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About SAV88

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  1. DBP05: Coffin Curse MAP03 NM100S in 1:08. d503s108.zip
  2. I am willing to destroy Shariat and Domostroy.
  3. Commando MAP06 NM100S in 2:07. com6s207.zip
  4. Great work, @Plut! And yes, 9:XX is humanly doable too. I was trying to reach the exit in some of the later years but got distracted by various other things.
  5. MAP14 NM100S in 3:32. MAP17 NM100S in 1:40. n314s332.zip n317s140.zip
  6. Akeldama MAP11 Pacifist in 3:16. ak11p316.zip
  7. The last dooming year was extremely impressive, just like the one before it. Naming all the outstanding records of 2021 is no easy task, so I'll just add several mega‑skillful demos by a few more players who should not be overlooked: Flotsam MAP05 UV Max in 4:04 by @mhrz. Hellbound MAP14 UV Max in 8:47 by @NeilK. SkePLand MAP03 UV Max in 25:39 by @Plut. Bloodstain MAP07 UV Max in 3:39 by @sapphics. Resurgence MAP31 UV Max in 14:39 by @Tezur0. NOVA III MAP22 UV Max in 6:36 by @TheV1perK1ller. KINDa MAP26 UV Max in 9:48 by @Veinen. Memento Mori II MAP10 NM100S in 8:01 by @xit-vono.
  8. NM100S runs for two CC4 maps by @Phobus, 9 secrets per each. MAP03 in 2:20. MAP07 in 2:16. c403s220.zip c407s216.zip
  9. Anders Johnsen's 10:34 UV Max for Walkabout v2.0 misses one monster and two secret sectors. It gets 5/6 secrets, but the true maximum is 7/6 as shown in Kristian Ronge's nomo demo.
  10. @numberjuan77, you accidentally included your MAP10 demo file instead.
  11. Good job to everyone! This event produced a bunch of impressive new records. I think a similar demo month (where you can choose records by other players for participants to beat) will be fascinating too.
  12. Here's my list in chronological order. The first 7 demos are too slow for my current standards, while the 3 priority bounties are newer, less cheap records. Memento Mori MAP22 NM100S in 3:51. Requiem MAP16 UV Max in 5:52. Realm of Chaos MAP18 UV Max in 6:36. Requiem MAP08 UV-Fast in 8:57. Memento Mori II MAP29 UV Max in 6:55. Requiem MAP15 UV Max in 7:55. Memento Mori II MAP09 NM100S in 5:50. *Hellbound MAP11 NM100S in 3:44. *Plutonia II MAP26 NM100S in 3:47. *Community Chest III MAP20 NM100S in 4:45. Plutonia MAP23 NM Speed in 1:33. pn23-133.zip
  13. His DW name is @kmc, and I would also mention his Dark Covenant UV Speed in 37:18. It's not simply a movie run, it's a fast, brave speedrun through an action-packed 12-level wad. As for a personal pick, maybe it would be my demo from December 31, Akeldama MAP16 max. Well, I hate uploading times like 7:03 (might continue trying for sub-7 in the future), but this is probably my best-looking skill 4 demo ever (for now). Initially I only wanted about 7:45 (didn't think I can beat NumberJuan77's 10:06 by over 30%).
  14. 2020 was truly filled to the brim with state-of-the-art records. Some of the really memorable demos: Plutonia MAP32 -solo-net (loads of extra cybers) NM100S in 2:03 by @Red-XIII. Community Chest III MAP31 UV Max in 9:18 by @Aquasa. Hell Revealed MAP24 UV Max in 6:45 by @Vile. Hellbound MAP16 UV Max in 15:36 by @NeilK. Sunlust MAP13 UV Pacifist in 5:10 by @4shockblast. Reverie MAP08 UV Max in 13:53 by @lirui1001. Epic MAP05 UV Max in 12:21 by @Veinen. Ultimate Doom E3M4 UV Max in 3:33 by @Coincident. Doom II MAP23 UV Max in 1:38 by @Looper. Plutonia MAP25 UV Max in 3:10 by @NightTerror. Plutonia MAP30 UV Pacifist in 3:41 by @Pleymo. Plutonia II MAP23 UV Max in 8:05 by @blob1024. Nova III MAP11 UV Max in 6:46 by @TheV1perK1ller. Dimensions MAP32 UV Max in 8:46 by @Daerik. Akeldama MAP23 UV Max in 15:27 by @numberjuan77 (overall, there are many strong, fast-paced maxes in the table of my favorite 2020 wad).
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