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About Daiyu_Xiaoxiang

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  1. As most of doomers know, I actually born in Taiwan, therefore I am Taiwanese(Or just Chinese because of political problems). I been living in HK since 1995(5 years old), and now already 16 years.

    In this coming September, I be back to Taiwan for university, I will study Chemistry there. Indeed I am happy to return to my own country, I like ROC more. PRC is definitely shit and I hate the communist's rule, same the HK government is a piece of shit since they only work for the communists but not its people. I also want to say that the HK government decided to brain-wash children by only letting them know about positive issues of communists. I am enough of this, and I also hope to study in my own country, therefore I return back.

    I am not sure about my future yet after university, but I don't want to come back to HK again. Maybe I will continue my study in Taiwan, or even in Singapore or UK. I doesn't really want to study in US, I know that most Taiwan students will study in US, but I am worried about bullying and gun shoting.

    During my university life in Taiwan, I don't think I will have much time to play doom again, nor recording demos. I need to focus on school work more rather than PC. And of course, if I have time, I will still record some doom demos.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Csonicgo


      Daiyu_Xiaoxiang said:

      I doesn't really want to study in US, I know that most Taiwan students will study in US, but I am worried about bullying and gun shoting.

    3. kmc


      I'm a little late seeing this, as I don't check blogs forum much, but I wanted to wish you good luck with university Daiyu. It's been fun competing with you and following your demo campaign across various wads. I hope everything goes well for you in Taiwan and in the future :)

    4. Bank


      I don't know much about the internal politics unfortunately, but Hong Kong has one of the most incredible cultures in the world. I'd love to go, though I'm an easily detectable gweilo.

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