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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Who is this, Ethan Thomas from Condemned 2? Oh it's Meshuggah. THIS WILL BE A FUN BATTLE TO THE DEATH! 8/10
  2. @Dark Pulse This cracks me up so bad I had no fuckin' idea they did that LOL. If you cheat you enter the FORBIDDEN ZONE! BEGONE!
  3. We need an animation edit where he jiggles uncontrollably while operating the chaingun.
  4. @Maximum Matt A similarly odd case can be made for Heretic as well where episode 2 has a lot of music you don't hear in any other part of the game, not even episodes 4-5, the red sky never got reused or the sliding ice flat. E: I'm a FOOL who's stumbled into my own BUFFOONERY, episodes 4 and 5 literally copy the music order of episodes 1 and 2, but the SKY and ICE still stands!
  5. @Dangerous Keen 4 Which WAD or mod is that from? @jaeden Absolute m00d.
  6. I forget that was even a thing or that it somehow procured a sequel. Wrack was wack, so unbearably bland it's hard to believe the guy behind Skulltag made it.
  7. Shadow Warrior 2013 fared the best and was similar to what Doom 2016 would be. I would say the most authentic was ROTT 2013 but uh yeah, the less said about that one the better. STRAFE was blatant false advertising but a perfectly fine roguelite, and Brutal Doom was a mod for an old game that most outside of this community had moved on from. It was a dark time, I remember buying Intrude because it looked cute, very Wolf3D-esque but dear goth was it boring. I personally think we were headed in the right direction for boomer shooters when DUSK showed up. Most other so-called retro throwback shooters couldn't be assed to fkn do proper pixel art and instead went with a minecraft aesthetic. I know not everybody can be Cage, but damn it sucked for a while.
  8. Well this has been long suspected already. It did spawn a great inside joke between me and my friend though. "100% classic FPS game design." Because he'd keep referring to it as the big selling point in online streams during the supposed development (this would've been around the time it had appeared Adrian Carmack was brought onboard.) You have to remember, there was no such thing as a retro fps renaissance at the time of BLACKROOM, but I'm sure he's happy to see the genre he helped put on the map came swinging back in a big way eventually.
  9. Appears to enjoy the darkness, Italian cuisine and feline creatures. Not a bad combination.
  10. When you get blown up so hard it causes your speakers to explode along with you and the computer automatically reboots in an attempt to shield itself from further damage. DOUBLE KILL!
  11. If we were gonna say bad luck as opposed to skill issues then the winner takes all is the revenant tracer that's on a mission from the devil, to perfectly navigate all obstacles in its path, only to find you and hit you out of sight for the full 80 damage and you have just enough health and possibly some armor for it not matter as it one-shots you.
  12. @OniriA The worst of it is over now it's just that nauseating lingering stench of mucus and a cough, but thankfully my taste buds weren't muted this time. I actually recently learned that coffee is okay to consume with a cold or mild illness as it encourages the immune system to help you recover and in addition to reducing grogginess. Thank fuck for that because the worst part was dealing with a borderline migraine headache on day two. And yeah those noodles don't fuck around, I thought I needed a cold beverage while eating them but I've yet to be bested by heat.
  13. Second half of Doom II has the best ratio of good to meh, while the first and third parts have some straight up duds, the latter especially.
  14. "Why I think explosive barrels don't belong in Doom and are an absurd concept to begin with; a thread 1/32"
  15. My favorite dumb memory regarding Doom is someone I used to know saying something about the Lost Souls and them being corrected with "No no, found souls," and he actually responded with "Huh, I wonder what they found."

    Cue eternal laughter to this day whenever I randomly remember it.

  16. @Xaser I'm sure I've probably said it before but I'll say it again, this is the most underrated WAD ever, I adore it and consider it in my head-canon the finale of Doom 1 (but also because I don't really like Thy Flesh Consumed.) On-topic a faithful recreation of the novels in Doom engine form (probably achievable with GZDoom unless it's something really out there) would be nothing short of a fever dream to play.
  17. Pleasantly surprised by this on-a-whim purchase, there's hotter ones called Volcanic Mongolian Beef and Molten Chili Chicken but they didn't have these where I got this. This is my treat as I'm recovering from a cold.
  18. I'll most likely get this down the line, I still need a physical copy of Masters of Doom which was an amazing read.
  19. @Quin I feel very compelled to sit down and use that UAC laptop. Given it's the year 21xx there's no doubt it's more than capable of running Doom!
  20. https://twitter.com/bootyslime?lang=en https://barbatus.neocities.org/ This person, whom I met back in 2007 on a (THE) Manhunt forum (before it took a shit and died in 2019) who went by the name of Knick Knack back then (and was also a regular IIRC in the Silent Hill communities at the time) is the reason I am into the kinda music I fuck with since (Dark EBM, Aggrotech and Electro-Industrial, examples: Alien Vampires, Velvet Acid Christ, Feindflug, Hocico, Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy, :wumpscut:) I was able to briefly reunite with them at the tail-end of June 2020 when I scoured the internet looking for them, and really a big motivator for that is because I was a total fucking shit to them over something super petty and patently ridiculous (I was like 18 at the time, which still isn't an excuse) and it's very ironic considering they effectively changed my life for the better and we had a good laugh as it was in their words "water under the bridge" by that point. Cool person, glad to see they're still around doing their thing.
  21. That's a "good" prefix for some prime incoming garbage. "I don't actually have a point to make but allow me to flap my gums for fifty thousand minutes."
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