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Lila Feuer

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Everything posted by Lila Feuer

  1. Let Me Make You a Martyr nearly 2 hours of shitty people doing shitty drugs that leads to a shitty ending, pretentious garbage
  2. Boom v2.02 dated 10/10/99, I downloaded it in 2001-2002 and from thereon out it changed my Dooming, freeing me from the shackles that was Doom95. I feel old.
  3. This, International Heretic's brightmaps were really nice to see for example. I still think extended colors for messages would be cool (dark blue for one versus "7" that is much brighter) but I think I know why it's the way it is, the old menu system would need to be totally redesigned. You can get around default limitations anyway by supplementing alternate PLAYPALs and using new fonts for messages as their defaults can translate differently. E: What I mean, using the PSX Doom message font and picking 7 results in this look.
  4. I swear the only thing that keeps this from being THE greatest limit-removing boom-compatible source port is a gamma correction on par with Doom Retro and International Doom, I like bumping things down to 0.75, other than that I'll always simp for Woof! because I play everything in it now that doesn't require a specific port to operate. @fabian @rfomin Thanks for being absolute G's in this community.
  5. Tearing through Hexen on International Hexen, tfw 3 hours in on a Cleric game and I'm already at Necropolis. This game used to feel so long.
  6. I have just begun The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and am already hooked. The only other Zelda I've played and beaten was the original NES title.
  7. It overrides anything I change to black, is this a bug? I'm using the 64-bit version and trying to modify Heretic's colors.
  8. Finally beat TNP, actually a very short game. The puzzle on Hook Star Nuclear Works completely threw me off without a walkthrough, and it's mandatory to see River City Park and Mastamall. I didn't understand the puzzle at the beginning of the Dome either. I highly recommend this game to Raven fans if they've never played it before, but it is a bit on the mediocre side. Now I'm playing Heretic for the gazillionth time again, but using International Heretic for the first time.
  9. Finished Doom 64 for Doom II, started Reverie, reached MAP05, so far me likey, you'd think the WAD was from 1997 but it was released in 2011.
  10. Take No Prisoners with some rigging to get it running on Win10. I haven't played, let alone ever beat this relatively unknown top-down shooter Raven title since I'm guessing 2003 or 2004. Never played it on Commando (default, hard mode) difficulty either so that's been an interesting experience so far. Still pretty fun, good music albeit tracks are way too short (2 min on average) given you can be on a level for up to 20 minutes sometimes. Enemies are spongy and dish out the pain, especially with certain weapons, but the player doesn't hold a lot of ammo for any of their guns and you're often facing mobs of any given enemy type, so combat can feel stilted as you unload round after round into a single person, or creature, or cyborg, this also applies to throwables like grenades which aren't as effective as they should be, unless it's implosion grenades. Also sometimes it can be difficult to determine where you're suppose to go or do next since the levels can be played in almost any order as level exits typically offer up to two areas to choose from, add in some of Raven's less-than-optimal solutions to problem solving and you got trial and error progression sprinkled throughout. Very much a PC game for the time it was released, with the assorted jank like ladders and unforgiving fall damage, and lopsided balance in some of the fights, but it's absolutely brimming with personality and charm, with good sound design and occasionally cool lighting, pretty gory too with big comical blood spurts upon enemy deaths and you can destroy things in the environment to similarly satisfying degree.
  11. I'm using SC-55 Patch93.sf2 for my Roland fix and I'd say it's pretty damn serviceable, Duke Nukem 3D sounds great with it as does Doom naturally. Is there a superior version? I got mine along other soundfonts from @Doomkid's soundfont collection thread.
  12. It rarely occurs but it's easy to replicate, I probably do it by accident once every few blue moons on a regular Doom II playthrough.
  13. I'm now playing Doom 64 for Doom II, figured this would be a good one to blast through since I'm familiar with the source material. So far so good!
