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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. IDFATCACOS Cacodemon size and mass is expanded to Fatso proportions, they fly slower but their fireball does 20 damage and has splash damage like a rocket, they also gain 9999 health, music for the level is replaced by Susumu Hirasawa's Forces at full volume and cannot be turned down or off. IDEDGE94 Are you tired of all these monsters being undiplomatic? Think Doom needed to be way ahead of its time in terms of character interaction? With this cheat your niche fetish will come true, as all monsters in the world are placed in a notarget-like state until approached and used, resulting in a Strife dialogue box complete with an adorable portrait of said monster and through there you can attempt to reason with it, maybe even work towards calling the whole invasion off altogether. Unfortunately if you at any point fail a speech check or attempt to negotiate with monsters that are higher level than you before you gain the experience necessary to speak successfully every enemy becomes hostile forever and you automatically lose the game because the cheat also removes your weapons and all items from the map as well. Being a demon person is hard work! IDSANDERS Merely makes the camera face your player up close and prints a message at the top of the screen. "I am once again asking for your support." IDCANTEEN Doomguy occasionally takes a sip of his trusty UAC canteen and regains the equivalent of 5 health bonuses of hit points back. IDFIREBLUHELL This one's real simple, when no clipping through the void outside the map it is textured with animated FIREBLU to make your forbidden exploration more visually appealing and emotionally relaxing.
  2. IDMILKERS requires a command line before it works in-game -iamoldenoughtolookatthis Effect: Causes monsters to grow gravity defying mammaries which then lactate uncontrollably and the monster is forced into a constant pain state as if being crushed and all the player's weapons are taken away but you gain the ability to use both hands as well as your mouth and the effect is the same as Hexen's Serpent Staff in melee range. I'll see myself out.
  3. This looks so natural it should've always been this way.
  4. That's surprising, I get the general impression that the warehouse unit is the least interesting. It's not my favorite but only because it's very samey. My favorite Unit is probably 6 because by then you get the last of your weapons and all the enemies come out to play and compliment each other's strengths.
  5. Nugget Doom lets me make it so the lighting is full bright, if colored numbers are on they turn white and then ofc there's the widget power up timer.
  6. I'm honestly glad the Icon is a thing because it provides a lot of interesting behavior options for modders. But the map can totally make the fight suck if done wrong.
  7. This game fucking rules, I wish there was like a GZDoom recreation. This is imho a lot closer to what Doom 3 could've been if it committed to the survival horror and didn't try to meet halfway for a traditional action heavy Doom game. Still love D3 tho.
  8. Coughing is the final fuck you from a cold, it just NEVER ENDS. All I wanted to do today was work on my GZDoom mod, I should be well over this sickness by now but nooooo and now I have a migraine.

    1. OliveTree


      patpat, feel better soon. drink water and all that

  9. @Rudolph Yeah, they're well made for what they are but it really rubs me the wrong way when art styles are clearly clashing.
  10. Have fun guys! To another 30 years of this great game.
  11. A big ol' nail stickin' outta his seat that he doesn't see, like a whoopee cushion from hell. Bet the other guys throughout the office would wonder when did a woman join the team when they hear his scream.
  12. You would have to wait until 1995. That said I don't think he deserves to die, even with his crimes against id when he was the last person they needed while they were falling apart with the Quake series but he definitely deserves a good hard slap across the face. I'd be more than happy to administer such one myself.
  13. Gets stuck in my head often, but only because it's SO GOOD.
  14. @LoatharMDPhD Doom 3 Imps in the air be like.
  15. In all fairness my stamped-in IWAD changes would be subtle but align with my personal sensibilities, limiting myself up to 5 per category so as to not radically alter the game on all fronts even though I could easily change so much more but that's what mods are for: MONSTERS 1. Zombieman doing 1-8 damage like the console versions instead of 1-5 so sometimes he actually poses a threat, bump his health from 20 to 30 in order to match Shotgun Guy. 2. Lost Soul has 60 health instead of 100 so it can be killed in one shotgun blast like the console versions, compensate by making it more aggressive like D64. 3. Cacodemon and Pain Elemental have a bite sound (think of Hexen's Chaos Serpent for a good example) or in the latter case a bite at all so its not totally defenseless up close, make the latter monster actually explode when its dying so they can punish players that again hang too close or alternatively utilize the monster as a flying explosive barrel to damage other monsters. 4. Revenant's firing frame accurately reflects its attack, that's right, Doom 3 akimbo style baby. Double your boners double your fun! 5. Fixed blood colors for Cacos and Hell nobles. WEAPONS 1. Doom 64's chainsaw replacing the Chainsaw, hey it's Doom II, everything's doubled to be bigger and more badass, if the shotgun can get a bigger brother why not just improve this existing weapon to make it more doom-y? Double-bladed chainsaw that isn't just faster but hits twice per strike also, making it more useful against the bigger baddies you'll be facing to save ammo. 2. Acquire the Zombieman's Infantry Rifle which has a tight shot grouping and uses his 1-8 damage so it's a viable and decently powered sniping option that negates having to tap the Chaingun, fires in fixed 3-round bursts so as to not make Chaingun DPS obsolete and slots in 2 with the starting pistol to compliment your sidearm with your standard issue main arm, likely uses the unused alpha rifle sprites to save time. 3. Buff Shotgun from 7 pellets to 10 and increase the spread around half of what the SSG is so it's no longer a borderline sniper rifle and can reliably one shot Imps and two shot Pinky demons, less painful to use against meatier monsters like the Baron of Hell. I honestly kinda really fucking hate this weapon the way it already is so this is a big one for me. 4. Add a little splash damage to the Plasma Rifle projectiles to give it a noticeable bump in damage and ammo efficiency, becomes harmful at close range but no worse than the plasma gun was in Quake III, also increased speed of the plasma bolts from 25 to 50 so its travel time doesn't reduce effectiveness of long range fighting. ITEMS 1. Health and armor bonuses net 2 each instead of 1 like the console versions. 2. A third and rarer Red Armor that is similar to Blue Armor but negates up to 75% damage instead of 50% for those extra difficult fights, save value same as Blue Armor. 3. Invulnerability Sphere has reflective properties so monsters' projectiles injure and potentially kill themselves, change that gaudy inverse map to something more pleasant, GBA Doom had the right idea with that blue tint.
  16. Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing.
  17. My favorite use of Keen is MAP32: Self-Destruct from Hell To Pay, but that's just half of the magic as voodoo dolls are followed up if you don't meet the goal in time. It's a standout set piece in an otherwise below average (very) partial conversion megawad.
  18. My Caco judges this thread for its lackluster and surface level reddit-core content. Romero's reaction to D3 gets a free pass tho (even tho I <3 that game.)
  19. I need to read more but Jurassic Park is a phenomenal read and mandatory if you enjoyed the movie. Alan Dean Foster's Alien trilogy novels which I went through last year are based on the director's cut for each film and also use a lot of cut ideas as well as new scenes and are also fantastic if again you like the movies.
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