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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. @Caffeine Freak Well hot damn dude, it was a wonderful time regardless, so thanks for that quality map!
  2. Beware, it hardbinds functions to WASD making it impossible to use it for movement, I'd recommend the SDL version which is "up to date" using Planet Strike code, it also makes it so playing on the highest difficulty isn't a bad joke (unlike Wolf3D the highest difficulties don't just increase enemy variety they turn them into damage sponges).
  3. Thought I'd bump to say to anyone who never played it, Demon Genes is so goddamn good and actually legitimately scary at times, like Event Horizon scary, and has a really good action balance to boot without feeling the author is just trolling the player. Health is stingy however. I was however very saddened when it ended and didn't load a map 2, because there wasn't any, and there never will be. Some of the unfinished stuff is just such a tease, but it's great seeing what they did do.
  4. The maps in TNTR and sometimes the music feel extremely 90's, I don't know how they did it but MAP13 for example could've easily been in any major megawad from the mid 90's, just an incredibly nostalgic atmosphere. @Jaws In Space Very cool stuff!
  5. I ask because I'm running it through dhewm3 with everything maxed in config/autoexec for the best fidelity and at native 1080p. Original game runs fine vast majority of the time but it still dips in spots when there's a lot going on, or really any time an imp is readying fireballs, which leads me to believe must be the smoke. User levels are a variable, namely complex lighting and shadows or large open areas can eat frames, but the game is never slideshow territory. I'm wondering if there's something I should be adjusting to boost FPS that isn't obvious or at least jumping out at me. I'm on a laptop but it's a modern one and quite powerful seeing as it runs just about anything from the last few years on high or at least medium settings.
  6. Lol no, I'm guessing Hungary shares German words, I'm just a poser from the US that likes some spellings and pronunciations in other languages, which for my handle sounds more exotic than just "purple fire."
  7. I just recently got around to starting that finally, six maps in currently, enjoying all of it. A pleasant surprise for sure. I was hoping Devilution and the Convilution aka TNT Forever rejects were out by now but it seems that they are not for whatever reasons. Plenty of megawads to catch up with still though. UAC Ultra was OK, I remember liking it a lot more, there wasn't anything professionally wrong with it and I liked the texture set but I found the fights to be pretty formulaic and the same-y mapping to be underwhelming, as per some one-man mapping ops, and just when it started to get better it ends.
  8. Oh yeah, heads up to anyone that only just now got to find out this thing exists, that server I hosted the files on belonged to a f r i e n d of mine prior that I no longer talk to, so until then the download's suspended. Sorry. But to answer that last question yes it actually was being still worked on, I had some co-help from my S/O back in 2019 that optimized a few things, added some additional stuff, and I tweaked the palette a bit among other stuff. I'll be more than happy to roll it out once I've gotten a good look at it, haven't edited or played with it in a long time as my GZDoom use has been very low. Thanks for expressing your interest however, and maybe anyone around here who got the files last time would be willing to share the last update with you.
  9. MAP04 of UAC Ultra, haven't seen this one since...well, when it was new. I remember being glued to the seat and just beating the whole thing in one sitting one afternoon. Can't really do that anymore, though lol.
  10. I lament the lack of an additional set of arms, just imagine how many more things I could carry or do!
  11. Did MAP21-26 today of CC4, this is easily going into my all-time favorites! Such a nice and diverse texture set and so many good offerings from the 2012 community.
  12. MAP21 of CC4 was even cooler damn, @lupinx-Kassman reminds me of HacX with the cyberspace but much more aesthetically pleasing.
  13. MAP20 in CC4 was really really cool, onto the last stretch now, glad to see Woof! supports warping to the bonus MAP35 when I'm done.
  14. MAP18: Suburbia from Community Chest 4...wth am I doing? Everything's locked off, there's six keys needed to finish, ran around for 23 minutes and had better luck finding 3 of the 15 secrets than I have figuring out the next logical step in progression. I cannot stand these kinds of Doom maps, doesn't matter if it needs six keys or it's very long or has 1000+ monsters, no, I simply hate cryptic progression and I beat Eternal Doom's puzzles with less than a handful of videos. There's just nothing to work with. I think I've consulted more videos for the CC series of maps than I care to count, and I groan every time I find out it was because of bad player direction. I last hit a switch behind a light pillar after traversing a lift and coming across bars that won't lower, so who knows what that switch did, ran back all around and nothing changed. Sigh, I think I need a break from Doom lol, didn't know the CC series of community megawads would be so weirdly exhausting at times. Maybe I shouldn't of played them back to back. E: A quick glance at the Doomwiki says there's a number of shootables to progress, so guess that's my best bet. I also learn this map is by none other than our @Jimmy, sorry dude! I don't mean to be harsh, CC4 is a wonderful WAD but this is a real showstopper at only MAP18 haha.
