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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Played before but it's been a while (July 2022) so this time I'm going to spice things up with forced pistol starts. UV difficulty. Nugget Doom. Vanilla compatibility. So yeah, quite a surprisingly grim backstory; that, despite Doomguy's best efforts the UAC essentially sold him out due to the head of the UAC being extremely corrupt, which has a lot of implications that goes outside the usual Doom storyline but we can probably assume you are either one of Doomguy's buddies coming to avenge him or are else just another expendable grunt that was, like all these space marines tend to be, suppose to clean up another one of the UAC's messes. Except now it's full-on mutiny in the midst of a demonic apocalypse. Dark cynical times! MAP01: The End (of everything as we know it?) K: 37/37 I: 40/40 S: 4/4 T: 2:51 I've always liked that spaceship outside the window at the start, and the computer screen, along with the new gloomy sky, and those new switches, and the blood splatters everywhere. And the ambient sounds that somehow eluded me for years of screams and distant explosions that I don't believe they play on any other level so I'm curious how they accomplished that outside of DeHackEd which this PWAD does not have. You spend an uncomfortably long time using that derpy little handgun but resistance isn't too heavy considering you just started, but the shotgun guys could prove to be quite troublesome if they manage to hit you a buncha times as health is scarce and there are only a few armor bonuses so be mindful of that. Cute midtexture showing the side of the starting building having been blown open (or out.) You spend not much time outside before you retreat into the next building, lowered into a dark but small crate maze before leaving shortly. The only other PWAD that the track Stigmata by Mark Klem is featured in is GothicDM 2 afaik but I think most players will associate it with BIOWAR.
  2. @VICE No, the cemetery, in that case it would be Waiting For People To Leave.
  4. Not sure I like this new System of a Down.
  5. @Snaxalotl They're still alive...right? 😱
  6. @dasho WOW what is going on in this bedroom!? 👀
  7. All the prior NOVAs were bangers, best of luck to all the mappers!
  8. @TheMagicMushroomMan The best track of HR2, always gets stuck in my head. No not that head. I can see how it could illicit feelings of wanton acts of gratuitous fornication.
  9. Dreadnaught more like dreadnaughty!
  10. For the last two months in a row yes, depression's at an all-time high. I barely care about anything that isn't Doom atm. I eventually need to sort out my situation before I'm able to even find and start working, then hopefully maybe meet someone I can connect with physically as I've also been the loneliest I've felt since I was a teenager. I wouldn't consider myself socially awkward per-se but I am not a social type and am much more comfortable being a homebody.
  11. These chambers are impeccably colored, let the fucking begin!
  12. It's also possible they didn't want the Alien Quake mod to compete with the-then Alien Resurrection film as it was also having a game developed alongside that would end up in development hell until its release in 2000.
  13. I'm on WARRIOR, just reached MAP06. God help me. You need the patience of a monk to endure the author's slow elevator fetish and the amount of backtracking for even the most mundane progression. Some cool looking areas though, but I'd recommend against playing this wad "straight"; just use a gameplay mod. The Perforator from Eviternity II is doing wonders in saving time with some of the hordes. I'm also on the last level of Epic so I should probably do that today so I can start Epic 2, which I'm looking forward to since its long overdue for a playthrough.
  14. Suit moment. Nobody would care nowadays, especially for such old games. Wow I forgot all about Beyond Wolfenstein.
  15. It would actually be kinda sick tho to see some maps using the colors from genderfluid, bisexual and asexual flags.
  16. We literally have the Sonic Mania equivalent for Doom, it's called Eviternity II and it's free.
  17. The sound of a player who launches this WAD.
  18. "For anyone looking to start their Dooming career, look no further than this cult community classic."
  19. I am the wrong person for this. I'll eventually try it to get better at managing revenants in uncomfortable situations.
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