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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Lmao yeah, my "favorite" bit of discourse was some oldhead (presumably) being salty that Nightdive added a completely optional to use compass (that helped me in Ground Zero when I turned myself around a few times despite playing it before mind you) that "n00bs will just use the compass to guide them everywhere and then act like they played Quake." Uh, yeah, they technically did indeed play Quake, compass or not, it shouldn't discredit their efforts to put up with everything else. Such an ass.
  2. You could even say they're starting wars. I had no idea the original cartridges were so borked for that game, so yeah it would be nice to see it return, the point as I took it was it isn't "necessary" in a modern environment but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done still for the sake of preservation. We may be getting saturated by the amount of boom shoots that have since come out post-DUSK but that doesn't mean more shouldn't get made, there's always something for everyone and there's a market for everything no matter how niche. For example I'd love another Carmageddon and don't feel it needs to "innovate" to be "relative" to modern sensibilities, just make a good new Carma that looks nicer and plays great and I and the 200 other people would be happy enough.
  3. Agreed Big Gun got a glowup, honestly all the little additions to the base game are great.
  4. I love Quake but I like Duke, even though I think Shadow Warrior and Blood are the better BUILD games. The first Quake though? Unsurpassed, it is just so raw and fast to play. Spent 25 hours with the Q2 remaster and had fun but I boot up Q1 remaster on nightmare and no death run the first episode yesterday on Xbox and it is such a rush.
  5. Should also point out that fundamentals are incredibly important and will determine a lot of things whether you'll be successful or not, think of them as the ground rules that govern the game. Some things will always work or land due to fundamentals, and your spacing, the correct response to a response, your defense, just to name some. Also never underestimate your normals, they are integral to setting things up, getting in, find your character's pokes or safe moves, they are just as important if not maybe more so than specials and don't require specific inputs to do every time, you just hit a punch or a kick. And finally it is very imperative that you learn things piecemeal, doesn't matter what it is, don't try to take in all this information all at once or you'll get burnout. Be sure to watch videos of tourneys and see how others play, make note of the character they use if it's someone you play or want to play, you can learn a lot from that as well. Most of all though, just have fun, it's a video game at the end of the day, nobody's going to mock you for fighting the CPU or spending hours in training doing the same things over and over, that's how you sharpen your reflexes and get better over time. E: Last thing to come to mind, yes, the mental stack you have to develop against another person is real and can be overwhelming at times, since it's a lot to manage in realtime and I'm nowhere near being there yet. That said become comfortable with your character(s) and reliably execute what you want to do anyway you can, training modes are in depth and have a lot of options to help you try things out against a dummy and whatever you want the dummy to do.
  6. As games they're in a unique place as their skill ceiling has no ceiling, there will always be new things to learn. They aren't for everybody, as it takes lots of time to see improvement, so if you're impatient you will have a bad time. It's important to find a character or two that interests you and practice with them until you learn their move set, then try to find combos you can do, reliably execute those moves so they become natural like anything else you do, then apply yourself. Even losing matches you are still learning new things, it's feedback to anything, whether it be what you're doing or the other player. Some fighting series can be harder to get into than others or a lot harder to get better at past casual level, but most fighters these days are generally pretty easy to pick up and play and figure things out and have fun relatively fast if you put even modest work in. The road to champion however is endless, and not every player is equal. Remember, even the pros still make mistakes from time to time. They also have super friendly communities that will help you out with anything you need to know, it's actually frowned upon to gatekeep unlike some other MP games.
  7. DF2 is in dire need of remastering, it's not a bad game but it could be made nicer with some QoL additions.
  8. It'd be interesting to see if the gore is upped as the reason for it being lackluster compared to T2 is due to the game being rushed.
  9. Was wondering @Alaux if there was consideration for other mild visual fx, like the rocket trail that uses bullet puffs in Doom Retro and/or the particle effects seen in Eternity Engine for explosions? They aren't egregious if very novel, they're little things I liked seeing in those ports despite not hooking me elsewhere with said respective ports (EE doesn't have lower res scaling and DR has last I checked inconsistencies with some behavior if turning on and off infinitely tall things.)