  15. The zig zag path to the blue key in CC4's 16th map, The Forgotten Base, is the most annoying platforming gymnastics thing I've performed in Doom. I don't get it, the player momentum doesn't really support what the author wanted very well, the fail rate is way too high. Also this is the first lame map in CC4.
  16. @rfomin Sorry I've since moved on and my save is replaced. @fabian I've been on Boom compatibility.
  17. I've just reached MAP11 of Community Chest 4, prior to CC4 I went through CC3 again having last played it in 2009 and that one certainly lived up to my memories with much better map design than CC2. So far CC4 is amazing, I haven't had a single complaint and I was massively overdue for getting to play this but I'm certainly fortunate I finally did. So far my favorite probably had to be Dutch Devil's contribution on MAP10, this is how you do a big level without making it a slog or a confusing mess. I did more in 30 minutes then I feel like I did in an hour and something on CC3's Black Rain, and Use3D's contributions to CC1, and whatever the hell MAP15 was in CC2. I don't mind big long hard levels with sprawling design, but they are easy to mess up and make a chore.
  18. MAP12: Black Rain in Community Chest 3 has a BFG9000 pickup near the end of the level that according to Doomwiki is suppose to trigger a slow moving crusher when attempting to get it but this never happened to me on Woof! so I'm not sure if I just tripped the linedef weird or what. Thought I'd mention it anyway.
  19. Supplice demo, almost done with the first of two(?) maps after nearly 40 minutes on "Supplice" difficulty, whatever that entails, I couldn't tell an immediate discernible difference between that and hard, maybe the enemies are just a bit more spongy, they do seem to react a little faster. Seems polished to a very high degree and I certainly look forward to the full release. @Mechadon @Cage
  20. I genuinely hope that blue armor isn't mandatory on MAP18 of Community Chest 2 because I can't survive with 53 health, even with the BFG, you get locked in with the armor and chaingunners/shotgunners and revenants will waste you in seconds! I also have no idea where to go even with all three keys... E: Y'gotta run backwards as soon as you hit the switch near the armor to not be trapped. Pre-knowledge! E2: Holy crap MAP23: Death Mountain. Yes, let's get the player stuck on geometry and funnel them into unavoidable damage at almost all times. I guess this is considered acceptable fun. Supposedly there's some good levels late in CC2 but sure is taking a long time to get to them. E3: Not long at all, just very congested and it ends unceremoniously. Goofy. MAP24: The Mucus Flow though, at 879 monsters, is this what people remember? Damn, I'll start it later LOL. E4: That...is bad, even for the time. This map is annoying also. There's also no way to comfortably get past these doors without being obliterated soooo this might be where I step off with CC2. E5: OK I'm a dumb ass you can clip into the switch and still use it, that's better. That said what's behind the door is certainly my limit of BS reached for one day. E6: Can confirm the end of the journey, with a little under 300 monsters killed because uhhhhhh, no. At least I left with what's left of my sanity!
  21. That D2 MAP08 music looping at the end seems to specifically occur with MAP08 and not MAP22 in my experience, I got around it personally by changing music to MAP22's if stock music is available. I've had it happen in Doom95 and most other source ports, just one of those funny little quirks about the game I thought.
  22. I'm also playing Back to Saturn X ep2 on Switch and uh, well, I feel bad for the 12 people playing it on a gamepad on UV, I think I've seen more revenants than imps for the 12 and a half maps I've played. Missed opportunity to just call this Plutonia 3! E: These maps are also fucking LONG and I'm not even halfway through. There are nearly 30 levels on offer and most of them are 40 minutes to an hour. Missed opportunity to call this Eternal Doom 5!
  23. To address my rudeness in my previous post, Gene Bird's offerings in CC2 are way better than CC1, I think I just didn't like the idea of CC1 throwing in maps that had nothing to do with the project. I still don't think they're amazing by any means but they are decent romps, if uniformly same-y in aesthetic.
  24. My rule is never save during fights. If monsters want to kill you, you better kill them if you wanna save. Sometimes my key saves aren't reliable as not all maps feature them, so my backup for that is survive ten minutes, then save, then every ten minutes save again. But fights should always be preserved, because those are the most rewarding things to overcome. Annoying platforming sections on the other hand, alright I'll scum it but only because I can never get the momentum down despite playing this game for 22 fucking years I always somehow overshoot awkward platforming sections when they expect you to make abrupt turns throughout them.
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