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Lila Feuer got a reaction from LadyMistDragon for a status update, plops disembodied tit on top of head I am the fuckin' queen of France! wiggles arms
plops disembodied tit on top of head I am the fuckin' queen of France! wiggles arms
Lila Feuer got a reaction from LadyMistDragon for a status update, You can argue with them until you're blue in the face. Unfortunately bullshitters do
You can argue with them until you're blue in the face. Unfortunately bullshitters do not have a stamina bar.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from fruity lerlups for a status update, Just because majority rule does not mean majority is right. Majority are often full o
Just because majority rule does not mean majority is right. Majority are often full of major shit anyway.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Amaruψ for a status update, Just because majority rule does not mean majority is right. Majority are often full o
Just because majority rule does not mean majority is right. Majority are often full of major shit anyway.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from 8088mph for a status update, Just because majority rule does not mean majority is right. Majority are often full o
Just because majority rule does not mean majority is right. Majority are often full of major shit anyway.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from dististik for a status update, Your MAP13 fix for 1killtng was hosted on Discord and is no longer available for down
Your MAP13 fix for 1killtng was hosted on Discord and is no longer available for download. I just fixed my copy today, I think, I'll have to actually get to MAP13 in my continuous playthrough to make sure nothing in it seems off.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Mr. Freeze for a status update, I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he
I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from inkoalawetrust for a status update, I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he
I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from DoomPlayer00 for a status update, I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he
I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.
Lila Feuer reacted to Grungo for a status update, Dear amalgoom, clippy crew, and doomworld. I would like to make a formal apology when
Dear amalgoom, clippy crew, and doomworld. I would like to make a formal apology
when i was 16, I joined doomworld because I enjoyed making maps. As I grew I met people, got around, had ideas, some failed, some went chaotic and the people I crossed, most of the time left a bad impression.
I write this to say, I apologize for all the grief I have caused while as "Johnny Cruelty" I will *not bullshit and try to excuse my behavior. I was a dickhead, not because I was young, but because I was acting stupid and didn't think to stop. I was a terrible Project leader, I often was too bossy and got too obsessed over the smallest issues of a map, and thought every bit of critiscism was a personal attack. i was foolish very foolish. I took people's kindness for weakness, I didn't stop to think "hey these are people with lives and feelings, these aren't employees, these are PEOPLE" I did value these people but not enough, as my rude attitude outshined my respect for them, and in turn people casted me out, a pariah. One such individual I pissed off the most was @doomgappy he was a nice guy, and when the last straw was hit, when I got mad at him making "big" changes to small stuff, he couldn't take it, he lost his cool, he got so mad he was just done trying to help me and wanted me no more. at the time, out of guilt, even at my peak assholishness, a fragment of me realized how much of a asshole I was, and I passed the torch to him, and was exiled. sometime after that, I tried reaching out again, but I still was not quite... in good terms and he told me to get away from him, I was sad and mad but after a bit I understood and moved on. However some advice he told me before he exiled me, was "Just make a new fresh start and maybe one day things will be better again." so I did, I made grungo as not just a new fresh skin, but something more... something you might call... a "Gimmick" I spoke like Torr from fallout 2, and donned a blue velvet suit. My motto was "What would grungo do" which was the opposite of Johnny Cruelty... While some elements of JC leaked, I tried to maintain this new persona, by being nice as much as I could and aspired to be a better person, saying nice things on wads, making nice jokes, trying to do better in art. at first it was a suit, akin to a wolf in sheep's clothing, but I felt better being Grungo so I embraced it. Instead of me pretending to be someone I am not, I shaped myself to something I wanna be. But I must admit, even when I am trying to change, I admit I am not perfect, and sometimes I am a ass, I cannot lie, But I try and I understand if I keep trying to change, I will be like pinnocho, Grungo won't be a persona to me anymore, but more of a reality of what's me. I'd also like to apologize for being annoying, that's on me and I should learn to control myself more, I am getting older and no longer a kid anymore.
In short I wanna say sorry for my misdeeds, and I don't expect forgiveness nor a slap on the wrist, I understand I left scars on people, scars that may not heal. and I understand some people just don't wanna do anything with me, and that's ok.
I just gotta take it easy day by day..
as for the persona, I might keep it up, because some people like it, and that outburst last night was me angered by some, and I understand some people take offense to the persona and see it as a sign of not taking up responsilibility and I understand it.
But I take total responsiblity for my childish behavior and just hope for the best
signing off, Grungo.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Li'l devil for a status update, Tomorrow marks the seventh year in a row now that I've had this permanent warning poi
Tomorrow marks the seventh year in a row now that I've had this permanent warning point assigned to my account for being rude to a user that is no longer on this forum and hasn't been for years. I would like to know who assigned it and if they even remember or not.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from JackDBS for a status update, I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he
I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Trigsy for a status update, I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he
I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from The BMFG for a status update, I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he
I know it's painful Johnny but you have to let Grungo go back into the wild where he belongs.
Lila Feuer reacted to leejacksonaudio for a status update, Some relief for my pain might be upcoming soon. I've been in touch with a shoulder su
Some relief for my pain might be upcoming soon. I've been in touch with a shoulder surgeon about getting my torn right rotator cuff fixed. The first doctor I approached turned me down because I had too many other problems with which he wasn't willing to deal (including a need for post-op inpatient rehab). This second doctor is much more cooperative and has a much better bedside manner, and he's accepted me as a patient. Now that I've got certain other maladies healed up, he's put things in motion in a big way. First off, he's scheduled me for surgery on Friday, December 15th. He also called me *himself* to discuss certain matters involving the surgery yesterday, including the fact that I don't need another MRI because my last one was right at one year ago. So, here's what I've got going so far:
- Call primary care physician and cardiologist today and schedule appointments prior to December 8th.
- Make arrangements for lifting recliner chair rental prior to surgery from medical goods outlet.
- Stop taking 81mg Aspirin dose one week prior to surgery.
That's it, except for actually having the surgery itself. I'm not looking forward to the 4 to 6 weeks of post-op pain and immobility (i.e., right arm in a sling), especially since I'm extremely right-handed, but I *am* looking forward to the eventual resolution of the constantly massive rotator cuff tear pain. I'll keep you up to date on the progress.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Finnisher for a status update, My favorite dumb memory regarding Doom is someone I used to know saying something abo
My favorite dumb memory regarding Doom is someone I used to know saying something about the Lost Souls and them being corrected with "No no, found souls," and he actually responded with "Huh, I wonder what they found."
Cue eternal laughter to this day whenever I randomly remember it.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from DNSKILL5 for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from SpaceCat_2001 for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from coderamen for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Zulk RS for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from Murdoch for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
Lila Feuer got a reaction from TheMagicMushroomMan for a status update, Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor
Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the night I hope I didn't wake up my neighbor since I live in an apartment.
Lila Feuer reacted to Teo Slayer for a status update, Hey bro, just wanted to say, I love both of your Scythe wads and I hope you'll return
Hey bro, just wanted to say, I love both of your Scythe wads and I hope you'll return with Scythe X completed one day