  14. Finished TNT Revilution and thought it was a mostly very polished modern style vanilla megawad with occasional nods to its influence but honestly never really found it to be a true sequel to TNT. It works fine as a TNT expansion or side story of sorts, but I can't quite say it truly honors the source material and feel of the original, and I both like and don't really like playing the original these days, so it's a very strange feeling. Good megawad, OK TNT style, the aesthetic and music are nice, but remind me more of Back to Saturn X. I guess I would've liked not just more exploratory adventure style mapping, but just more TeamTNT style mapping too. No disrespect to the mappers of TNTR, they did a great job for the most part, but I am now very curious to see how TNT: Devilution turned out when it's actually available to play.
  15. I stay on vanilla for vanilla, Boom for older Boom-compatible (i.e Community Chest 4, it just makes me feel better) and MBF21 for modern Boom-compatible i.e Eviternity. I don't think I've used just regular MBF for anything.
  16. An old and unorthodox method was to separate a "level" within an existing level, accessible only by finding secrets, you'd warp to it then warp back to the regular exit. At the cost of usually missing a lot of monsters and items on the tally screen and being confused as to why if you missed the "bonus level".
  17. You always know how to find the way to my heart, and it is 90's-ass D2 megawads.
  18. At this rate Breath of the Wild 2 and Starfield will be out before Devilution arrives. I'm gonna need to finish Revilution before I play this!
  19. At that point I was at least in the teens for my leveling and had access to all the main small guns, so regular and Chinese assault rifles, combat shotgun, hunting rifle, .44 magnum, 10mm machine pistol, and the .308 sniper that often ends up in poor condition due to its low item health. Sometimes I used the minigun because I was positively flushed with ammo but dismayed at how underpowered it is FO3 without the damage threshold effect from NV, and the missile launcher which encouraged me to up my investment in big guns despite initially thinking I wouldn't bother with them. Oh and frags, lots and lots of frags. The average Super Mutant wasn't really too bad, but the Brutes and Masters could take a beating and they weren't that uncommon. But now it just means when I go exploring elsewhere I mainly have to contend with Raiders who are barely a threat even at level 2.
  20. 72 hours into Fallout 3 on Xbox game pass, I unwittingly went to DC very early on but as a result leveled up a ton. Chewing through the DC area and the seemingly endless Super Mutant army was kinda exhausting so early in the game, but contrary to what some redditors think I've been finding Fallout 3 to be much easier than New Vegas and kinda wished I bumped it up to Hard. That said the gameplay is just as engaging as ever and the Capitol Wasteland is fucking huge, I've probably only seen a little under 50% of it. I kinda screwed myself on the story however, by going to Rivet City early on and talking to Dr. Lin who is just like "oh your Dad's over THERE!" and thereby bypassing the GNR quest where you're assisted by Brotherhood of Steel so I had to fight a Super Mutant Behemoth by myself, and who knows what other goose chase related story quests I had to do so now I can't really engage the story at all without the presumed risk of ending the game (at the time it would've been at like the 40 hour mark!). And I was extremely confused when I learned Bethesda thought it was a good idea to cap the player at level 20 without the Broken Steel addon so I still have a shit ton of base game to explore and I've already reached "max" at only 72 hours. What were they thinking?
  21. GZDoom's defaults are the chaotic evil of Doom aesthetics.
  22. I recently regrabbed NBlood and copied over the relevant files it wants from my copy of Fresh Supply, and I get a message at the top left of the screen at all times saying "NO DC". Anyone have any idea what that means and how to get rid of it? E: OK I figured that out I just wish I knew why rebinding capslock to take sceeenshots is such a task for this source port, I'm not running it through steam, so. E2: Lol thought this was regular video games thread at a glance, anyway I bound Q to screens and NBlood will take anywhere from 1 to 2 to sometimes 3 shots with one tap, but I guess it's cool for action moments.
  23. Fallout 3 on Xbox game pass, 20 hours in, loving it despite playing New Vegas first and having close to 300 hours in that. Also playing BioShock Remastered on Steam, currently at Fort Frolic, pretty good game. Finally I'm going through Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition on the Switch, think I'm on mission 13, it's longer and harder than I remember it being but it has been 12 years since I last played.
  24. LOL idk how I missed news on the bethy launcher being removed but that's certainly an improvement.
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