Took me under 10 minutes to finish, start can kill you quickly if you don't take the optimal path right away, yellow key area is fairly tricky if not cheesed, decent pressure before the red key door, final battle is too easy, but it was a fun map!
Can confirm my Steam copy went out of sync too one time and it was quite annoying, just used dhewm3 and my problems disappeared, plus dat faked EAX audio.
No maps, just "LILA-DOOM", a GZDoom gameplay/randomizer mod that is unavailable at this time (WIP redux overhaul was being worked on late last year and is currently collecting dust since December.) Otherwise a lot of tinkering with other people's stuff i.e Woolie Wool's Mutiny 2.0 is an old favorite.
Both the normal way and with a personalized soft mod I've worked on for the past week or so that ups the rate of fire of the pistol and ever so slightly increases ROF for shotgun, increased carrying capacity of 300-600 for bullets instead of 200-400, plasma gun "bullet" does 10 damage instead of 5 but at a reduced carrying capacity of 150-300 cells instead of 300-600, Lost Souls at 70 health instead of 100 and they count towards kills, and health and armor bonuses not counting towards items to reduce automap stat bloat and make 100% items a more realistically obtainable goal. There's also loads of weapon/enemy/item and some environmental/decorative cosmetic replacements and audio from Aubrey Hodges and Doom 3 that I supplemented. Also Doomguy's Doomgirl now.
Yeah it was a bad practice to introduce into the Devil May Cry series with the 2013 reboot by having specialized color coded enemies who can only be hurt by...those respective color coded weapons. Considering that nu-Doom or at least in the case of Eternal and what they're going for with this first-person DMC-like
I would've hoped if they're going to copy someone else's homework they'd copy the correct homework in order to realize this is actually frowned upon and I hope they reconsider for the next game.
Also I'm pretty sure the optimal way to kill the Cacodemon and effectively make it a non-threat on arrival is the combat shotgun's grenade module, otherwise you'll have an annoying spongy monster who will make sure their presence does not go unnoticed. This isn't unique to the Cacodemon either.
There was some nuance that did allow you to play things how you wanted to on return playthroughs, there was still enough versatility in that regard, whereas you will only ever play Eternal the one way it intends as it's not just optimal it's flat out mandatory. Just try playing without the upgrades. It results in a game that will in effect play the exact same way every single time.