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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Got Fallout 3 GOTY on Steam recently for $4, playing through it on very hard with a hardcore mode and aim down sights mods to better match New Vegas, as well as the updated unofficial patch.
  2. Playing KS now, just reached MAP11. Very solid so far, I find one-man megawads to be extremely hit or miss but two-man megawads tend to have ideas bouncing off of another and result in still consistent yet clearly varied styles.
  3. They should just reboot it again and go for more of a horror slant, it's not like survival horror games aren't profitable in current year, there's a lot of indies but there's also notable AAA releases in the works for multiple IPs. It doesn't even have to go full Doom 3 for fear of alienating the common audience, it would be nice to see a Doom 64 style interpretation but with modern presentation.
  4. Not sure how I missed this but what a fantastic idea, I missed out on these and this is a convenient way to play through them.
  5. Reached MAP31 of Demonfear, a possible progenitor for the Scythe series, these are very short and small maps but they're fun little skirmishes that have their moments.
  6. TFW I'll be playing this vanilla version of KDiZD through before I actually play the original mod it's based on. I glimpsed bits and pieces of it mostly out of mockery due to all the controversy but never gave it a fair shake. I know it's extremely divisive however. This on the other hand just looks right up my alley when it comes to vanilla weirdness.
  7. Can't verify atm but I wouldn't be surprised if it's because when I started WOS I forgot to set compat to Boom (was on vanilla) and immediately had problems on the first map at the end. Instead of starting a new game like I should've I just exited and changed it to Boom in the config file then went back in and my problem was fixed. Then I got to MAP06 and the problem seemed to be stamped into my savegame. It wouldn't surprise me if starting a new game and warping to MAP06 and hitting the switches now works properly without changing compat settings in-game.
  8. Whispers of Satan MAP06, Barons at the end will not raise up (floors) resulting in being unable to complete the level. Using Boom compatibility as instructed per the readme.
  9. Yeah hitting F1 shows me Woof!'s help screen (which would be PrBoom+'s?) but doesn't let me view CREDIT. I like to take screenshots and occasionally the credits look nice! Glad to know they're still there if I just let the first demo finish playing.
  10. You could access it via F1 before normally I thought, cycling through the help screen. Isn't that original behavior?
  11. Does anyone know that you can't view the CREDIT screen in this port? Was that unintentional?
  12. Scythe II is much better than the first one IMO, reached MAP19.
  13. Recently beat Scythe, last ten or so maps were as per megawad tradition a mixed bag. Currently reached MAP07 of Scythe II and first impressions are that I like it more than the first. After I do this I'll be doing Scythe X to see what could've been, and then after that I'm not sure, maybe finally get around to Kama Sutra, heard it's good for those who like Plutonia / Alien Vendetta / Hell Revealed style maps.
  14. Hearing and/or seeing the Cyberdemon for the first time on E2M8 is probably the most pants shitting iconic moment in the entire original series.
  15. The "demons" are only demons in the figurative sense, they're a malevolent alien race that uses our fears against us, the timeless enemy is seen through different lens depending on what they are at war with, and in our case human. They subvert technology (arachnotron/spiderdemon, revenant, fatso, cyberdemon) and use it against us. "Hell" is not literally hell, but another dimension, and comprises of multiple pocket dimensions which explains the wildly varying reports of its appearance (IWADs and PWADs are canon in this sense). Icons of Sin are created to establish a war machine and serve as the focal point for invasions and invasion management, such as the armies being literally pumped forth from it and teleported around through rifts tearing through the fabric of reality.
  16. Like sixish years from 2003 to 2009, since then it's been on and off annually, my biggest return in 2009 was discovering Skulltag, that year I went positively Doom crazy and then learning DECORATE a year later. I'd say activity as of 2021 picked up astronomically as last year alone I finished around eight megawads, most of which were returns of wads I haven't seen in easily a decade or more, and since just mopping up what I missed circa 2003-now. That means for instance, I never played any of the Scythes.
  17. The end battle of MAP28 in NOVA III is making me want to vomit from anger, who thought this was a good setup? E: Prioritizing the Revenants over the Archviles wasn't something I was expected to do in my Dooming career. At least Archviles have a windup attack, Revenant homing missiles will harass you forever and randomly end the game if they roll an 80.
  18. ENDOOM is beautiful and I'm glad it's being kept alive. Only downside is I can't seem to screen cap them, at least in Woof!.
  19. Reached MAP21 of Nova III, looking forward to these moon maps.
  20. I voted Revenant missile but was amused to see the most frustrating thing for most players isn't any inherit quirk of the game design but when mappers just refuse to stop biting off more than they can chew or think it's fun to force you to be stuck. I think I could insert a similar mapping related frustration or two myself: Useless automap inclusion when the author won't tag secrets, that's a big pet-peeve and takes me right out of the experience and forces me to go look up a video, especially if it's MAP15 and I want to find the secret maps, and maps that aren't necessarily cryptic, but just overly long to the point of being tedious and boring. A recent example that comes to mind is Back to Saturn X Episode 2. This is already a fully fledged megawad, why does every map need to be as big and long as possible out the gate so it can be even more padded out making the pacing relentlessly painful? I felt exhaustion by MAP15 and have yet to go back and this is coming from someone who beat Eternal Doom, an infinitely longer and more cryptic experience. Actually I have another mapping related pet-peeve, it's not so much locking you in a room forcing you to make do with what you have, which usually sucks due to movement restriction in most cases, but locking you off from the rest of the map when you get to the exit, cancelling out any chance to go back and get things you missed. Revenant missiles are still really bad though, as they're a total arbitrary difficulty inflator.
  21. @Budoka Excellent to know, I must be remembering the original OP post that stated WIP and information on the maps present back then, and at least two were listed as being unbeatable without cheating.
  22. Sunder is one I've been wanting to play but apparently some maps are impossible without cheats, and they're still way too hard even on ITYTD. They're pretty looking though.
  23. I should probably verify the sound font I'm using is OPL-3_FM_128M.sf2, I set the music volume to 33% in VMS if it matters. This sound font is "nice" if you like the way midi sounded by default on windows 95/98.
  24. Started NOVA III tonight, reached MAP07. It's alright so far. NOVA II was okay but not nearly as good as I remember it being, even though it does have some standout maps here and there. The first NOVA might be more amateur but because of that I liked it a little more than the sequels, even if the last ten or so maps became a grabbag in quality and fun factor.
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