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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. That voodoo doll one you describe sounds like a late level from the first Scythe, if so yeah that one's a bitch and it comes out of nowhere.
  2. I actually liked Arch-Violence, but Chocolate felt like a b-side they decided to leave in and when that cyberdemon decided to awkwardly show up at the end I was already at the exit.
  3. @Sonikkumania laugh track cheering track clapping track Seinfeld outro
  4. I feel like I made a post in here but I can't find it now. I'll just say by the ordering that no wonder Scythe II was so hard for me, it's in the top ten near the bottom of the list! I recognize the other names and know it's been topped since but I think Scy2 is indicative of my current skill level. Yeah, I beat it, but those last five maps beat me more. I had to scum a bit just because I was so close to being done. I should've heeded the readme warning that Erik Alm had balanced UV for psychopaths regarding the final episode, but other than that it's a phenomenal WAD and I enjoyed it much more than the original Scythe, I'll have to give Scy2 another shake down the line and do better, now that I know what to expect. If this tier list was hot sauces then going into Scy2's final offerings is like getting surprise attacked with Da Bomb, it will filter all but the best players. So congratulations Mr. Alm, you hold the current honors of most ass whoopings in my Doom playing career.
  5. Oh cool I had no idea someone made Post Hell into an actual Doom level. Needs more fire tho.
  6. I loved it back in the day, it was the one time me and two strangers finished a megawad in co-op in one sitting, granted they or one of them seemed to know where to go so my lagging behind or relentless dying didn't drag things out too much, we even warped to MAP33 at the end. Had a much overdue single player continuous in 2021 and it was a blast I remember it being. Then I went through it again like a month ago after having played the original Plutonia prior and had very different feelings. Visually some of the maps look nice, and there are some good fights to be had, but man I think they missed the point, it's similar to HR2 in terms of divisiveness, but I remember seeing PRCP come out three years later and reading everyone praise that WAD so much more, calling it the real Plutonia 2. I went through it very recently and had a much better time, a lot of my issues with PL2 had disappeared or otherwise had been kept to an absolute minimum. Besides PL2 not doing a very good job imo of respecting PL1's format of small to medium maps with relatively low monster counts and often fiendish traps my biggest gripe was one 30 minute or more map practically being one after the other, that usually weren't particularly hard, just absolute slogs, and MAP29 was the worst at being an hour long and BORING. 12 and a half hour playthrough, whereas for me in my experience most megawads last 8 to 10 hours, unless you're Eternal Doom. I don't think it's a bad WAD, but it's honestly a lame Plutonia, I'm glad I played it again, but I'm also glad to have moved on. I'm on PRCP 2 atm and despite being rejects for the WIP PL3 I'm really enjoying these and they knew they deviated from the format a lot with these and I could tell just by idcleving around for a sneak peak but they're just so fun to play and nice to look at so far, so if you like PL2's aesthetics but don't find the gameplay so hot at times and aren't concerned with authenticity then I think PRCP 2 would probably be the more enjoyable WAD, despite it being outtakes. E: I had no idea this thread was necro'd. I'll just add that I agree the good maps in here are really good, Gusta's in particular, and I actually liked the nonlinear MAP17 just because it was one of the best flowing open-ended maps I've played, Plutonia format be damned I was impressed.
  7. And when autoaim decides to fail you despite being within reasonable range of chaingunning a former human in a high place, whereas with mouse look and autoaim off you have the efficiency of a railgun.
  8. @Maribo True, I remember liking the majority of his levels overall, and between the two HRs I did like the first 11 or so maps much more than the original, even if the subtlety was gone out the gate (MAP01 is undeniably a banger start though.)
  9. If you ask this on a forum for Doom you will get lopsided results. Oh yeah demons.
  10. I remember initially thinking that bilinear thing on the PS2 was so cool, then I saw visual artifacts introduced in Silent Hill.
  11. Possibly some kind of randomized Metal Slug item box, imma bust it open when it hits the delta symbol.
  12. Heretic fans are definitely there and even some Hexen fans once in a blue moon, if you want tumbleweeds blowing by though just ask for Strife fans to come out.
  13. I love it when Steed kills me from beyond the grave, RIP.
  14. I will lull you into a false sense of security. 😉 1/10
  15. Kama Sutra comes as highly recommended, I had an amazing time with that megawad.
  16. My thirst trap pfp making him horny on main would make him easy to dispose of when he least expects it (she is actually psychotic.)
  17. Moved to Tumblr for the first time nearly two years ago when it stopped being an overly sensitive censorship bitch and haven't regretted it. I used twatter from August 2016 to 2021 and then started to sharply fall off last year and now I've essentially abandoned mine. I really only used it for the art and memes and nsfw content, but you can get most of that on Tumblr and it seems to be the norm as opposed to bullshit discourse, and I unfollowed literally half my follows on twatter when I realized I could just look at their stuff unimpeded on pixiv, a site I already use extensively so that solves most if not all of my artist issues. Screw musky with a sandbox tree.
  18. Collision in Hexen is a fickle beast, you could kill enemies by repulsing them into walls in vanilla, it seems to depend on some kind of velocity and range factor.
  19. This worked on PS1 games if they had actual redbook/CD audio tracks, all of Nightmare Creatures' music could be heard outside of the game but only some tracks on PSX Doom because the rest were in another format. A lot of PC games worked for the same reason, for example Half-Life 1 but not Unreal because it used a different format again. Takes me back to when I'd pop in my Take No Prisoners game disc and listen to that killer soundtrack while beating Final Doom for the first time in Doom95 when I was like 15 or something. Wew, this comment unlocked a very specific memory. E: Actually my favorite memory was when games let you play without the disc and I chose to because noisy ass CD-ROM drives and not knowing the first Quake had a soundtrack, popping the disc in one day to listen and being utterly terrified at my introduction to dark ambience.
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