This person, whom I met back in 2007 on a (THE) Manhunt forum (before it took a shit and died in 2019) who went by the name of Knick Knack back then (and was also a regular IIRC in the Silent Hill communities at the time) is the reason I am into the kinda music I fuck with since (Dark EBM, Aggrotech and Electro-Industrial, examples: Alien Vampires, Velvet Acid Christ, Feindflug, Hocico, Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy, :wumpscut:) I was able to briefly reunite with them at the tail-end of June 2020 when I scoured the internet looking for them, and really a big motivator for that is because I was a total fucking shit to them over something super petty and patently ridiculous (I was like 18 at the time, which still isn't an excuse) and it's very ironic considering they effectively changed my life for the better and we had a good laugh as it was in their words "water under the bridge" by that point. Cool person, glad to see they're still around doing their thing.