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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Well unfortunately I've played quite a few WADs now that've done this but if it helps any I'm currently on NOVA III and the first two maps' music glitched out. I'm on MAP07 and no other issues have cropped up.
  2. Actually it says MidiStreamOut when you try to change music, idk why I thought the game crashed. If it helps I'm using VirtualMIDISynth also.
  3. Idk if this happens to anybody else but sometimes the music will not loop properly and proceed to hang on the last note indefinitely. When I quit the game I get a window saying midiOutUnprepareHeader: cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the device, or wait until the data is finished playing. I can't use IDMUS to change it either and the game can crash.
  4. Resident Evil 2 (2019) on Xbox Series S, about two and a half or so hours in, never played the original although I'm familiar with things about it, very good impressions so far.
  5. Doing a Very Hard/Hardcore playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox Series S, almost 10 hours in, and I am addicted once again. Dangerous game for me lmao.
  6. Houston we have a giant fkn problem. I feel like I had this issue before regarding a lift that didn't raise in some other WAD from a switch, I think it was Cleimos II, turns out it was something to do with the stair building method. It has struck again, gaslighting me into thinking I was just an idiot and didn't know what I was doing, but on MAP32: Megiddo II there is indeed another switch intended to raise stairs and it didn't work. I am on Boom complevel for an otherwise "limit-removing" wad, and the in-game options don't let me change anything, so am I just screwed or is there some way I can prevent this issue from happening again? E: I should inform that I tried MBF21 and hit the switch in this area, now the stairs do build however the grey walls around this little area below as shown in the second screenshot don't lower, trapping the player! E2: Yes, it is indeed I, am in actuality a fool, I have completely not noticed that there are actually two switches, they face opposite of each other, one controls the wall lowering and the other raises the stairs. For whatever reason in my lunacy I thought that it was one switch trying to do two things at the same time. Crisis averted, compat settings be damned I guess. Better safe than sorry!
  7. I have another complaint to make. Computer maps that don't update anything. I realize mappers can flag linedefs to not update or even appear on the automap at all, but if so then why are you giving me a computer map for? I picked one up in NOVA II's MAP15: Crumbling Necropolis hoping it would assist me for having 4/10 secrets after an hour of play aaaaand there's nothing. Okay, I guess I'll rely on walkthrough or video since the computer map was useless.
  8. Barring GZDoom for the fidelity and modding platform that it is, I pick these: Woof!, Crispy Doom, Doom Legacy, Doomsday, Doom Retro, Eternity Engine. Woof! because it's my go-to now, effectively windows MBF with strong limit-removing boom-compatibility that'll run just about everything that doesn't require very specific port features. Crispy Doom because without it Woof! wouldn't exist, and was my preferred option over Chocolate Doom. Doom Legacy because it's still cool to me in an antiquated way, I also like the way it does lighting in the hardware renderer (looks aged now but it was "cutting edge" for the time) and its hit impacts used as blood splats is cute, never seen it done that way again as we rely on decals. Doomsday because it's Doomsday, I like some visual specific things about it and is essentially hardware accelerated vanilla Doom. Doom Retro for some of its own ideas and visual elements even though I don't really use it. And Eternity Engine because it was a runner-up to replacing Crispy Doom before Woof! ultimately won me over, but I really like EE and wouldn't mind using it again, I especially like the alt HUD it has and its abundant particle effects.
  9. I was about to report that the death exit of MAP11 for NOVA II is broken, until I tried setting compatibility to Boom for an otherwise "limit-removing" set (mine was on MBF) and it worked. MBF and presumably MBF21 will break the death exit, which is odd because I don't think death exits can be defined as Boom specials, so is this considered unusual behavior? Or should I just set Boom to anything "limit-removing" that doesn't specify Boom-compatible (I assume this meant taking advantage of Boom specials) and MBF only for MBF-specific wads?
  10. Having an obsession with Dead Cells since Caveblazers burned me with its relentless punishment and I needed a Risk of Rain style fix, that king's guard boss is a son of a bitch however, thought I needed three health flask charges to win on my second attempt, turns out I'm gonna need four.
  11. The writing is so grey that I could believe in any faction if I devoted myself to their ideas. Maybe not so much Mr. House, though, if only because I have a harder time agreeing to a select few with power above all else. I went with Yes Man on my first playthrough, despite assisting NCR against Legion, because NCR's leadership pissed me off and I wanted to take over. I didn't have anything against those fighting under NCR, though. I had a hate boner for Legion the moment I saw what they did to Nipton as I suppose many players did on their first playthrough. I also convinced Ulysses to not use the bombs, because we'd be right back at square one. Fighting off the Marked Men with him was awesome.