  10. You are terrifying me with how much you're subtly influencing me to switch over to this from Woof! after being a devotee to it for two years. Little things like corrected chaingunner sounds, bloodier gibbing and the improved spectre/blursphere effect are the subtle and inoffensive improvements I like to see permanently added to an otherwise largely untouched and classic environment after dealing with the default behavior for so many years.
  11. Doing wand starts for Heretic, since I've never done it before. Most levels aren't really that problematic although you might have to run around for a little bit without decent weapons. E4M9 was 35 minutes of "how the hell did I manage to do that." All I can say is those rows of crushers really helped my iron lich problem at the beginning.
  12. They lifted entire sections from The Reckoning now that my memory's refreshed and minor extras from Ground Zero. The aesthetic and varied colored lighting is really cool, better than the almost always amber look the PC version has, but other than that it's very short and the finale is underwhelming, no real replay value for me.
  13. Should also note it doesn't "pierce armor" either, assuming they meant it works against power shielded enemies.
  14. They had entirely too much health and have ridiculously good tracking, their blaster variant was ironically the most dangerous as the rocket ones were nowhere near as bad and the machine gun one is so underused my conclusion on it is...well, inconclusive. The ETF rifle is still weak, it is literally the nailgun from Q1 so it lacks a lot of punch against Q2 monsters. Explosive tipped my ass. I should maybe mention the "deadly acid" blood from Gekks was never harmful to the player. It also stopped self lighting in the remaster although this is a relatively minor visual detail. Off topic but I didn't mean to quote Devalaous, mobile won't let me remove the box.
  15. Yeah I don't mind the fog in some places, it appears to be used quite well in The Reckoning since finishing it. Onto a less painful playthrough of Ground Zero now (thanks to whoever nerfed the game stopping pacing killing turrets).
  16. I wasn't aware of MP balance being distributed across the board, doesn't that mean the machine and chaingun do arbitrarily less damage, from 10 to 8 per bullet? Might be misremembering. I thought the lighting looked blown out on the base game at times, doesn't seem to be that different in The Reckoning. I assumed it was like the Q1 remaster where the lighting was just brighter now across the board due to rebuilding BSPs(?). What options would you recommend so that it looks closer to say Yamagi? For starters I think disabling fog outside of COTM helps return some of the original atmosphere somewhat if that helps anyone. And I guess r_staticshadows 0 which I haven't bothered with yet.
  17. Tearing through the Q2 remaster. Base game and N64 versions done, little under halfway through The Reckoning, then it's onto Ground Zero and finally Call of the Machine, the main event if you ask me.
  18. Someone may've chipped in already but I started The Reckoning and noticed the new glowing texture in the swamps ignores level lighting and is independently fullbright across the board.
  19. The differently colored fog in this game can add some cool atmospheric touches to some levels unlike the generic purple fog used in the Q1 remaster.
  20. Underhalls has an effect on me because seemingly every time I finish a MAP01 replacement I immediately start playing MAP02 with whatever I brought over before asking myself what I'm doing and I never have a good answer.
  21. I want a sick remaster of this game, even though it may never happen. Restore the old better physics seen in the alpha footage, the reflections, corpses that stay, unused stuff like the original pinky demon cutscene in the restroom, the alpha shotgun design and alpha HUD, the Birdman monster since Kenneth remade him, plus just imagine the tastefully overhauled model work across the board or even better lighting. Options to make the game harder too like less ammo and stronger monsters would be a big bonus. Oh yeah, and a new campaign.
  22. Yeah I love the attack, it makes you approach them differently knowing that in mind, but the radius is nuts. That's the only thing I'd change, otherwise they're great enemies now.
  23. I had the feeling there would be universal assets like the new models being distributed across, so little things like that wouldn't be imported, it seems to be just level data, textures and the music.
  24. Was anything changed for Hard+ aka nightmare like the Q1 remaster? The original was pretty meh, seemingly beefed up enemy health while removing pain chance on top of speeding their reaction time up.
  25. Funnily enough my only nitpick about this utterly fantastic release is the HUD/medkit recolor and not for the reason you'd think either.
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