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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. dhewm3 doesn't change anything regarding gameplay, and yes the shotgun is an absolute murder stick, if you take stick literally. A full eight rounds will kill the Hell Knight, one of the strongest monsters in the game, and it will reliably one to two shot the majority of the low to mid tier class, and four for the tougher monsters like Arch-viles.
  2. My biggest gripe has got to be id Tech 5, I think Carmack just fkn botched it before he bailed to do Oculus stuff, Wolf TNO only runs silky smooth on the Xbox Series for me, I have more than met it's requirements on two different PC setups before and besides blatantly unoptimized shit like...ugh, Hatred, nothing else around the time or newer ran as horribly as the micro stuttering variable frame rate mess that is this fkn engine. I just started joking that the game runs at a consistent 20-30 fps with some fights for cinematic purposes. But all the reports vary so wildly with the game it's anywhere from my cases to "runs fine on my end." The point is however is it was mostly underreported. Until Dishonored 2, which used mostly its own proprietary "Void" engine with some id Tech 5 code or whatever, and tah-dah! It ran like shit too, but only then did people care to notice to report about it. Then just like that it was never in any games again and the engine wasn't even redeemed with a source code release. TRASH!
  3. If Hell is like the desert then we can safely assume it gets cold there at night.
  4. Welcome to the eternal fucking war that is glasses getting dirty from literally everything. I just wet them with water and sometimes soap then rinse and then dry them off, sometimes it's not perfect, in fact it's never perfect when you wear a pair long enough, so it eventually becomes good enough. Even better is the scratches, but you gotta just get used to it.
  5. There's a minimalism to it that I like, rather Doom 3-core.
  6. Besides deep blacks that LCDs had forsaken there isn't any additional magic going on with older PC monitors, if there is then it's very very subtle unlike TVs back then. Fun fact Doom 3 was most likely being developed on CRTs but right as the game came out LCD monitors had just taken over, so for all we know the game's darkness was literally pitch black in places. I used to hate the filtering but don't mind it now...in 3D games, where there is little to no 2D elements. Sprite heavy games like Doom and others from the 90s weren't made with smoothing in mind and it really does ruin the pixel art. I can play with and without filtering in Quake 1 but prefer to play with filtering in Quake II because some things like the weapons look strange pixelated imo.
  7. If you meant games others hate that you like then I also agree, I grew up with Empire and Jedi as my earliest foray into video games and I'm surprised that didn't end my lifelong hobby before it had even began lol.
  8. Plus HL1 is literally inspired by Stephen King's The Mist.
  9. @HeatedChocolate I heard this in the HL scientist voice. We need the Doom community equivalent of WikiLeaks, it could be called Slimetrails.
  10. Shogo 2 laughs in an empty silo at undisclosed location OK OK I know thread is dream game not pipedream game uhhhhHHHHH Doom "4" side game where you lead a resistance against hell on a wartorn infested earth and it leans more on the horror like Doom 3 but combat is actually pretty brutal and nasty gore like Doom 2016 and there's equal graphically violent POV deaths as a demon tears you limb from limb or feasts on your guts... DAMMIT.
  11. Because ur a big stinky baby and Daddy says it's time to put away the tinker toys and go2bed. /s
  12. @DNSKILL5 Yeah, it's also a bad idea to fill up all 399 objects since enemies won't drop their ammo as it counts towards objects in the world, I learned this early on in my mapping. Admittedly it does make a good hack to deny a player enemy's ammo for additional starvation. You could just make some inaccessible area on the map and fill it up with junk lol. I didn't know you were Gerolf, I was on DieHard Wolfers for a little bit years ago, nice to re-meet with a fellow player.
  13. CoomGuy666 SPDeimos Shikari Hindenburg PlanetContraption aIRINo MissyPissWyvern
  14. Classic: Pinky, Cacodemon, Hell Noble, Pain Elemental, Archvile, Cyberdemon Doom 64: Imp, Nightmare Imp, Pinky, Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, Cyberdemon Doom 3: Imp, Vulgar, Maggot, Wraith, Pinky, Trite, Hell Knight, Revenant, Fatso, Archvile, Vagary, Guardian of Hell, Hell Hunters, Cyberdemon Doom 2016: Hell Knight, Revenant, Summoner Doom Eternal: Prowler, Arachnotron, Pain Elemental, Archvile, Gladiator, Doom Hunter, Marauder Bonus: Nightmare Spectre from PSX
  15. Y'all are making me wanna head right in to this after I beat PRCP 2. It's honestly a surprisingly comfy WAD for the most part.
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