cyberdemon once. I've had Arch-viles resurrecting corpses around it and then trapping itself within the revived monsters and they all becoming stuck and unable to attack, the first time this happened to me near the end in Cleimos II when using Eternity Engine I found it really funny because it seemed like some rare yet potentially possible behavior to occur, but then I noticed it happening more and more and apparently it has something to do with the way the conveyer belt sector effect works and I guess there's an overlap that applies to monsters somehow. I don't know if it's a specific compatibility mode, someone more educated than me on this could explain what's happening here. I can't think of anything else.
  6. @Hellektronic Now I'm just imagining they finally reveal Mental in a Serious Sam game one day and it's just Sandy.
  7. I think the Sandy hate earlier on was more toxic, nowadays I almost think it's more ironic, not to say there aren't people who don't care for his contributions to the games but I absolutely consider his levels to be the pinnacle of Doom's most memorable spaces and the best part of the first Doom was episode 2 and most of episode 3 for me. Ditto for Doom II.
  8. I'm pretty sure the reason why I heard it in its entirety is because I got distracted by something and left the tally screen running.
  9. Similar experience when I hit MAP20 of Plutonia 2, a very taxing level when you heavily restrict saving like me, although MAP24 was still the hardest in the entire megawad for me, THANKS ERIK ALM KNEW I COULD COUNT ON YOU TO BEAT MY TUSHY ONCE AGAIN.
  10. I haven't mapped for Doom before but I too get a similar rush when the cool thing in my head comes to life via DECORATE/zscript.
  11. @OniriA And that's how we all hit puberty, copious amounts of Doom at a young age. I started at 10 btw.
  12. Harmony kicked ass, I just wish it wasn't so short, played it in 2014.
  13. Just for shits and giggles and personal nostalgia I'd run this in Doom95 but I have no clue what nutty hoops you gotta jump thru now. It was kinda annoying on Windows 7.
  14. The Virgin Alien World Order versus the Chad Ion Fury.
  15. For me it's the better Plutonia 2, I stopped at MAP08 since the MAP07 replacement was kinda long but so far all bangers and often quite lovely looking levels. @DMPhobos Loved your contribution! Excellent environment.
  16. @Rudolph Speaking of anti-M$ the ending to Dystopia 3 is hilarious if you haven't already seen/played it.
  17. Are you talking about the victory music on the level completion screen? If so my bad, the titling tends to overlap.
  18. @Rudolph Skulltag's losers screen in deathmatch mode, I couldn't find it on the internet so I downloaded ST and ripped it out of the data PK3 then just added text for meme purposes.
  19. @alando1 I'm sorry you went through all that, I'm so happy to hear you're a stronger person today. Thank you for your contributions to Doom!
  20. @DankMetal Well now I'm officially sad.
  21. Now for the seventh episode by Sandy Petersen. Let his gaze inspire your imagination.
  22. The D2 intermission plays on MAP21 of The Plutonia Experiment.
  23. @Lofwyr A game with no definitive ending is simply endless, it doesn't make it any less of a game because it doesn't have an ending, lots of classic arcade games are essentially a death march unless it's a special case like Pac-Man where one can technically reach an ending of sorts...
  24. YEP, I got so much of that purple blossom shit because I thought the toxic status afflicting assholes would be respawning like other enemies but not all enemies respawn so I wasted a lot of souls. And yes while I realize everyone's going to be playing a different build and your difficulty will be a strong variable due to a number of factors, but my Knight didn't have much trouble in Blighttown, in fact I had more trouble in the Catacombs than anywhere else in the game thus far besides Anor Londo but I think that's the point of that place is to filter everyone with its tough enemies and placement of said enemies. Sen's Fortress was kinda rough but again got through it relatively quickly, was honestly expecting it to be a lot worse. Yeah, I think really anyone who grew up with NES action games (I didn't but I have some experience under my belt) then Dark Souls and their ilk aren't really anything new. The Second Quest of The Legend of Zelda is practically as difficult as a Soulslike, because they moved a bunch of things around and harder enemies show up earlier and some of them have different behavior even. I was under very early impressions that Fromsoft made meme-y shitpost games that were actually badly designed but turns out the internet blew everything way out of proportion. If you want a still surprisingly playable yet rather rough early take on the soulslike formula then may I introduce you to Demon's Souls on the PS3, which could've certainly used more finetuning in spots because the cheese factor is quite high in places, but once again it isn't impossible (and funnily enough the bosses in that game are among the easiest in the entire series.)
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