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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. I don't know how useful this information will be for anyone but thought I'd share my experience. SLADE's preview display is working again on the laptop...when plugging in an external monitor. This leads me to believe it's something on the laptop's display end. Which doesn't really make any sense because it should be a driver related issue and not matter what you're using to display, be it natively or externally, but yeah for anyone who's laptop decided it wants to be a shit with this program and doesn't have alternatives (i.e desktop tower), try hooking up another monitor and seeing if that resolves your issue or not.
  2. @TheMagicMushroomMan You can never go wrong with spaghetti. Easy to make, and relatively affordable; most expensive part is a decent sauce. Surprisingly filling and promotes leftovers, which is the way to go. I'm also a fan of a chicken salad dish from the S/O that comprises of elbow noodles, canned chicken, celery, hard boiled eggs and miracle whip. Best eaten cold.
  3. AI generated clown demon from my nightmares.
  4. North America, but I have roots from Poland and Russia (or Ukraine) from my late mother's side to Mexico due to family from my late father's side.
  5. You mean to tell me that one man didn't break out of a heavily fortified Nazi prison, resuming his top secret mission to stop a mad doctor from using a corpse reanimating serum in a desperate attempt to create expendable supersoldiers and then underwent the bold operation of infiltrating Hitler's bunker so he could face him down with a man portable minigun? I've been living a lie!
  6. For alcohol I'm pretty happy with a white claw or truly, but I have a soft spot for vodka.
  7. @Betelgeuse They're games he doesn't play anymore.
  8. (Icon of) SIN TIP: Shotguns work best at extreme ranges.
  9. The rare Carmageddon TDR2000 enjoyer. Weak Carma but great atmosphere. 😛
  10. Eviternity Engine. Woof Nugget (dogs approved!) GZDoomsday. k8zdoom. Neapolitan Doom, comprising of vanilla, Chocolate Doom and Strawberry Doom. Comes in Crispy form. Daedronum. slips into the shadows
  11. Psh, you'll get all the raw meat your little caco heart desires. 🍖
  12. Arch-vile so when I kill someone I can bring them right back as my servant. Reeducation if you will.
  13. @Egg Boy Absolute standout level in an abundance of standout levels, excellent ending for episode 3.
  14. Not Doom but if you're a fan of Blood and you haven't played Death Wish there is an awesome homage to it in episode 1 fairly early on, might serve as good inspiration.
  15. @Alaux Awesome, I appreciate it, and thanks for the port fork once again!
  16. I made her with picrew, which I simultaneously forgot (I used the peeking around the corner variant like three or four years ago) and then remembered when I was trying to figure out where baja blast rd.'s pfp was from. She's based on a character in a story I'm writing.
  17. @Chezza Watch out for stairs. Ahem, "human."
  18. Almost everything, at that point just start over and don't make stupid arbitrary changes nobody wanted.
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