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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. John Romero in another dimension. But yeah it makes sense now, I swear 3DR have been placed under a curse, they're not even dealing with Randy and they're still getting the leash.
  2. @Mr. Freeze I am down bad for your soul rn.
  3. Wilhelm Crapper presents DrekWar Thank you and goodnight I'd rather play ROTT and I'm not even a big fan of it, there is only so much you can be an apologist for before you start to sound contrarian. Cutting edge before their time concepts don't equate to awesome underrated gem when it's botched this hard in execution. The music is actually awesome though, although IIRC some if not all of the CD music actually got reused from the CD version of Corridor 7! There's your useless factoid of the day and I'm not even a Capstone historian, I just stumbled upon it by accident once on YT.
  4. Me and an Imp had gotten a little too cuddly if y'know what I mean.
  5. Methinks Daniel was a sussy baka.
  6. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. - Johan Ramirez
  7. Okay I see so three enemies take one less now, well still, it's the compromise I would've made, but we can't kid ourselves when it's pretty obvious this is MG balancing their campaign. I still argue that the original value wouldn't change much besides how many shots it takes to down their bosses.
  8. The Healer Stalks is literally the Archvile holy cow go back to school.
  9. Aesthetics literally define the way the game looks so yeah they matter a lot unless your idea of beauty is startan everything. It should be fireblu everything.
  10. It's just him painting his nails and talking about Doom for hours in a sultry voice.
  11. That's literally how it was before the update, did the extra 25 not change it?
  12. True that but for the love of goth don't use the attachment system it's a trap might as well get rid of it.
  13. unironically based and redpilled

    1. OniriA


      @Lila Feuer What does that mean?

    2. Lila Feuer

      Lila Feuer

      Your total lack of discretion for posting huge mammaries in public lol

  14. Does this limiter from like 5 years ago ever go away or am I punished until the end of time.
  15. Yeah even I'M like WOAH SONNY THAT'S 2 HOT 4 DOOMWORLD!
  16. I'm one of the twelve people on this planet that likes Blood II, and Shogo. I was reluctant to mention them earlier but only because they weren't panned at the time of release, just over time, but hell it's an appropriate choice given the crimes B2 committed against its predecessor and Shogo being bullshit really even though it actually has a fan base. The latter has no such game like it since and I lament what the sequel might've been like. That said despite everything going against them and Monolith being in over their heads at the time with rapidly developing technology and a horrible publisher they tried to make something cool and I applaud their attempts even with the rawness on display. The Nightmare Levels for Blood II however can go fuck themselves.
  17. It was essentially the beginning of the end of PC games being developed with PC in mind, so every platform essentially got the exact same game minus frame rate differences. The cover mechanic was immediately lame as was the removal of leaning because muh gamepad. Visually the game looks pretty damn nice still even for 2009, the lengths one can go with just having a strong art direction and decent lighting really helps a game not become aged almost immediately after it comes out.
  18. My my you are an odd one indeed, I like its aesthetics, but those maps are very rough, it's actually on my radar to make a full set of replacement maps for Return to Danger because I think the limited texture set and themes would make for an interesting design challenge.
  19. A plain ol' TNT replacement is a very rare sight. I am not the biggest fan of the IWAD nowadays but that doesn't mean I won't try stuff designed with it and I love its texture set and themes as well as the music, it is strangely more nostalgic than the original games, maybe due in part to being a very early example of custom content in an official release.
  20. Dey gotta shawk. How hell you 'pose get pass dat? dayum/10
  21. I would say the same except for FEAR 2, which seems mostly hated. Yes it's a lazy retread of the first game's story, yes they dumbed down lighting and visceral fx, and mechanics, and difficulty hard is hard for all the wrong reasons while normal is a cakewalk, but I still have a lot of fun with it and the DLC kicks ass. The third game still has enjoyable gunplay, as well as some good set pieces, but I hate the story and the fact Monolith didn't make it, it also somehow looks worse than the prior game despite being two years apart. Oh yeah and Perseus Mandate is still fun if ugly because of the bizarre omission of lighting, with its own memorable moments.
  22. Thought I was the only person who did this, at least as of recent playthroughs on a gamepad.
  23. Capstone had the scope but not the tech to make their visions possible. They also could've used better programmers and artists.
  24. I played FONV first and while it was arguably the better of the two modern Fallouts at the time I still manage to enjoy the world Bethesda crafted and its wartorn atmosphere and there's even things in it that iirc NV doesn't do like npcs that actually run away from you when badly injured and all the destructibles in the environment that really light firefights up even more, but that may of been due to Bethesda's meddling with NV during development. Also that absolute beast that is the combat shotgun. I'm well aware it doesn't handle a lot of things right regarding the lore in the other games and the state of the world looks like the bombs just dropped 50 years ago and not 200, but then there's things in NV that don't make sense either. Writing is hard.
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