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  1. @Cutman First map choice: TNT Map16 Second map choice: Ultimate Doom E3M5 Desired map slot: Map16, or any slot after Map15 and before Map20
  2. I never realized how low res the first 2 sprites for the Phoenix shot explosion are. I tried to improve them, using sprites from the Heretic Neural Texture Pack as bases:
  3. What is my ass doing here?

  4. It's a single large map, the graveyard is just a single area. Blood is not a mod, it's a commercial Build Engine game.
  5. The City of the Damned: Apocalypse The only creepy graveyard I can think for Doom 1 is this area from Sigil 2 I would also suggest playing Blood if you want inspiration for creepy atmosphere. The very first level is a dark graveyard.
  6. I'd say a good name for MAP02 would be "The Heat Rises", because there's so many goddamn Archviles (for which I'm partly responsible), and also serves as a connection with the next map's more warm setting.
  7. ...alright, who's alt is this?
  8. @fai1025 The compilation doesn't have the latest versions of my maps I posted here. Before wrapping up, I made 2 changes to both of my maps: DMIUMGOTHICMAPS_RC3.zip (May 26th, 2024) In MAP07 I changed how the sectors blocking the chaingunners at the start work. In map22 I removed the pillar blocking the Spider Mastermind's sight at the end. Also I remember MAP19 having a dark sky texture, but in the compilation it uses the vanilla Doom 2 city sky.
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