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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. 34. I've been playing Doom since I was 10. I feel old.
  2. I almost feel like Ritual could be partially blamed for the Q1/Q2 crossover with Scourge of Armagon, seeing as one of "Quake's generals" is suspiciously Strogg-like via his lower half. Maybe a bit of a stretch because debatably canon mission pack content but it's a possibility.
  3. TFW there's 61 of these now and I've played approximately zero. I need to get my shit together.
  4. PE's are a good interesting monster and D2 would be a worse game if they weren't in it.
  5. Wonder what this means for those supposed remasters of SR 1 and 2. It's the only good thing that could come out of this ruptured sewer line now.
  6. What an awesome release! Thank you for this fork.
  7. Super frustrating, all I want is more unused content, I can't even think of another game that comes close. It's funny that a game and a game series as popular and as well documented as Doom is still giving us new things to discover...
  8. Had no idea this was a thing, it looks very cool! I'll be sure to check it out down the line.
  9. T2 bites off more than it can reliably chew, I've only beaten it once and only because of the rerelease. Many attempts to do so prior had all failed. The showstopper really is level 4. But then T3 goes the extreme opposite from what I've seen in a longplay and is super linear. I think the first game did it best, balancing exploration and progression.
  10. Broken AoE attacks aren't acceptable in any game. Adjusting the radius of it is a fair assessment. Taking a page from the Fiend here regarding range might be a good idea also. And if anything I think the damage needs to be increased because as it is now it's barely threatening.
  11. @Rudolph I mean it barely ran on the operating system it was designed in and was fussy with every video card that was out at the time with something or other. B2 was also notoriously buggy without its eventual patching.
  12. This is asinine but I would of loved to see what Nightdive could've tried with Blood II and Shogo. Unstable engine and tons of cut content including expansions for the latter. Also regarding Unreal it's honestly better to just assume Septic are fucking assholes now and are somehow ashamed at the idea of being attached to a boomer shooter in their company history and probably wanted everyone to stop begging them for another installment. The stylized U in UE logo is just that now, a logo, with no game attached to it.
  13. Doom95 was my first introduction to the game and as such I'm quite nostalgic for it. The sound was indeed different as the audio was slightly pitch shifted down. If there's one fatal flaw then it's the absence of DeHackEd support, which breaks anything using it. You also can't load multiple WADs due to the launcher iirc so you'd be playing an old megawad like Memento Mori and have no new music. Seriously, what were they thinking?
  14. Reninds me of the unavoidable stomp attack from the Beast in Blood, which I'd argue was broken also.
  15. https://www.moddb.com/mods/wolfenstein-3d-the-way-id-did-and-spear-of-destiny-the-way-id-did Oh hell yeah I missed this, well I know what I'm doing first once I get back into that game's mapping and modding scene. Currently on Spear of Destiny myself after doing what was probably my dozenth run or so of the original game. Doesn't hook me for as long as Doom does nowadays but I still have a soft spot for Wolf. Need to get back to finishing my episode 1 replacement that I abandoned in 2017, it was almost complete, with just three floors remaining.
  16. This almost felt like the Death Wish of Doom WADs, just one ultra-quality map after another with incredibly tight gameplay and crazy visuals. Beat it a couple years ago and want to play it again sometime down the line.
  17. Zombieman rolling 1-8 damage like the console ports so sometimes he hurts more, makes him less likely to be ignored when featured with other monsters. Lost Soul with imp health like the console ports, as aforementioned sponginess. Pain Elemental bites the player when too close, solving the cheese tactic of denying her spawns. Revenant fires two missiles at once to match his firing frame, you heard me, it can either double normal missiles or seeker missiles or mix and match with each attack.
  18. Doom 3 also receives this false notion as well, it's on par with the misconception that Quake 1 is all brown.
  19. Have you tried donating some blood or someone else's first?
  20. Satan is reporting back to the Icons of Sin on how to best defeat marines (us) in future operations (WADs).
  21. Ironically doubling down on the occult stuff in a Doom engine Wolf3D sequel may've resulted in Doom eventually showing up, but being a spinoff of Wolf3D since it's set in the future and focuses solely on demons and hell.
  22. Just want to say COTM is probably the best Q2 SP content I've played and I'm only three units in. Really like the surprise boss fights!
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