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About tmorrow

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  1. Just for the record I'll list my favorite 10 maps over the entire wad. map29: Crushing 14 cybies is always fun, great use of height, enemies sniping from all over map32: Epic map with caverns, open areas, marble buildings and dangerous ravine finale map17: Large city map with 6 keys to track down and a large bag of secrets to net map10: The shopping mall area is great and there's a surprise cybie appearance in the west gardens map15: A wormhole map, you first clear the current day submap map then the harder overrun submap map23: A trek through caverns, lava rivers and blood lakes to the enemies dangerous cyberdemon factory map16: A tech base with water channels. Love the way the environment changes in the center as you progress. map14: Doomguy beats up a military base (a new theme, never been done before in doom) map31: Wormhole map. In this one you crisscross between current and overrun Doom & Doom2 references map13: A mansion with some heavy encounters and a twin cybie ending That's 0 from episode 1 (map07 comes 11th), 6 from episode 2, 2 from episode 3 and both secret maps. As I've said before, I tend to like the grander, larger and more epic maps so it's no surprise that episode 1 missed out since they are typically smaller. I really like the secret code concept that is used in the earlier maps in episode 1. Episode 2 is definitely my favorite. All the maps in this wad are well worth playing, even the maps I liked the least are fun in parts.
  2. Nice! I found that secret but it was just a tiny room with the soulsphere and return teleporter. I didn't realise you can lower the wall and get back to the center and then reenter the water channels again. Thanks.
  3. For episode 1, my favorite maps are: map10: Enjoyed the city part the most. map31: Love the Episode 1 of Doom references. Also uses the wormhole new and old idea. map07: Very oppressive map. I was afraid of entering almost every room. I love the secret code idea on map01 that you also needed for map02 and map04 of the episode.
  4. For episode 2, my favorite maps are: map17: I'm a sucker for a downtown map. map15: I never get tired of wormhole maps. map16: Love the way the environment changes in the center as you progress. Wish the water channels could be revisited, sometimes monsters get stuck there. I tend to like longer and more epic maps like these.
  5. Sure they are uvmaxable. But both are quite difficult, a bit beyond my skill level. If I bang my head against them several times I might pull them off but I'll wait to see if anyone has better strategies than I've come up with.
  6. I took a look at map28 and map29 and managed to uvmax both despite some of map28's defunct teleporters in the lava. I really enjoyed map29, an epic map. It's a good thing you can crush 14 of the 17 cybies on the map early on or it would really hard. A great wad! So that's 30/32 maps uvmaxed with the tough map27 and map30 to ponder.
  7. It seems to work fine in zdoom 2.8.1. The script errors are all from the ZMAPINFO lump and only with the TITLE and AUTHOR lines for each map. Map titles, title patches, music and which maps have secrets exits all seem to work correctly.
  8. I've played through most of 30YEARS. It has some excellent maps and is a real adventure. I'm a slow, cautious player and some of the maps took me up to an hour to beat, map17 and map23 for example. Cleaning up the floating enemies in the 4 cybie room of map23 took over 20 minutes. I didn't want to start up the crushers until everything else was dead. The maps do get progressively harder and I was able to uvmax every map up to map27 where I finally gave up. There's a big jump in difficulty on map27. The rng is particularly mean with some of the fights. The chances are "the wheels are going to fall off" on one of the many fights in any uvmax attempt. I did get past the secret vile room twice by collecting the blue key and running without firing for the blue door and then funneling the viles from outside. Many of the viles don't even wake up and you have to go back for them but then they all wake up together with a vengeance. I still managed to fail the vile cleanup after that though in both runs - I should have practiced the section more. I gave up due to it requiring too many attempts to get that far each time. I suspect I got close to a decent chance to finish the map since there is a soulsphere and megaarmor on pillars at the end of that secret to set you up for the nasty final part of the map. The rng of the teleporting viles or the cybie + 2 viles fights or even the teleporting spider mastermind fight at the end offer many opportunities for doomguy to go down for the count. I took a sneak peak at MAP30 and found it to be quite difficult too so I'm assuming maps28-29 are the same. I've parked the wad for now and will keep an eye out for any map27+ demos in the future to get some further ideas/strategies. Congratulations on the release of the wad! More people need to try out this wad, it's got some great maps. The final maps are extremely challenging though so consider using saves on those maps.
  9. Well played! B.P.R.D's Nuts series being joke wads, the first 2 were never balanced for max kills. There's no difference in monster count between ITYTD and UV but the double ammo of ITYTD gives you enough ammo as you've nicely demonstrated. When I played this on UV years ago I left 208 cybies behind after infighting, didn't even try to kill any, just ran on to the next room. Not sure what best results would look like on UV, I'm guessing around 100 cybies remaining with good play but I'm curious if anyone has tried and how well they did. It's too bad that all the ammo in the next room can't be used on the left over cybies since the wall closes behind. Have you seen Zero Master's TAS uvmax for Nuts with the non human collection of 70,000 revenant homing rockets and using the ball of fiery death to kill the cybies? Same trick could be used here of course for a TAS uvmax.
  10. I felt that 5303 demons is just the right number of demons for a map! I installed the game immediately!
  11. I think map29 remains the only one not tyson'ed. I can only imagine the horror of the locked in astral caco cave with only fists unless a trick can be found, not to mention the end with a couple of very angry cyberdemons and friends. Incredible effort to pull off map32 tyson. That map took me a several attempts to uvmax using all weapons.
  12. Apologies, I meant map04. In your d2all, you managed to obtain the secret by cleverly forcing doomguy through between the left wall and the tree. I haven't been able to duplicate this in gzdoom yet. I think you are using a prboom+/dsdadoom which may have different behavior. I'll play around with it a bit more while watching your d2all in full and drinking much needed coffee! Edit: The soulsphere secret works fine on dsdadoom but not gzdoom, even using some of its doom, doom strict settings. Bad gzdoom, failing the compatibility test yet again! Still watching your d2all. Speedy!
  13. Congratulations on the release of your second war on xmas wad and thanks for making it. Sadly, it seems evil santa cannot be rehabilitated and is up no good yet again. I had a blast playing it through on UV. Fortunately evil santa and his clones and elf sidekicks didn't beat up doomguy too badly. I managed uvmaxes for all maps except for map04 where I've heard on the grapevine that the secret soulsphere cannot be reached without cheats. I was lucky enough to find 3 of the "hidden woofers", not sure if there are any others. Additionally I can claim the following 4 honorific titles: christmas veteran - uv completion a bag of tricks - map23 may be a small map but it's packed full of secrets too dense for this - it was fun working out the keyless route on map11, not too hard once you know the map progression and the map secrets snow dog - woof, woof! My favorite maps are: map11 - evil santas workshop/warehouse map13 - listening to evil santas getting crushed makes me chuckle map22 - with over 1000 evil santas, it's not easy to pacify them all, especially with evil archviles resurrecting the buggers
  14. Emergency! This is not a drill! 144 babyastralcaco's have invaded the Eviternity II credits map. Here's one eye witness account. "So there I was, reading all of the mapper boards, when out of nowhere some pillars start lowering. Returning to the teleport hub, out of nowhere, 144 very upset and ravenously hungry astralcacodemons attack with no mercy. I had no chance ..." Astralbabycacos are extremely cunning. They have hacked the doom code so they are not classed as enemies and therefore do not appear on the monster count. But they could be hiding, anywhere, on any map! Ready to pounce without mercy! Be warned! It took me way too long to work out how to make the astralbabycacos appear.
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