  12. Preferable to your fist, that's for certain. It's still useful for conserving shotgun shells when you don't have a chaingun yet and shells are in limited supply. Finishes off weakened enemies nicely too.
  13. Reached MAP18: Power Core of NOVA: The Birth, this wad aged better than I recall. Community sets nowadays generally have a much higher degree of polish, even with the aim of this megawad being to get newbie mappers in the door, there's a lot of good on display here. Can't say I'm much of an EvilNed fan though, certainly lives up to his name. Sewer levels and annoying fights.
  14. I don't think it's an unpopular opinion, more of a rant, but inconclusive rooms or switches that indicate nothing so you can retread areas you've already been to and see that nothing has changed, prompting you to go look up a walkthrough on doomwiki or a YT playthrough. This happens a little too often for my tastes, I do have a bad habit of missing small details, as often revealed in videos but I like to think I have pretty good spatial awareness (I don't get lost in Wolf3D) so it takes a special kind of fucking up on the mapper's part to completely lose the player. Like what the hell am I suppose to be doing now? I don't enjoy spending 10 minutes running the same places over and over just because it wasn't at all obvious what you're doing now. Being left hanging fucking sucks.
  15. Gamma correction at 0.75 looks so good now, as do the brightmaps on the computer walls.
  16. Requiem's last ten maps were uh...not very good. Guess I only recently learned this megawad was technically released as a beta and they had trouble filling in slots. A shame, because the first 19 or so maps were so good and detailed. I beat Operation: Biowar recently and still enjoy it despite the fact it is way too easy and very short, but rather something end while the going's still good than drag on with mediocre map after mediocre map. I am now on Nova: The Birth, as my goal is to revisit it and Nova II: New Dawn before finally playing Nova III.
  17. Resumed Dark Souls Remastered after nearly a year of inactivity, I last left off at Anor Londo and it is quite the place to become reacquainted with the game lol. That said I'm addicted again.
  18. That's hilarious, I'm going through Requiem again rn after having not seen it in a little over a decade, reached MAP17 in a day, aged well, as did Memento Mori II altho I'd be hard pressed to call Requiem MM3 as it feels more it's own thing. I did MM2 prior after beating MM1 and liked it a lot more than I did a long time ago, prefer it to the original on almost every way. CC1 is the worst megawad I've played so far, I'm kind of astounded how awful it is and good chunk of the maps weren't even for the project in the first place, they simply didn't have enough maps to contribute for 32 slots. CC2 was honestly not that much better imho. I only like 3 and 4.
  19. Nearly done with Memento Mori 1, reached MAP28. I'll say having not seen this since 2009 or so the "white sky levels" were somewhat mixed but what was good was pretty great, the "red sky levels" halfway through however I found mostly unremarkable and unmemorable, with very few instances I cared for. That said the "blue sky levels" are pretty much all great or even just okay at worst. This megawad's aged well and I can see how Reverie was inspired in places, even a small detail such as getting a BFG very late (sans death exit on MAP12 in Reverie when you do get a BFG, you don't see one after that for a long time) and general abstract nature that doesn't conform to any one specific place, it's just Doom.
  20. congratulations on the release! 😁 will update my build when I get around to playing Memento Mori II
  21. RIP to a mapping legend, and a great composer, portfolio may be on the light side but Doom City and Relive the Nightmare are must-plays IMHO. I don't think I ever played Slugfest however, if I did I don't remember, either way I'll be obligated to go through his mapping soon enough.
  22. Beat Reverie for Doom II, honestly a beautiful ending even if I knew about the story beforehand in the readme (it really doesn't ruin anything, it just makes more sense of why everything is surreal and gloomy in the levels), put me in a classic mood for its inspirations so I'm playing Memento Mori next, haven't seen it since 2009 or so, hopefully it's aged as well as I recall it.
  23. I am playing Reverie for Doom II, on MAP15: Blade Runner and may have found an issue. It is the bottom most middle, there are presumably shootable switches (marked with skulls), in addition to being stuck I am at a loss as to whether or not this is a bug. Pinging @valkiriforce for more context if possible (also I have no idea what to do or where to go after hitting the red switch). Off-topic edit: Figured out the red key problem, wasn't too obvious at first, just hope that slender section of the map is housing a secret and isn't mandatory to proceed.
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